
2021-05-21 16:40:02 浏览数 (1)








function [FrontNO,MaxFNO] = NDSort(PopObj,nSort)
%NDSort - Do non-dominated sorting on the population by ENS
%   FrontNO = NDSort(A,s) does non-dominated sorting on A, where A is a
%   matrix which stores the objective values of all the individuals in the
%   population, and s is the number of individuals being sorted at least.
%   FrontNO(i) means the number of front of the i-th individual.
%   [FrontNO,K] = NDSort(...) also returns the maximum number of fronts,
%   except for the value of inf.
%   In particular, s = 1 stands for find only the first non-dominated
%   front, s = size(A,1)/2 stands for sort only half of the population
%   (which is often used in the algorithm), and s = inf stands for sort the
%   whole population.
%   Example:
%       [FrontNO,MaxFNO] = NDSort(PopObj,1)
    [N,M] = size(PopObj);
    FrontNO = inf(1,N);
    MaxFNO  = 0;
    [PopObj,rank] = sortrows(PopObj);
    while sum(FrontNO<inf) < min(nSort,N)
        MaxFNO = MaxFNO   1;
        for i = 1 : N
            if FrontNO(i) == inf
                Dominated = false;
                for j = i-1 : -1 : 1
                    if FrontNO(j) == MaxFNO
                        m = 2;
                        while m <= M && PopObj(i,m) >= PopObj(j,m)
                            m = m   1;
                        Dominated = m > M;
                        if Dominated || M == 2
                if ~Dominated
                    FrontNO(i) = MaxFNO;
    FrontNO(rank) = FrontNO;

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