- mysqldump minimal impact D --single-transaction E --master-data
- key buffer A It caches index blocks for MyISAM tables only C It is a global buffer
- 主从 Slave_IO_Runing:YesSlave_SQL_Runing:Notwo reasons B to allow a backup to be created under reduced load C to allow for point-in-time recovery on the slave
- MySQL InnoDB Cluster (MGR MySQL Router MySQL Shell) A The cluster can be operated in multimaster mode with conflict detection for DML statements B All MySQL client programs and connectors can bu used for executing queries D There is supporrt for automatic failover when one node fails
- Innodb handle deadlocks C One tansactions rolled back, the other allowed to proceed
- allocate memory per thread C read buffer D internal temporary table E sort buffer
- which step before defining your databases and table A mysqld --initialize
- MySQL Server allocates memory A Each connection may have its own per-thread memory allocations D Global memory resources are allocated at server startup
- auto-increment locking D The auto-increment lock can be a table-level lock E Some settings for innodb_autoinc_lock_mode can help reduce locking
- backup and operation before it is ready to be restored B Backup State=Raw Backup; Operation=apply-log
- mysql-config_editor C There is no password defined in login path
- which step do you perform to create the contents of the data directory C Invoke mysqld with the --initialize option
- which two backup methods can be used to restore the single table without stopping the MySQL instance? A a backup created with mysqldump --all-databases B a backup created using FLUSH TABLES ... FOR EXPORT
- mysqldump --opt world > dump.sql import data B shell> mysql test < dump.sql E mysql> USE test; mysql>SOURCE dump.sql
- mutiple instance ---> 指定配置文件 E --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/instance2.cnf
- USE sales;DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS get_reports C The stored procedure named get_reports will be dropped
- prevent SQL injection A rewriting your client code to properly escape all user input B giving limited privileges to accouts used by application servers to interact with their backing databases F validating all user input before sending it to database server
- best method for monitoring Group Replication conflict resolution A the PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA tables
- best describes the purpose of the InnoDB buffer pool? C It caches data and indexes for InnoDB tables
- Which method could be used to restrict access as required? A using GRANT ... REQUIRE X509 AND REQUIRE ISSUE '/C=...' AND REQUIRE SUBJECT '/C=...'
- stop LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/etc/password' E setting the --local-infile=0 option when starting mysqld
- three key advantages of standard MySQL replication C provides arbitrary geographic redundancy with minial overhead to master E is easy to configure and has low performance overhead F can easily add slaves for read scaling
- Slow query Log utility A mysqldumpslow
- master-slave thread B The slave is configured with slave_parallel_workers=4 C At most, two schemas are being updates concurrently
- 主从不一致日志 C enforce_gtid_consistency=ON and consistency is broken between the master and the slave E sync_binlog=0 and the master server crashed (只有一个选项的话,选E)
- FLUSH FOR EXEPORT B Table only exports when the table has its own tablespace C The InnoDB Storage engine must be used for the table being exported
- master-slave B server_id is not unique
- InnoDB:a long semaohore wait, two avoid method D Set the value of innodb_adaptive_hash_index to zero E Deactive the query cache
- update not used index D five
- big backup load, slowed down A The MySQL server has stopped inserting data to check index consistency
- mysql_config_editor E It is an alternative to storing the MySQL login details in my.cnf file. F It provides means to help avoid accidentally exposing the MySQL login datails
- expalin --> possible_keys A if it is possible for you to include any indexes in your query
- MySQL phical and logical backups B logical backups are human-readable whereas physical backups are not E Phical backups are usually faster than text backups
- It is true than binary backups always take less space than text backups? C No, beacuse if InnoDB tables contain many empty pages, they could take more space than the INSERT statements
- purpose of changing ownship of datadir to 'mysql' user D MySQL requires correct file ownship while reamaining secure
- create user with SHA_256 password(配置文件默认此密码插件) B CREATE USER 'webdesign'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'iambatman'; C CREATE USER 'webdesign'@'' IDENTIFIED with sha256_password BY 'imbatman';
- CREATE USER ... PASSWORD EXPIRE; C When 'erika'@'localhost' tries to log in with MySQL command-line client, the user will be permitted to log in but will not be able to issue an statements until the user changes the password
