Leetcode 838. Push Dominoes

2021-07-14 13:55:46 浏览数 (1)

1. Description

2. Solution


  • Version 1
class Solution:
    def pushDominoes(self, dominoes: str) -> str:
        n = len(dominoes)
        state = list(dominoes)
        for i in range(n):
            if state[i] == '.':
                left = i - 1
                right = i   1
                while left > -1 and dominoes[left] == '.':
                    left -= 1
                while right < n and dominoes[right] == '.':
                    right  = 1
                if left != -1 and right != n:
                    if dominoes[left] == 'R' and dominoes[right] == 'L':
                        if i - left > right - i:
                            state[i] = 'L'
                        elif i - left < right - i:
                            state[i] = 'R'
                    elif dominoes[left] == 'R' and dominoes[right] == 'R':
                        state[i] = 'R'
                    elif dominoes[left] == 'L' and dominoes[right] == 'L':
                        state[i] = 'L'
                elif right != n and dominoes[right] == 'L':
                    state[i] = 'L'
                elif left != -1 and dominoes[left] == 'R':
                    state[i] = 'R'

        return ''.join(state)
  • Version 2
class Solution:
    def pushDominoes(self, dominoes: str) -> str:
        n = len(dominoes)
        state = list(dominoes)
        i = 0
        while i < n:
            if dominoes[i] == 'L':
                left = i - 1
                while left > -1 and dominoes[left] == '.':
                    state[left] = 'L'
                    left -= 1
            elif dominoes[i] == 'R':
                right = i   1
                while right < n and dominoes[right] == '.':
                    state[right] = 'R'
                    right  = 1
                if right != n and dominoes[right] == 'L':
                    for k in range(right - (right - i - 1) // 2, right):
                        state[k] = 'L'
                    if (right - i - 1) % 2 == 1:
                       state[i   (right - i - 1) // 2   1] = '.'
                    i = right
            i  = 1

        return ''.join(state)


  1. https://leetcode.com/problems/push-dominoes/

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