- 重命名
alter table oldname rename to new_table;
- 修改表属性
alter table table_name set tblproperties (property_name=property_value);
- 修改表注释
alter table table_name set tblproperties('comment'=new_comment);
- 修改存储属性
alter table table_name clustered by (col_name, col_name,...) [sorted by (col_name,...)] into number buckets;
- 修改表的目录
- 添加分区
alter table tablename add [if not exists] partition partition_spec [location 'location1'] partion_spec [location 'location2']...
- 重命名分区
alter table tablename partition partition_spec rename to partition partition_spec;
- 交换分区
alter table table_name1 exchange partition (partition-spec1, partition-spec2) with table table_name2;
- 修复分区
msck repair table tablename;
- 删除分区
alter table tablename drop [if exists] parition partition-spec [ignore protection] [purge];
- 解档和归档
alter table tablename archive partition partition-spec; -- 归档
alter table tablename unarchive partition partition-spec; -- 解档
- 修改文件格式、路径、保护
alter table tablename [partition partition-spec] set fileformat file_format;
alter table tablename [partition partition-spec] set location "new-location";
alter table tablename [partition partition-spec] enable|disable no-drop [cascade]; -- 保护:不能删除
alter table tablename [partition partition-spec] enable|disable offline; -- 下线状态
- 修改属性、位置、注释等
alter table tablename [partition partition-spec] change [column] col_old_name col_new_name column_type [comment col_comment] [first|after column_name] [cascade|restrict];
- 增加和替换列
alter table tablename [partition partition-spec] add|replace columns(col_name data_type [comment col_comment],...)
-- demo:增加sex字段,指定注释
alter table student add columns (sex string comment 'sex of student')