- What is the order of tables shown in an EXPLAIN output? B It lists tables in the order in which their data will be read
- Which three tasks are handled by the optimizer? A Decide which indexes to use B Rewrite the WHERE clause D Change the order in which the tables are joined
- MyISAM --datadir location runs out of disk space B The server suspends that INSERT operation until space becomes available
- Which two methods can be used to allow the query to use an index? A Change the where clause to Birthday BETWEEN 1980-01-01 AND 1980-12-31 D Add a generated column calculating YEAR(Birthday) and index that column
- mysqldump point-in-time recovery configuration B log-bin
- which two conclusions can be made based on the output of the query? A There are three indexes on the table F There is a redundant index in the emp_no_column ---primary key contains
- ALTER TABLE orders DROP PARTITION p1,p3; A All data in p1 and p3 partitions is removed and the table definition is changed
- which statement best describes the meaning of value for the key_len column? A It shows how many bytes will be used from each index row
- Which two other steps can help avoid data loss in a major catastrophe? A Implement a failover strategy to another geographic location C Have a second data centre in a different region or country
- X509 D Distribute client digital certificates to the client computers being used to log in by the user accounts
- mysqldumpslow which two options could explain the slow query? B No index has been defined on the filtered column E A full table scan is being used
- which additional three steps help in avoiding conflicts in group replication? B Use the binary log row format F Gurantee a primary key on every table G Set multiple slave parallel worker threads(启用并行复制)
- four configuration file edits cause the negative DB performance? A table_open_cache = 64 C log_bin=mysql-bin;Innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=1 F max_heap_table_size=2G; tmp_table_size=2G G query_cache_size = 2G; query_cache_enabled=1
- add some configuration into my.cnf and restart server[mysqld]defaults-authentication-plugin=sha256_password A They are not affected by this configuration change
- which two changes would ensure that the temporary table does not propagate(复制) to the slave? C Change the binlog_format option to ROW and restart mysqld before you create the OLD_INVENTORY table E Use the --replicate-ignore-table option with the value equal to OLD_INVENTORY.OLD_INVENTORY and restart mysqld before creating the temporary table
- Duplicate ERROR A The applications have the SUPER privilege, which allows them to update rows D The slave was created with mysqldump -uroot -p --skip-lock-tables -all-databases > /data/data.sql
- root password not working C Start the MySQL Server with --init-file pointing to SQL that executes an ALTER USER statement to change the root user password D Start the MySQL Server with --skip-grant-tables and execute SQL, which will update the root password
- grant statement --> activation of that access C The access is available immediately
- master-slave delay 1h master crashed which command set would make the slave current? C STOP SLAVE; CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_DELAY=0;START SLAVE;
- binlog-format=STATMENTlog-binwhich database updates are logged on the master server to the binary log by default? B all updates except to the PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA database
- security enforce , what are two remaining security concerns? C The dictionary file word list is too short F The dictionary file is an insecure location
- SET SESSION max_connections=200;Why does the command fail? A max_connections requires the GLOBAL scope
- Move InnoDB UNDO tablespace to a SSD B Yes. Shut down,copy the UNDO tablespaces to the new location, and change the innodb_undo_directory value in your my.cnf
- Thread , which two conclusions can be made from the output? C The thread cache has been configured with thread_cache_size set to at least 6 D There are more connections being idle than executing queries
- UPDATE without where D Nothing is logged because you are executing an UPDATE statement that will cause changes to more than one row, and you do not have the --binlog-format value set to STATEMENT
- Which two statements descibe how InnoDB recovery works? A InnoDB handles most crash recoveries automatically B InnoDB blocks some operations when innodb_force_recovery is set to greater than 0
- Which are three facts about backups with mysqldump? B can back up a remote database server C allow a consistent backup to be taken D are able to back up specific items within a database
- join_buffer_size B The join buffer is set per connection D The value should be increased from the default if the query joins large rows without using an index
- high-end OLTP service, slow query, two most likely reasons? (table engine is MyISAM) C The engine type is not appropriate to the application use E No indexes are defined
