Rust 内置了一个包管理器 cargo
和 Rust 自带安装的,它也可以管理项目。
查看 cargo 版本
代码语言:txt复制cargo --version
代码语言:txt复制cargo 1.59.0
查看 Cargo 命令列表
代码语言:txt复制cargo --list
代码语言:txt复制Installed Commands:
b alias: build
bench Execute all benchmarks of a local package
build Compile a local package and all of its dependencies
c alias: check
check Check a local package and all of its dependencies for errors
clean Remove artifacts that cargo has generated in the past
clippy Checks a package to catch common mistakes and improve your Rust code.
config Inspect configuration values
d alias: doc
doc Build a package's documentation
fetch Fetch dependencies of a package from the network
fix Automatically fix lint warnings reported by rustc
fmt Formats all bin and lib files of the current crate using rustfmt.
generate-lockfile Generate the lockfile for a package
git-checkout This subcommand has been removed
help Displays help for a cargo subcommand
init Create a new cargo package in an existing directory
install Install a Rust binary. Default location is $HOME/.cargo/bin
locate-project Print a JSON representation of a Cargo.toml file's location
login Save an api token from the registry locally. If token is not specified, it will be read from stdin.
logout Remove an API token from the registry locally
metadata Output the resolved dependencies of a package, the concrete used versions including overrides, in machine-readable format
new Create a new cargo package at <path>
owner Manage the owners of a crate on the registry
package Assemble the local package into a distributable tarball
pkgid Print a fully qualified package specification
publish Upload a package to the registry
r alias: run
read-manifest Print a JSON representation of a Cargo.toml manifest.
report Generate and display various kinds of reports
run Run a binary or example of the local package
rustc Compile a package, and pass extra options to the compiler
rustdoc Build a package's documentation, using specified custom flags.
search Search packages in
t alias: test
test Execute all unit and integration tests and build examples of a local package
tree Display a tree visualization of a dependency graph
uninstall Remove a Rust binary
update Update dependencies as recorded in the local lock file
vendor Vendor all dependencies for a project locally
verify-project Check correctness of crate manifest
version Show version information
yank Remove a pushed crate from the index
以上是 Cargo 提供的命令,常用的如下:
命令 | 说明 |
| 在当前目录下新建一个 cargo 项目 |
| 分析当前项目并报告项目中的错误,但不会编译任何项目文件 |
| 编译当前项目 |
| 编译并运行文件 |
| 移除当前项目下的 |
| 更新当前项目中的 |