perl dancer 基础4

2022-03-25 17:23:35 浏览数 (3)




[root@dancer-test ~]# perl -MCPAN -e shell 
Sorry, we have to rerun the configuration dialog for due to
some missing parameters...

The following questions are intended to help you with the
configuration. The CPAN module needs a directory of its own to cache
important index files and maybe keep a temporary mirror of CPAN files.
This may be a site-wide or a personal directory.

I see you already have a  directory
Shall we use it as the general CPAN build and cache directory?

CPAN build and cache directory? [/root/.cpan] 

Unless you are accessing the CPAN on your filesystem via a file: URL, needs to keep the source files it downloads somewhere. Please
supply a directory where the downloaded files are to be kept.

Download target directory? [/root/.cpan/sources] 

Directory where the build process takes place? [/root/.cpan/build] 

Normally keeps config variables in memory and changes need to
be saved in a separate 'o conf commit' command to make them permanent
between sessions. If you set the 'auto_commit' option to true, changes
to a config variable are always automatically committed to disk.

Always commit changes to config variables to disk? [no] yes can limit the size of the disk area for keeping the build
directories with all the intermediate files.

Cache size for build directory (in MB)? [100] 1000

The CPAN indexes are usually rebuilt once or twice per hour, but the
typical CPAN mirror mirrors only once or twice per day. Depending on
the quality of your mirror and your desire to be on the bleeding edge,
you may want to set the following value to more or less than one day
(which is the default). It determines after how many days
downloads new indexes.

Let the index expire after how many days? [1]    

By default, each time the CPAN module is started, cache scanning is
performed to keep the cache size in sync. To prevent this, answer

Perform cache scanning (atstart or never)? [atstart] 

To considerably speed up the initial CPAN shell startup, it is
possible to use Storable to create a cache of metadata. If Storable is
not available, the normal index mechanism will be used.

Note: this mechanism is not used when use_sqlite is on and SQLLite is

Cache metadata (yes/no)? [yes] 

The CPAN module can detect when a module which you are trying to build
depends on prerequisites. If this happens, it can build the
prerequisites for you automatically ('follow'), ask you for
confirmation ('ask'), or just ignore them ('ignore'). Please set your
policy to one of the three values.

Policy on building prerequisites (follow, ask or ignore)? [ask] 

Every Makefile.PL is run by perl in a separate process. Likewise we
run 'make' and 'make install' in separate processes. If you have
any parameters (e.g. PREFIX, UNINST or the like) you want to
pass to the calls, please specify them here.

If you don't understand this question, just press ENTER.

Typical frequently used settings:

    PREFIX=~/perl    # non-root users (please see manual for more hints)

Parameters for the 'perl Makefile.PL' command? [INSTALLDIRS=site] 

Parameters for the 'make' command? Typical frequently used setting:

    -j3              # dual processor system (on GNU make)

Your choice: [] 

Parameters for the 'make install' command?
Typical frequently used setting:

    UNINST=1         # to always uninstall potentially conflicting files

Your choice: [] 

A Build.PL is run by perl in a separate process. Likewise we run
'./Build' and './Build install' in separate processes. If you have any
parameters you want to pass to the calls, please specify them here.

Typical frequently used settings:

    --install_base /home/xxx             # different installation directory

Parameters for the 'perl Build.PL' command? [--installdirs site] 

Parameters for the './Build' command? Setting might be:

    --extra_linker_flags -L/usr/foo/lib  # non-standard library location

Your choice: [] 

Do you want to use a different command for './Build install'? Sudo
users will probably prefer:

    su root -c ./Build
    sudo ./Build
    /path1/to/sudo -u admin_account ./Build

or some such. Your choice: [./Build] 

Parameters for the './Build install' command? Typical frequently used

    --uninst 1                           # uninstall conflicting files

Your choice: [] 

If you're accessing the net via proxies, you can specify them in the
CPAN configuration or via environment variables. The variable in
the $CPAN::Config takes precedence.

Your ftp_proxy? [] 

Your http_proxy? [] 

Your no_proxy? [] 

CPAN needs access to at least one CPAN mirror.

As you did not allow me to connect to the internet you need to supply
a valid CPAN URL now.

Please enter the URL of your CPAN mirror
Configuration does not allow connecting to the internet.
Current set of CPAN URLs:
Enter another URL or RETURN to quit: []
Enter another URL or RETURN to quit: []
Enter another URL or RETURN to quit: []
Enter another URL or RETURN to quit: [] rsync://
Enter another URL or RETURN to quit: []
Enter another URL or RETURN to quit: []
Enter another URL or RETURN to quit: [] rsync://
Enter another URL or RETURN to quit: []
Enter another URL or RETURN to quit: []
Enter another URL or RETURN to quit: []
Enter another URL or RETURN to quit: []
Enter another URL or RETURN to quit: []
Enter another URL or RETURN to quit: []
Enter another URL or RETURN to quit: [] 
New urllist

commit: wrote '/usr/share/perl5/CPAN/'

cpan shell -- CPAN exploration and modules installation (v1.9402)
Enter 'h' for help.

cpan[1]> h

Display Information                                                (ver 1.9402)
 command  argument          description
 a,b,d,m  WORD or /REGEXP/  about authors, bundles, distributions, modules
 i        WORD or /REGEXP/  about any of the above
 ls       AUTHOR or GLOB    about files in the author's directory
    (with WORD being a module, bundle or author name or a distribution
    name of the form AUTHOR/DISTRIBUTION)

Download, Test, Make, Install...
 get      download                     clean    make clean
 make     make (implies get)           look     open subshell in dist directory
 test     make test (implies make)     readme   display these README files
 install  make install (implies test)  perldoc  display POD documentation

 r        WORDs or /REGEXP/ or NONE    report updates for some/matching/all modules
 upgrade  WORDs or /REGEXP/ or NONE    upgrade some/matching/all modules

 force  CMD    try hard to do command  fforce CMD    try harder
 notest CMD    skip testing

 h,?           display this menu       ! perl-code   eval a perl command
 o conf [opt]  set and query options   q             quit the cpan shell
 reload cpan   load again      reload index  load newer indices
 autobundle    Snapshot                recent        latest CPAN uploads


  • 1.要将配置保存,否则下次还要再配置
  • 2.主要关心一下 cpan mirror 的配置

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