- which two methods would allow the mysql client to connect to the server and send clear text passwords? C export LIBMYSQL_ENABLE_CLEARTEXT_PLUGIN='Y' E mysql --enable-cleartext-plugin -uroot -p -h dbhost.example.com
- which three options are most likely to be changed for production form their default values? A innodb_buffer_pool_size E innodb_log_file_size G port (if not port, choose max_connections)
- USER which set of statements would match the accounts shown? D mysql> CREATE USER ''@'' IDENTIFIED WITH authentication_pam ACCOUNT LOCK; mysql> CREATE USER 'employee'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'more_secret'; mysql> GRANT PROXY ON 'employee'@'localhost' TO ''@'';
- start server, error: Address already in use A The mysql service has already started on the same port
- my.cnf order questions D MySQL starts but Binary logging is disabled
- configure a MySQL Server to act as replication master, two option must be configured? C server-id E log-bin
- ibdata1 meanings D it contains the system tablespace F it contains the undo log
- Which two methods accurately monitor the size of your total database size over time? C monitoring the information_schea.tables table D monitoring datadir size in the operating system
- ERROR 2059 : Authentication plugin 'mysql_clear_password' cannot be loaded:plugin not enabled D the mysql client with the --enable-cleartext-plugin option
- big table delete A change the replication mode to mixed before issuing any delete statements when the limit clause is used D Use the limit clause in conjunction with the order by clause
- nologin or bin/false D This prevents creation of a command shell with the mysql account, while allowing mysqld to run
- mysqldump ,big table,limited memory ,which option will ensure mysqldump will process a row instead of a set of rows? C --quick
- Which statement is true about using Microsoft Windows Cluster as a platform for MySQL? A It relies on the shared disk architecture being visible to both servers
- CHECK TABLE command, which situations be used? B to make sure a table has no structura problems E to make sure that no table indexes are corrupted
- replication binlog consume disk, which two steps should you perform to safely remove some of the older binary log files? C Ensure that none of the attanched slaves are using any of binary logs you want to delete. E Use the command PURGE BINARYLOGS and specify a binary log file name or a date and time to remove unused files
- What are three methods to reduce MySQL server exposure to remote connections? A Setting --skip-networking when remote connections are not required C Setting specific GRANT privilege to limit remote authentication E using SSL when transporting data over remote networks
- Which two are considered good security practices when using passwords? A Use one-way encryption for storage of passwords E Do not use dictionary-based words
- SQL_Delay B the slave was configured for delayed replication with a delay of six minutes
- which MySQL utility copies the master instance to a slave instance in the same host? A mysqlservercloene
- SQL injection, which two methods would help protect against this risk? A using prepared statements to handle unsecured values D using stored procedures to validate values that are input
- 题目看不清 D 'mike'@'%'
- which two methods will provide the total number of partitions on a table? C Use the command: SHOW CREATE TABLE E Query the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS table
- mysqldump only data A --no-create-info to skip writing CREATE TABLE statements
- ERROR 1218:error connecting to master...not allowed C add the user replicatation@ with the correct password to the master
- ERROR:1236 B sync_binlog=0 and the master server crashed
- EXPLAIN range meanings A you can use an index and return rows that fall with a range of values
- --join-buffer-size C the size of the largest table in any JOIN query
- USE prices;Update sales.january set amount=amount 1000; E nothing is ignored because you are executing an UPDATE statement
- Why should you be selective when granting the PROCESS privilege to an account? C It allows a clint to see another user's queries with the SHOW PROCESSLIST command
- In which two situations would you use unencrypted data transfers from the MySQL service? C when highest possible speed of transfer is required regardless of security D when the service is using socket only connections and the host is security
- Which two statements are true regarding MySQL security? D The mysqld process owner should own all files and directories to which the server writes E The mysqld process should not be run as root or administrator
- restore the table 'sales' from mysqldump backup? A shell> mysql -u root -p sales < /backup/orders.sql shell> mysqlimport -u root -p --local sales /backup/orders.txt D mysql> use sales; mysql> SOURCE /backup/orders.sql mysql> LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/backup/orders.txt' INTO TABLE orders;
- connections E key is already connected elsewhere and attempting to log in again.
