Python 系列文章 —— 线程池

2022-01-13 11:01:10 浏览数 (3)

  • threadpool-demo
import time
import threadpool
import threading

def sayhello(name):
    print("%s say Hello to %s" % (threading.current_thread().getName(), name));
    return name

def callback(request, result): # 回调函数,用于取回结果
    print("callback result = %s" % result)

name_list =['admin','root','scott','tiger']
start_time = time.time()
pool = threadpool.ThreadPool(2) # 创建线程池
requests = threadpool.makeRequests(sayhello, name_list, callback) # 创建任务
[pool.putRequest(req) for req in requests] # 加入任务
print('%s cost %d second' % (threading.current_thread().getName(), time.time()-start_time))
  • ThreadPoolExecutor-demo
import time
import threading
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed

def sayhello(name):
    print("%s say Hello to %s" % (threading.current_thread().getName(), name));
    return name

name_list =['admin','root','scott','tiger']
start_time = time.time()
with ThreadPoolExecutor(2) as executor: # 创建 ThreadPoolExecutor 
    future_list = [executor.submit(sayhello, name) for name in name_list] # 提交任务

for future in as_completed(future_list):
    result = future.result() # 获取任务结果
    print("%s get result : %s" % (threading.current_thread().getName(), result))

print('%s cost %d second' % (threading.current_thread().getName(), time.time()-start_time))

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