brew update brew install rabbitmq 安装完成后需要将/usr/local/sbin添加到$PATH,可以将下面这两行加到~/.bash_profile或者~/.profile: # RabbitMQ Config export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin 在Windows下安装稍微麻烦些,需要先安装ErLang,然后下载RabbitMQ可执行文件安装 2、启动RabbitMQ服务 上面配置完成后,需要关闭终端窗口,重新打开,然后输入下面命令即可启动RabbitMQ服务:
rabbitmq-server 可以在后面加-detatched选项参数表示以守护进程方式启动 3、命令行管理RabbitMQ RabbitMQ提供了rabbitmqctl和rabbitmqadmin命令行管理工具,它们都是RabbitMQ的插件,可以通过rabbitmq-plugins list查看所有插件信息。rabbitmqctl的完整命令列表如下:
stop [<pid_file>] stop_app start_app wait <pid_file> reset force_reset rotate_logs <suffix> join_cluster <clusternode> [--ram] cluster_status change_cluster_node_type disc | ram forget_cluster_node [--offline] update_cluster_nodes clusternode sync_queue queue cancel_sync_queue queue add_user <username> <password> delete_user <username> change_password <username> <newpassword> clear_password <username> set_user_tags <username> <tag> ... list_users add_vhost <vhostpath> delete_vhost <vhostpath> list_vhosts [<vhostinfoitem> ...] set_permissions [-p <vhostpath>] <user> <conf> <write> <read> clear_permissions [-p <vhostpath>] <username> list_permissions [-p <vhostpath>] list_user_permissions <username> set_parameter [-p <vhostpath>] <component_name> <name> <value> clear_parameter [-p <vhostpath>] <component_name> <key> list_parameters [-p <vhostpath>] set_policy [-p <vhostpath>] [--priority <priority>] [--apply-to <apply-to>] <name> <pattern> <definition> clear_policy [-p <vhostpath>] <name> list_policies [-p <vhostpath>] list_queues [-p <vhostpath>] [<queueinfoitem> ...] list_exchanges [-p <vhostpath>] [<exchangeinfoitem> ...] list_bindings [-p <vhostpath>] [<bindinginfoitem> ...] list_connections [<connectioninfoitem> ...] list_channels [<channelinfoitem> ...] list_consumers [-p <vhostpath>] status environment report eval <expr> close_connection <connectionpid> <explanation> trace_on [-p <vhost>] trace_off [-p <vhost>] set_vm_memory_high_watermark <fraction> start_app、stop_app分别是启动和停止RabbitMQ应用。其他的list_queues、list_exchanges等是显示RabbitMQ队列、RabbitMQ交换机信息。 rabbitmqadmin的完整命令列表如下(Mac下安装好了就带了这个命令,Windows下貌似还需要从http://server-name:15672/cli/下载,并可能需要通过rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq management启用这个插件):
Usage ===== rabbitmqadmin [options] subcommand where subcommand is one of: Options ======= --help, -h show this help message and exit --config=CONFIG, -c CONFIG configuration file [default: ~/.rabbitmqadmin.conf] --node=NODE, -N NODE node described in the configuration file [default: 'default' only if configuration file is specified] --host=HOST, -H HOST connect to host HOST [default: localhost] --port=PORT, -P PORT connect to port PORT [default: 15672] --vhost=VHOST, -V VHOST connect to vhost VHOST [default: all vhosts for list, '/' for declare] --username=USERNAME, -u USERNAME connect using username USERNAME [default: guest] --password=PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD connect using password PASSWORD [default: guest] --quiet, -q suppress status messages [default: True] --ssl, -s connect with ssl [default: False] --ssl-key-file=SSL_KEY_FILE PEM format key file for SSL --ssl-cert-file=SSL_CERT_FILE PEM format certificate file for SSL --format=FORMAT, -f FORMAT format for listing commands - one of [raw_json, long, pretty_json, kvp, tsv, table, bash] [default: table] --sort=SORT, -S SORT sort key for listing queries --sort-reverse, -R reverse the sort order --depth=DEPTH, -d DEPTH maximum depth to recurse for listing tables [default: 1] --bash-completion Print bash completion script [default: False] --version Display version and exit Display ======= list users [<column>...] list vhosts [<column>...] list connections [<column>...] list exchanges [<column>...] list bindings [<column>...] list permissions [<column>...] list channels [<column>...] list parameters [<column>...] list queues [<column>...] list policies [<column>...] list nodes [<column>...] show overview [<column>...] Object Manipulation =================== declare queue name=... [node=... auto_delete=... durable=... arguments=...] declare vhost name=... [tracing=...] declare user name=... password=... tags=... declare exchange name=... type=... [auto_delete=... internal=... durable=... arguments=...] declare policy name=... pattern=... definition=... [priority=... apply-to=...] declare parameter component=... name=... value=... declare permission vhost=... user=... configure=... write=... read=... declare binding source=... destination=... [arguments=... routing_key=... destination_type=...] delete queue name=... delete vhost name=... delete user name=... delete exchange name=... delete policy name=... delete parameter component=... name=... delete permission vhost=... user=... delete binding source=... destination_type=... destination=... properties_key=... close connection name=... purge queue name=... Broker Definitions ================== export <file> import <file> Publishing and Consuming ======================== publish routing_key=... [payload=... payload_encoding=... exchange=...] get queue=... [count=... requeue=... payload_file=... encoding=...] * If payload is not specified on publish, standard input is used * If payload_file is not specified on get, the payload will be shown on standard output along with the message metadata * If payload_file is specified on get, count must not be set
默认可以通过http://serverip:15672访问RabbitMQ的Web管理界面,默认用户名密码都是guest。(注意:RabbitMQ 3.0之前的版本默认端口是55672,下同)
5、RabbitMQ提供的HTTP API接口
RabbitMQ还提供了HTTP API接口,这样可以通过编程方式监控RabbitMQ的运行状态,HTTP API接口的地址为:http://serverip:15672/api/