- What are two benefits of using the --tab option with mysqldump? A the schema and data are automatically dumped to separate files C it is possible to restore the data in parallel
- max_allowed_packet=16M B [mysql] and [mysqld] and [mysqladmin]
- which statement is correct about how InnoDB storage engine uses disk space? B It stores data, indexes and undo information in tablespace file(s)
- Which extra GRANT permissions are required for adam to take mysqldump backups? A the 'adam' user must also have SELECT on the football databases for backups to work
- --single-tansaction, which mysqldump option can be used when dumping data from the master service in order to include the information? B master-data
- Which statement describes how the relay log works? D when a slave receives a change from the master, it is recorded in the relay log first and processed later
- store function year_to_date B the function does not execute because the account 'joe'@'localhost' does not have the EXECUTE privileges on the year_to_date function
- ERROR 1045:access denied for user 'application'@'localhost', which two changes to the process can fix the issue? B use the --flush-privileges with mysqldump D after the restore, log in to the database and execute FLUSH PRIVILEGES
- stall 阻塞, which 2 things should you investigate? A check the rate of changes in the status value Qcache_hits and compare that to the rate of change of Qcache_not_cached E check the rate of change in the status value select_scan and compare to the rate of change in com_select
- datadir size D The departments and dept_manager tables are empty
- Warning: Using a password on the command-line interface can be insecure B Use mysql_config_editor, which allows you store encrypted login credentials in your home directory. C Store your password in an option file eg:~/.my.cnf and use -defaults-file so that it is read and used [client] password = t100043va
- what are three facts about backups with mysqldump? A can back up a remote database server B allow a consistent backup to be taken E are able to back up specific items within a database
- Global status variables B The thread cache has been configured with thread_cache_size set at least 6 C There are more connections being idle than executing queries
- GTID, create table datatarget select * from datasource; E The statement cannot be logged in a transactionally safe manner
- frequent sorted client errors B A client was killed during a sort operation C The sort was too large for sort_buffer_size, causing an error
- The InnoDB tablespace is corrupted A A text backup. A binary backup will still contain the corruoted segments
- which method will reduce the number of file handles in use? C activating the mysql enterprise thread pool plugin
- analyze table command A when you want to update index distribution statistics D after large amounts of table data have changed
- reset password B --skip-networking, to prohibit access from remote locations
- dump.sql A mysql> USE test; mysql>SOURCE dump.sql D mysql> USE test; mysql>LOAD DATA INFILE 'dump.sql';
- free tablespace ;becuase a table consuming amounts disk D Take a backup, stop the server, remove the data files, and restore the backup
- What is it import to remove snapshots after completing a raw backup in this way? A The snapshots take a significant amount of disk space because they are a duplicate copy of the data
- SQL injection A Resend form data submitted using the POST method B Include single and double quotes in the submitted data D Modify the URL using percent encoding
- which two statements are true about MySQL when it has been started using the --skip-grant-tables option? A all users have unrestricted acess C All connections succeed regardless of the username and password
- validation B whether a new password is rejected if it contains a word found in a dictionary file
- GRANT PROXY ON 'a' FOR 'b'; B User account 'a' has not been granted permission to acess the data being queried
- which two wl optmze the secuty of this step A enabling and using SSL for connections to the MySQL database B disabling connections from named pipes or socket files(depending on the operating system of the server)
- which two methods provide a consistent backup of InnoDB tables? C file system snapshots D MySQL Enterprise Backup
- which two actions can you take to stop any acess from user? A Use DROP USER 'mike'@'client.example.com'; E Use ALTER USER 'mike'@'client.example.com' ACCOUNT LOCK;
- For tables using persistent statistics, what is the outcome of this change? B InnoDB no longer automatically updates index statstics after table structure is altered.
