思科、IBM 停止俄罗斯业务

2022-03-16 15:41:35 浏览数 (2)




2022年3月3日,IBM 董事长兼CEO Arvind Krishna 表示:“现在我们在俄罗斯不销售技术。”


Yesterday I spoke with IBMers from around the world about the tragedy of the war in Ukraine — and I'd like to acknowledge that the correct word to use is "war" not "conflict." IBM does not condone violence or acts of aggression, and we condemn the Russian war in Ukraine.

I want to share some of the actions the company has taken to protect and support IBMers impacted by the crisis, and to be clear that we are not selling technology in Russia.

The safety and security of IBMers is at the heart of all our decisions and our top priority is IBMers and their families in the impacted regions. For more than a month, we have been in constant contact with our local teams to provide relocation assistance, financial support and other forms of direct engagement.

Well before the war began, we offered IBMers in Ukraine and their families the opportunity to relocate at the company's expense. Many of them have been able to safely move into neighboring countries. We are also working to support and protect IBMers in Russia, who are subject to their own rules and laws.

The full resources of our company, including mental health assistance, are engaged in support of all IBMers, and any employee in need can count on the company for help.

In addition to not selling technology in Russia, we do not do business with Russian military organizations.Finally, we have heard the passion and concern of IBMers who want to help, and we are encouraging them to make donations to the International Red Cross. IBM is matching those employee donations.

IBMers around the world remain unified in our hope that peace can be quickly restored. We commend world leaders who have acted decisively in hopes of expediting an end to this war.

Thank you, Arvind

思科首席执行官Chuck Robbins周四在一封信中告诉员工:“思科现停止在俄罗斯和白俄罗斯的所有业务运营,并将继续致力于支持我们的乌克兰员工、客户和合作伙伴,同时提供人道主义援助,并加快我们竭力保护在乌克兰的组织远离网络威胁的工作。我们与乌克兰站在一起,谴责这场不公正的战争。”


公开表示在俄罗斯停止的 IT 公司还包括:Oracle、SAP、台积电、戴尔、AMD、英特尔、爱立信、诺基亚等。

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