
2022-01-16 20:36:54 浏览数 (3)



这是一个 powershell 工具,用于使用 ExchangeOnlineManagement 模块中的 Get-QuarantineMessage 和 Export-QuarantineMessage cmdlet 从 Office365 下载隔离的电子邮件,并将它们保存在指定的文件夹中以供进一步分析。

注意:要安装 ExchangeOnlineManagmente 模块,请使用以下命令:

Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement


Connect-ExchangeOnline -UserPrincipalName user@tenant.com -ShowProgress $true


#                                                                                                    #
# Name:        Quarantine-Download.ps1                                                               #
#                                                                                                    #
# Version:     1.0                                                                                   #
#                                                                                                    #
# Description: Searches the previous X days for quarantined messages date range and download the eml #
#                                                                                                    #
# Limitations: Search query is limited to 1,000,000 entries.                                         #
#                                                                                                    #
# Requires:    Remote PowerShell Connection to Exchange Online                                       #
#                                                                                                    #
# Author:      Tomas Suescun                                                                         #
#                                                                                                    #
# Usage:       .Quarantine-Download.ps1 -Days 30 -OutputDir C:QuarantineFiles                     #
#                                                                                                    #
#                                                                                                    #
# Disclaimer:  This script is provided AS IS without any support. Please test in a lab environment   #
#              prior to production use.                                                              #
#                                                                                                    #

#Use this script after creating a new Exchange Online Management session:
#    Import-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement
#    Connect-ExchangeOnline -UserPrincipalName username@tenant.com -ShowProgress $true

# To-do: - Add asyncronous jobs to speed the process
#        - Handle different encodings 
#        - Add params to handle custom dates to workaround 1 millon cap

    .PARAMETER  Days
        Number of days back to search.
    .PARAMETER  TypeQuarantine
        Filter by quarantine type. Can be one or multiple of the following values separeted by commas: Bulk,HighConfPhish,Malware,Phish,Spam,SPOMalware,TransportRule. 
        If none is specified, all will be selected.
    .PARAMETER  OutputDir
        Full path of the output directory to store the eml files.
    .PARAMETER  Direction
        Filter by direction of the emails, can be Inbound or Outbound. If not defined both are selected.


[DateTime]$DateEnd = Get-Date -format g
[DateTime]$DateStart = $DateEnd.AddDays($Days * -1)

$FoundCount = 0

For($i = 1; $i -le 1000; $i  )  # Maximum allowed pages is 1000
    $Command = 'Get-QuarantineMessage -PageSize 1000 -Page $i -StartReceivedDate $DateStart -EndReceivedDate $DateEnd '

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('TypeQuarantine') = $True){
        $Command  = '-QuarantineTypes $TypeQuarantine '

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Direction') = $True){
        $Command  = '-Direction $Direction '

    $Messages = Invoke-Expression $Command

    If($Messages.count -gt 0)
        Foreach ($Message in $Messages) #Download messages using Export-QuarantineMessage
            #Progress information
            $Status = $Messages[-1].ReceivedTime.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm")   " - "   $Messages[0].ReceivedTime.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm")   "  ["   ("{0:N0}" -f ($i*1000))   " Searched | "   $FoundCount   " Donwloaded]"
            Write-Progress -activity "Checking Messages (Up to 1 Million)..." -status $Status

            #Export message to file
            $e = Export-QuarantineMessage -Identity $Message.Identity 
            if ($e.BodyEncoding -eq "Base64")
                $bytes = [Convert]::FromBase64String($e.eml)
                [IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($OutputDir "" $FoundCount ".eml", $bytes)
                Write-Host "Message with Identity: " $e.Identity " found with a different bodyEncoding, unable to handle it"
            $FoundCount  = 1


Write-Host $FoundCount "Entries Found & Logged In"

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