
2021-06-11 14:42:38 浏览数 (1)



  • Roberts算子:边缘定位准,但是对噪声敏感。适用于边缘明显且噪声较少的图像分割。Roberts边缘检测算子是一种利用局部差分算子寻找边缘的算子,Robert算子图像处理后结果边缘不是很平滑。经分析,由于Robert算子通常会在图像边缘附近的区域内产生较宽的响应,故采用上述算子检测的边缘图像常需做细化处理,边缘定位的精度不是很高。
  • Prewitt算子:对噪声有抑制作用,抑制噪声的原理是通过像素平均,但是像素平均相当于对图像的低通滤波,所以Prewitt算子对边缘的定位不如Roberts算子。
  • Sobel算子:Sobel算子和Prewitt算子都是加权平均,但是Sobel算子认为,邻域的像素对当前像素产生的影响不是等价的,所以距离不同的像素具有不同的权值,对算子结果产生的影响也不同。一般来说,距离越远,产生的影响越小。
  • Isotropic Sobel算子:加权平均算子,权值反比于邻点与中心点的距离,当沿不同方向检测边缘时梯度幅度一致,就是通常所说的各向同性。


|∇f|≈|Gx| |Gy| |nabla f|approx|G_x| |G_y|

当 |∇f|>T |nabla f|>T大于阀值的时候判定此像素点为边缘。


在主文件中进行了手动给出阀值T 和 不给出阀值T,让函数自动迭代生成。 prewittee.m

function prewittee(FILENAME)
%prewittee(FILENAME) takes a gray scale image with filename FILENAME.

% Read the image.
Im = im2double(imread(FILENAME));
% Show the image in a new window.
figure;imshow(Im, [min(min(Im)) max(max(Im))]);title('Original Image');
disp('Original image is read and displayed successfully.');

% Generate the corresponding binary edge image of the given image Im.
T = double(max(max(Im)))*0.2;
direction = 'all';
g = myprewittedge(Im,T,direction);
% Show the image in a new window.
figure;imshow(g, [0 1]);title('Binary Edge Image 1');
disp('The corresponding binary edge image is computed and displayed successfully.');

% Generate the corresponding binary edge image of the given image Im
% without specifying the threshold
direction = 'all';
f = myprewittedge(Im,[],direction);
% Show the image in a new window.
figure;imshow(f, [0 1]);title('Binary Edge Image 2');
disp('The corresponding binary edge image is computed and displayed successfully.');


% myprewittedge computes a binary edge image from the given image.
%   g = myprewittedge(Im,T,direction) computes the binary edge image from the
%   input image Im.
% The function myprewittedge, with the format g=myprewittedge(Im,T,direction), 
% computes the binary edge image from the input image Im. This function takes 
% an intensity image Im as its input, and returns a binary image g of the 
% same size as Im (mxn), with 1's where the function finds edges in Im and 0's 
% elsewhere. This function finds edges using the Prewitt approximation to the 
% derivatives with the assumption that input image values outside the bounds 
% are zero and all calculations are done using double-precision floating 
% point. The function returns g with size mxn. The image g contains edges at 
% those points where the absolute filter response is above or equal to the 
% threshold T.
%       Input parameters:
%       Im = An intensity gray scale image.
%       T = Threshold for generating the binary output image. If you do not
%       specify T, or if T is empty ([ ]), myprewittedge(Im,[],direction) 
%       chooses the value automatically according to the Algorithm 1 (refer
%       to the assignment descripton).
%       direction = A string for specifying whether to look for
%       'horizontal' edges, 'vertical' edges, positive 45 degree 'pos45'
%       edges, negative 45 degree 'neg45' edges or 'all' edges.
function g = myprewittedge(Im,T,direction)
  if isempty(T)
    T = (max(max(Im))   min(min(Im))) / 2;
    for i = 1:10
    G1 = Im .* (Im > T);
    G2 = Im .* (Im < T);
    m1 = mean(G1(G1~=0));
    m2 = mean(G2(G2~=0));
    T = (m1   m2) / 2;
  [m, n] = size(Im);
%   temp = Im;
  prewittNum = 0;
  for j = 2:m-1
    for k = 2:n-1
      prewittNum = abs(Im(j-1,k 1)-Im(j 1,k 1) Im(j-1,k)-Im(j 1,k) Im(j-1,k-1)-Im(j 1,k-1)) abs(Im(j-1,k 1) Im(j,k 1) Im(j 1,k 1)-Im(j-1,k-1)-Im(j,k-1)-Im(j 1,k-1));
      if (prewittNum > T)
        temp(j,k) = 255;
        temp(j,k) = 0;
   g = temp;





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