【Unity Shader入门】☀️ | 使用Shader实现一个 图片边框 ✨制作!

2021-08-19 10:38:46 浏览数 (2)







新建一个 Shader ,然后改个名字,如下所示


Shader "Custom/SpritesOutline"
        [PerRendererData] _MainTex("Sprite Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
        _Color("Main texture Tint", Color) = (1,1,1,1)

        [Header(General Settings)]
        [MaterialToggle] _OutlineEnabled("Outline Enabled", Float) = 1
        [MaterialToggle] _ConnectedAlpha("Connected Alpha", Float) = 0
        [HideInInspector] _AlphaThreshold("Alpha clean", Range(0, 1)) = 0
        _Thickness("Width (Max recommended 100)", float) = 10
        [KeywordEnum(Solid, Gradient, Image)] _OutlineMode("Outline mode", Float) = 0
        [KeywordEnum(Contour, Frame)] _OutlineShape("Outline shape", Float) = 0
        [KeywordEnum(Inside under sprite, Inside over sprite, Outside)] _OutlinePosition("Outline Position (Frame Only)", Float) = 0

        [Header(Solid Settings)]
        _SolidOutline("Outline Color Base", Color) = (1,1,1,1)

        [Header(Gradient Settings)]
        _GradientOutline1("Outline Color 1", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
        _GradientOutline2("Outline Color 2", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
        _Weight("Weight", Range(0, 1)) = 0.5
        _Angle("Gradient Angle (General gradient Only)", float) = 45
            //[KeywordEnum(General, Frame directed)] _FrameMode("Frame Mode (Frame Only)", Float) = 0

            [Header(Image Settings)]
            _FrameTex("Frame Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
            _ImageOutline("Outline Color Base", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
            [KeywordEnum(Stretch, Tile)] _TileMode("Frame mode", Float) = 0

                    "Queue" = "Transparent"
                    "IgnoreProjector" = "True"
                    "RenderType" = "Transparent"
                    "PreviewType" = "Plane"
                    "CanUseSpriteAtlas" = "True"

                Cull Off
                Lighting Off
                ZWrite Off
                Blend One OneMinusSrcAlpha

                    #pragma vertex vert
                    #pragma fragment frag
                    #pragma multi_compile _ PIXELSNAP_ON
                    #pragma exclude_renderers d3d11_9x

                    #include "UnityCG.cginc"

                    struct appdata_t
                        float4 vertex   : POSITION;
                        float4 color    : COLOR;
                        float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;

                    struct v2f
                        float4 vertex   : SV_POSITION;
                        fixed4 color : COLOR;
                        float2 texcoord  : TEXCOORD0;

                    fixed4 _Color;
                    fixed _Thickness;
                    fixed _OutlineEnabled;
                    fixed _ConnectedAlpha;
                    fixed _OutlineShape;
                    fixed _OutlinePosition;
                    fixed _OutlineMode;

                    fixed4 _SolidOutline;

                    fixed4 _GradientOutline1;
                    fixed4 _GradientOutline2;
                    fixed _Weight;
                    fixed _AlphaThreshold;
                    fixed _Angle;
                    //fixed _FrameMode;

                    fixed4 _ImageOutline;
                    fixed _TileMode;

                    v2f vert(appdata_t IN)
                        v2f OUT;
                        OUT.vertex = UnityObjectToClipPos(IN.vertex);
                        OUT.texcoord = IN.texcoord;
                        OUT.color = IN.color * _Color;
                        #ifdef PIXELSNAP_ON
                        OUT.vertex = UnityPixelSnap(OUT.vertex);

                        return OUT;

                    sampler2D _MainTex;
                    sampler2D _AlphaTex;
                    float _AlphaSplitEnabled;
                    uniform float4 _MainTex_TexelSize;

                    sampler2D _FrameTex;
                    uniform float4 _FrameTex_TexelSize;
                    uniform float4 _FrameTex_ST;

                    fixed4 SampleSpriteTexture(float2 uv)
                        float2 offsets;
                        if ((_OutlinePosition != 2 && _OutlineShape == 1) || _OutlineEnabled == 0) // not outside and frame
                            offsets = float2(0, 0);
                            offsets = float2(_Thickness * 2, _Thickness * 2);
                        float2 bigsize = float2(_MainTex_TexelSize.z, _MainTex_TexelSize.w);
                        float2 smallsize = float2(_MainTex_TexelSize.z - offsets.x, _MainTex_TexelSize.w - offsets.y);

                        float2 uv_changed = float2
                            uv.x * bigsize.x / smallsize.x - 0.5 * offsets.x / smallsize.x,
                            uv.y * bigsize.y / smallsize.y - 0.5 * offsets.y / smallsize.y

                        if (uv_changed.x < 0 || uv_changed.x > 1 || uv_changed.y < 0 || uv_changed.y > 1)
                            return float4(0, 0, 0, 0);

                        fixed4 color = tex2D(_MainTex, uv_changed);

                        if (_AlphaSplitEnabled)
                            color.a = tex2D(_AlphaTex, uv).r;

