Master Theorem

2021-05-12 09:52:50 浏览数 (2)

Master Theorem

$$ T(n) = aT( rac{n}{b}) f(n) $$

where a≥1,b≥1 be constant and f(n) be a function

Let T(n) is defined on non-negative integers by the recurrence

  • n is the size of the problem
  • a is the number of sub problems in the recursion
  • rac{n}{b} is the size of each sub problem (Here it is assumed that all sub problems are essentially the same size)
  • f(n) is the time to create the sub problems and combine their results in the above procedure

There are following three cases:

  1. If f(n)=Theta(n^c) where c < log_bacolor{red}{T(n)=Theta(n^{log_ba})}
  2. If f(n)=Theta(n^c) where c=log_ba then color{red}{T(n)=Theta(n^clogn)}
  3. If f(n)=Theta(n^c) where c>log_bacolor{red}{T(n)=Theta(f(n))}
Indamissible equations

$$ T(n)=color{red}{2^n}T( rac{n}{2}) n $$

a is not constant. The number of subproblems should be fixed

$$ T(n)=color{red}{0.5}{T( rac{n}{2}) n} $$

a< 1

$$ T(n)=16T( rac{n}{2})color{red}{-n^2} $$

f(n) which is the combination time is not positive

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