一般不推荐嵌套挂载,所谓嵌套挂载,举例来说,\ 挂到Z:了,然后又把\ 挂了别的盘符,或者把Z:subfolder1 又挂了别的盘符或目录符号链接。
一、Link Shell Extension
然后在需要创建目录符号链接的文件夹上右击 → 点"选择源连接点" → 在其他位置空白处右击 → 创建为 → 有很多选项,根据需要选择
二、visual subst
How does subst work?
Print the list of existing drives:
Create new virtual drive:
代码语言:javascript复制subst Z: "C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersShared Documents"
Delete the virtual drive:
代码语言:javascript复制subst Z: /D
Importing reg file
The easiest way to do this is to create a registry file (.reg), and double click the file to import the settings into the registry.
Here is an example registry file.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerDOS Devices]
After configuring the registry the computer must be rebooted for the changes to take effect.
Run on boot (batch)
Create a batch file to run the built-in SUBST
command to create a virtual drive letter for the existing mount points and place it in the user accounts startup folder.
This is not preferred, as the mapping only appears at the end of user logon.
Here is an example:
代码语言:javascript复制@ECHO off
SUBST f: d:mountdb
SUBST g: d:mountlog
Run on boot (registry)
Edit the registry to run the built-in subst command during computer startup or user logon by leveraging the appropriate Run registry key. The easiest way to do this is to create a registry file (.reg), and double click the file to import the settings into the registry.
This is not preferred, as the mapping only appears at the end of bootup.
Example to run during computer boot
"F Drive"="SUBST f: d:\mount\db"
"G Drive"="SUBST g: d:\mount\log"
The computer must be rebooted for the changes to take effect.
Example of user logon
"F Drive"="SUBST f: d:\mount\db"
"G Drive"="SUBST g: d:\mount\log"
The user must log off and back on for the changes to take effect.
As well as the standard SUBST
command this script named as PSUBST.BAT
implements all standard features of the command.
Print all virtual drives:
Create the virtual drive:
代码语言:javascript复制psubst drive1: drive2:path
Delete the virtual drive:
代码语言:javascript复制psubst drive1: /D
Typing the /P
or /PF
argument you run the tool with the extended features to work with persistent virtual disks:
stands for creating, deleting or displaying persistent drives;/PF
stands for creating and deleting persistent drives using elevated privileges; it can be useful for managing persistent drives by non-administrative users.
Print all virtual persistent drives (read from the registry)
代码语言:javascript复制psubst /P
Restore a virtual drive from the persistent drive, if any:
代码语言:javascript复制psubst drive1: /P
In the following commands the option /P
can be replaced with the option /PF
to elevate privileges.
Create the persistent virtual drive with saving its persistency in the registry:
代码语言:javascript复制psubst drive1: drive2:path /P
Delete the persistent drive from the registry:
代码语言:javascript复制psubst drive1: /D /P