                        return color;

                    bool CheckOriginalSpriteTexture(float2 uv, bool ifZero)
                        float thicknessX = _Thickness / _MainTex_TexelSize.z;
                        float thicknessY = _Thickness / _MainTex_TexelSize.w;
                        int steps = 100;
                        float angle_step = 360.0 / steps;

                        float alphaThreshold = _AlphaThreshold / 10;
                        float alphaCount = _AlphaThreshold * 10;

                        // check if the basic points has an alpha to speed up the process and not use the for loop
                        bool outline = false;
                        float alphaCounter = 0;

                        if (ifZero)

                            outline = SampleSpriteTexture(uv   fixed2(0,  thicknessY)).a > alphaThreshold ||
                                        SampleSpriteTexture(uv   fixed2(0, -thicknessY)).a > alphaThreshold ||
                                        SampleSpriteTexture(uv   fixed2( thicknessX, 0)).a > alphaThreshold ||
                                        SampleSpriteTexture(uv   fixed2(-thicknessX, 0)).a > alphaThreshold ||
                                        SampleSpriteTexture(uv   fixed2( thicknessX * cos(3.14 / 4), -thicknessY * sin(3.14 / 4))).a > alphaThreshold ||
                                        SampleSpriteTexture(uv   fixed2(-thicknessX * cos(3.14 / 4),  thicknessY * sin(3.14 / 4))).a > alphaThreshold ||
                                        SampleSpriteTexture(uv   fixed2(-thicknessX * cos(3.14 / 4), -thicknessY * sin(3.14 / 4))).a > alphaThreshold ||
                                        SampleSpriteTexture(uv   fixed2( thicknessX * cos(3.14 / 4),  thicknessY * sin(3.14 / 4))).a > alphaThreshold;
                        if (outline) return outline;

                        for (int i = 0; i < steps; i  ) // high number and not a variable to avoid stupid compiler bugs
                            float angle = i * angle_step * 2 * 3.14 / 360;
                            if (ifZero && SampleSpriteTexture(uv   fixed2(thicknessX * cos(angle), thicknessY * sin(angle))).a == 0)
                                alphaCounter  ;
                                if (alphaCounter >= alphaCount)
                                    outline = true;
                            else if (!ifZero && SampleSpriteTexture(uv   fixed2(thicknessX * cos(angle), thicknessY * sin(angle))).a > alphaThreshold)
                                outline = true;

                        return outline;

                    fixed4 frag(v2f IN) : SV_Target
                        float thicknessX = _Thickness / _MainTex_TexelSize.z;
                        float thicknessY = _Thickness / _MainTex_TexelSize.w;

                        fixed4 c = SampleSpriteTexture(IN.texcoord) * IN.color;

                        c.rgb *= c.a;

                        fixed alpha;

                        fixed4 outlineC = fixed4(0, 0, 0, 1);

                        if (_OutlineEnabled != 0)
                            if (_OutlineMode == 0) // Solid
                                outlineC = _SolidOutline;

                                if (_ConnectedAlpha != 0)
                                    outlineC.a *= _Color.a;
                                outlineC.rgb *= outlineC.a;
                            else if (_OutlineMode == 1) // Gradient
                                float x = IN.texcoord.x;
                                float y = IN.texcoord.y;

                                float ratio1 = 0;
                                float ratio2 = 0;

                                if (_OutlineShape == 0) // contou
                                    if (
                                        ((_OutlinePosition != 2 && _OutlineShape == 1) && c.a != 0 &&  // inside and frame
                                                IN.texcoord.y   thicknessY > 1 ||
                                                IN.texcoord.y - thicknessY < 0 ||
                                                IN.texcoord.x   thicknessX > 1 ||
                                                IN.texcoord.x - thicknessX < 0 ||
                                                CheckOriginalSpriteTexture(IN.texcoord, true)
                                        ((_OutlinePosition == 2 || _OutlineShape != 1) && c.a == 0 &&   // outside or contou
                                            CheckOriginalSpriteTexture(IN.texcoord, false)
                                        if (_Angle >= 360)
                                            int div = _Angle / 360;
                                            _Angle = (_Angle / 360 - div) * 360;
                                        _Angle *= 2 * 3.14 / 360;

                                        ratio1 = (0.5 - x) * cos(_Angle)   (0.5 - y) * sin(_Angle)   0.5;
                                        ratio2 = (x - 0.5) * cos(_Angle)   (y - 0.5) * sin(_Angle)   0.5;

                                        ratio1 *= 2 * _Weight;
                                        ratio2 *= 2 * (1 - _Weight);

