
2021-12-27 14:34:07 浏览数 (2)

在朋友圈看到了一个单细胞文献快讯:杜克-新加坡国立大学医学院和新加坡科学技术局基因组研究所等机构的研究人员在 Cancer Discovery 期刊发表了题为:《Single-cell atlas of lineage states, tumor microenvironment and subtypespecific expression programs in gastric cancer》 的研究论文。

关于单细胞数据来源的介绍是:We generated a comprehensive single-cell atlas of GC comprising 31 primary gastric tumor samples representing clinical stages I-IV and histological subtypes. 更加具体的样品信息在 Supplementary Table 1 ,这个数据集是公开的,链接是:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE183904 ,第一层次降维聚类分群很简单,如下所示 :


# 前面的 sce 对象走基本流程即可:
# 自己注释细胞亚群:
av <-AverageExpression(sce,
                       group.by = "celltype",
                       assays = "RNA") 
cg=names(tail(sort(apply(av, 1, sd)),1000))

可以看到基质细胞里面的 fibroblast 细分4个亚群(STF1~STF4),如下所示::

  • pericytes (STF2; defined by RGS5 and NOTCH3),
  • fibroblasts (STF1 and STF3, defined by LUM and DCN),
  • 而STF4是:PLVAP positive endothelial cell subclusters.

也就是说 发现了新的细胞类型STF4,这个新的单细胞亚群居然是同时表达内皮细胞(PLVAP)和周细胞(RGS5)相关标记,当然了,数量并不多,近40个10X样品里面居然就821个这样的细胞:

原文是这样描述的:a novel and rare cell-type (STF4) within the stromal meta-cluster (0.4% of all cells, n = 821), expressing markers associated with both endothelial (PLVAP) and fibroblast (RGS5) lineages (Figure 1F),

研究者排除了双细胞的可能性:We ruled out the possibility that the double-lineage nature of STF4 cells is caused by potential technical artefacts such as doublet effects (30),

而且实验验证了这个全新细胞亚群:and orthogonally validated the existence of the PLVAP/RGS5 double-positive population on FFPE (formalin-fixed paraffin embedded) sections using dual-color RNAScope (Supplementary Figure 2J).

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