记一次Oracle RAC一节点重启后出现故障的处理

2021-08-10 11:29:27 浏览数 (2)



[grid@hxdb01 ~]$  srvctl start nodeapps -n hxdb01
PRKH-1010 : 无法与 CRS 服务通信。
PRKH-3003 : 尝试与 CSS 守护程序通信时失败
[grid@hxdb01 ~]$ crsctl start cluster

CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.gpnpd' on 'hxdb01'
CRS-5017: The resource action "ora.gpnpd start" encountered the following error: 
Start action for daemon aborted. For details refer to "(:CLSN00107:)" in "/u01/app/grid/11.2/log/hxdb01/agent/ohasd/oraagent_grid//oraagent_grid.log".
CRS-2674: Start of 'ora.gpnpd' on 'hxdb01' failed
CRS-2679: Attempting to clean 'ora.gpnpd' on 'hxdb01'
CRS-2681: Clean of 'ora.gpnpd' on 'hxdb01' succeeded
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.gpnpd' on 'hxdb01'
CRS-5017: The resource action "ora.gpnpd start" encountered the following error: 
Start action for daemon aborted. For details refer to "(:CLSN00107:)" in "/u01/app/grid/11.2/log/hxdb01/agent/ohasd/oraagent_grid//oraagent_grid.log".
CRS-2674: Start of 'ora.gpnpd' on 'hxdb01' failed
CRS-2679: Attempting to clean 'ora.gpnpd' on 'hxdb01'
CRS-2681: Clean of 'ora.gpnpd' on 'hxdb01' succeeded
CRS-4000: Command Start failed, or completed with errors.
[grid@hxdb01 ~]$  crsctl query crs activeversion
Oracle Cluster Registry initialization failed accessing Oracle Cluster Registry device: PROC-26: Error while accessing the physical storage
ORA-29701: unable to connect to Cluster Synchronization Service

一开始发给我这样的报错以为是rac抉择盘 或 ASM磁盘出现故障导致不能加入rac集群,客户那边DBA通过各种查资料及搜索问题,无果,因为这套rac环境是我做的,公司就派我到现场解决;


gpnpd.log日志中:有一条报错引起了注意:/u01/app/grid/11.2/gpnp/init/hxdb01.pid 写入失败,如下图所示:

既然是不能写,第一时间想到文件权限,ll一下这个文件,发现hxdb01.pid属主为root,并且发现整个目录的属主都是root, 这绝对是认为修改的,于是想到了上次开发人员在上线导数据的时候误改了oracle整个目录的属主为root,虽然后来还原了,但有关rac服务的部分目录没有改回来,直到现在是第一次重启节点,导致rac相关服务不能对文件作写操作,以至于不能启动集群服务。


在 /u01/app/grid/11.2/gpnp/目录下,
将 hxdb01 、 init 、  profiles 、 wallets 四个目录的属主由“root” 改为 “grid” ,
重启服务器后 rac恢复正常。

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