                                        if (_ConnectedAlpha != 0)
                                            _GradientOutline1.a *= _Color.a;
                                            _GradientOutline2.a *= _Color.a;
                                            //outlineC.rgb *= outlineC.a;
                                        _GradientOutline1.rgb *= _GradientOutline1.a;
                                        _GradientOutline2.rgb *= _GradientOutline2.a;
                                        outlineC = _GradientOutline1 * ratio1   _GradientOutline2 * ratio2;
                                else if (_OutlineShape == 1) // frame
                                    if (IN.texcoord.y   thicknessY > 1 ||
                                        IN.texcoord.y - thicknessY < 0 ||
                                        IN.texcoord.x   thicknessX > 1 ||
                                        IN.texcoord.x - thicknessX < 0)
                                        // between down left to up left
                                        if (y * thicknessX - x * thicknessY > 0 &&
                                            y * thicknessX   x * thicknessY - thicknessX < 0 &&
                                            x < 0.5f)
                                            ratio1 = 1 - x / thicknessX;
                                            ratio2 = x / thicknessX;
                                        // between down left to down right
                                        else if (y * thicknessX - x * thicknessY < 0 &&
                                                y * thicknessX   x * thicknessY - thicknessY < 0 &&
                                                y < 0.5f)
                                            ratio1 = 1 - y / thicknessY;
                                            ratio2 = y / thicknessY;
                                        // between down right to up right
                                        else if (y * thicknessX - x * thicknessY - thicknessX   thicknessY < 0 &&
                                                y * thicknessX   x * thicknessY - thicknessY > 0 &&
                                                x > 0.5f)
                                            ratio1 = (x - 1) / thicknessX   1;
                                            ratio2 = -(x - 1) / thicknessX;
                                        // between up left to up right
                                        else if (y * thicknessX - x * thicknessY - thicknessX   thicknessY > 0 &&
                                                y * thicknessX   x * thicknessY - thicknessX > 0 &&
                                                y > 0.5f)
                                            ratio1 = (y - 1) / thicknessY   1;
                                            ratio2 = -(y - 1) / thicknessY;

                                        ratio1 *= 2 * _Weight;
                                        ratio2 *= 2 * (1 - _Weight);

                                        if (_ConnectedAlpha != 0)
                                            _GradientOutline1.a *= _Color.a;
                                            _GradientOutline2.a *= _Color.a;
                                            //outlineC.rgb *= outlineC.a;
                                        _GradientOutline1.rgb *= _GradientOutline1.a;
                                        _GradientOutline2.rgb *= _GradientOutline2.a;
                                        outlineC = _GradientOutline1 * ratio1   _GradientOutline2 * ratio2;
                            else if (_OutlineMode == 2) // Image
                                outlineC = _ImageOutline;
                                fixed2 frame_coord;

                                if (_TileMode == 0)
                                    frame_coord = IN.texcoord;
                                else if (_TileMode == 1)
                                    frame_coord = fixed2
                                        _FrameTex_ST.x * IN.texcoord.x * _MainTex_TexelSize.z / _FrameTex_TexelSize.z - _FrameTex_ST.z,
                                        _FrameTex_ST.y * IN.texcoord.y * _MainTex_TexelSize.w / _FrameTex_TexelSize.w - _FrameTex_ST.w

                                    if (frame_coord.x > 1)
                                        frame_coord = fixed2
                                            frame_coord.x - floor(frame_coord.x),
                                    if (frame_coord.y > 1)
                                        frame_coord = fixed2
                                            frame_coord.y - floor(frame_coord.y)
                                fixed4 text = tex2D(_FrameTex, frame_coord);

                                text.rgb *= text.a;

                                outlineC.rgb *= text.rgb;
                                outlineC.a *= text.a;

                                if (_ConnectedAlpha != 0)
                                    outlineC.a *= _Color.a;
                                outlineC.rgb *= outlineC.a;

                            if (_OutlineShape == 1) // Frame
                                if (IN.texcoord.y   thicknessY > 1 ||
                                    IN.texcoord.y - thicknessY < 0 ||
                                    IN.texcoord.x   thicknessX > 1 ||
                                    IN.texcoord.x - thicknessX < 0)
                                    if (_OutlinePosition == 0 && c.a != 0 && _Thickness > 0)
                                        return c;
                                        return outlineC;
                                    return c;
                            else if (_OutlineShape == 0 && _Thickness > 0) // Contou
                                if ((_OutlinePosition != 2 && _OutlineShape == 1) && c.a != 0 && // inside and frame
                                        IN.texcoord.y   thicknessY > 1 ||
                                        IN.texcoord.y - thicknessY < 0 ||
                                        IN.texcoord.x   thicknessX > 1 ||
                                        IN.texcoord.x - thicknessX < 0 ||
                                        CheckOriginalSpriteTexture(IN.texcoord, true)
                                    return outlineC;
                                else if ((_OutlinePosition == 2 || _OutlineShape != 1) && c.a == 0 && // outside orcontou
                                            CheckOriginalSpriteTexture(IN.texcoord, false)
                                    return outlineC;
                                    return c;
                                return c;
                            return c;

                        return c;
                        //return c;








using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class TexDemo : MonoBehaviou
    public Material outLineMaterial;
    public Button texBtn1;
    public Button texBtn2;

    private void Awake()
    /// <summary>
    /// 显示边框
    /// </summary>
    private void ShowOutline()
        outLineMaterial.SetFloat("_Thickness", 10);

    /// <summary>
    /// 隐藏边框
    /// </summary>
    private void HideOutline()
        outLineMaterial.SetFloat("_Thickness", 0);





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