- where cluase add index B ALTER TABLE 'countryLanquago' ADD INDEX 'idx_Lang';
- which three changes will allow the use of an index to perform this kind of filtering(�f%)? A Normalize the data, for example, into a linked table and filter on that table instead E Add an R-TREE index on the val column and use MBR contains function for the filtering F Convert data type to binary and add a normal index. This avoids rewriting the query.
- At which stage during query processingg does MySQL create a queryos execution plan? D Optimizing
- In which order does MySQL process an incoming INSERT statement? D it checks whether the user is authorized to perform the query, optimizes it, and then wites to the binary log.
- RPM install , where errors written? B in the /var/log/mysqld.err file location
- tmp_table_size=16Msort_buffer_size=256K --- > 修改增大数值,重启,问题复现which three best describe this scenario? A Global variables are not persistent across server restarts C The query benefited from sort_buffer_size and tmp_table_size increase D Session variables are not persistent across server restarts
- EXPLAIN ref columns meanings C No indexed columns are used to select rows from City table. The world.City CountryCodo column is used to select rows in the Country table
- mysqldump contain master_information option D master-data
- which statement is true about tablespaces? D General tablespace can be configured to span multiple files
- which two changes to the process can fix the issue? A after the restore, log in to the database and execute FLUSH PRIVILEGES B Use the --flush-privileges with musqldump
- Why does the message "Waiting for an event from Coordinator" show up on the slave_worker threads? A The slave thread is waitings for another event to finish in another slave thread
- /etc/my.cnf C MySQL igones world-readable configuration files as a security measure
- DML taransactions per second D Sort Buffer size F Buffer Pool size
- storage workload A iSCSI Lun
- what four steps must be included in the backup strategy? C Copy the backup to a remote host E Include the keyring data and/or configuration in the backup H Include the operating system disk encrption key in the backup I Restore the backup to a clean MySQL instance
- datadir permission A The owner of /var/lib/mysql is root. Change the ownership to mysql and retry the command
- which two capabiliese are granted with the SUPER privilege? A allowing a client to shut down the server D allowing a client to kill other client connections
- [mysqld] port.3306 port-3307#3308 F MySQL starts and listens for connections only on port 3307
- slowdowns D increase the size of redo logs
- 多源复制现象show processlist A The replication slave uses multisource replication with eight sources
- GRANT ---根据账户权限判断,有GRANT OPTION权限的才能GRANT which statement will succeed? A GRANT SELECT ON world.* to xxx; B GRANT ... C ...
- what are three measures to maintain a stable MySQL system? B Ensure redundancy of all parts of the system C Monitor with data collection every second E Establish a performance baseline
- mysqldump extra privilege A select
- which statement best discribes a 'warm' backup D It backs up the binary log, which contains the most recent "warm" change
- Data import C mysql >load data local infile D shell >mysql -uroot -p < data.sql
- what are three typical cause of mysql becoming suddenly slow or unavailable? B a configuration change was made D The hardware includes a single point of failure E The application executes a new untested query
- my.cnf server 端配置为[mysqld]下 B 3306
- error log very large, operation A mv /var/log/host_name.err /var/log/host_name.err_old; mysqladmin flush-logs
- Where Does MySQL linux RPM install the mysqld binary? D /use/sbin/
- mysqldumpslow, slow query log, N meanings? D the number of times the statement was executed
- mysqldump only data table C --NO-create-info skip writing CREATE TABLE statements
- which statement is true about the output? A The query read data from the data file rather than directly from the buffer pool