
2020-12-11 16:00:37 浏览数 (1)

一 前言




1.1 铁轨



  请注意,透视变换矩阵的左上角2×2部分的行列式不需要 1。而且,由于前面所示的变换中的分割,将透视比那换矩阵的所有元素乘以常数并不会再所表示的变换中产生任何差异。因此,计算透视变换矩阵时,令M33 = 1是常见的。这使得我们在M中具有八个自由数,并且因此四对对应点足以恢复两个图像之间的透视变换。 OpenCV函数findHomography()为你做到了这一点。有趣的是,如果您在调用此函数时指定了标志CV_RANSAC,它甚至可以占用四个以上的点并使用RANSAC算法来鲁棒地估计所有这些点的变换。 RANSAC使变换估计过程免受嘈杂的“错误”对应关系影响。以下提供的代码读取了两个图像(通过透视变换相关),要求用户点击八对点,使用RANSAC鲁棒地估计透视变换,并显示原始和新的透视变换图像之间的差异,以验证估计的变换。整个工程测试代码:https://github.com/QiYongBETTER/warpPerspective_RANSAC

#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> using namespace std; using namespace cv;void on_mouse(int event, int x, int y, int, void* _p){
   Point2f* p = (Point2f *)_p;    if (event == CV_EVENT_LBUTTONUP)
       p->x = x;
       p->y = y;
}class perspective_transformer {private:
   Mat im, im_transformed, im_perspective_transformed, im_show, im_transformed_show;    vector<Point2f> points, points_transformed;
   Mat M;    Point2f get_click(string, Mat);public:
   perspective_transformer();    void estimate_perspective();    void show_diff();
   im = imread("./DataFiles/image.bmp");
   im_transformed = imread("./DataFiles/transformed.bmp");}Point2f perspective_transformer::get_click(string window_name, Mat im)
{    Point2f p(-1, -1);
   setMouseCallback(window_name, on_mouse, (void *)&p);    while (p.x == -1 && p.y == -1)
       imshow(window_name, im);
   }    return p;
}void perspective_transformer::estimate_perspective()
   namedWindow("Original", 1);
   namedWindow("Transformed", 1);
   imshow("Original", im);
   imshow("Transformed", im_transformed);    cout << "To estimate the Perspective transform between the original and transformed images you will have to click on 8 matching pairs of points" << endl;  
   im_show = im.clone();  
   im_transformed_show = im_transformed.clone();  
   Point2f p;  
   for (int i = 0; i < 8; i  )
   {        cout << "POINT " << i << endl;        cout << "Click on a distinguished point in the ORIGINAL image" << endl;
       p = get_click("Original", im_show);        cout << p << endl;
       circle(im_show, p, 2, Scalar(0, 0, 255), -1);       imshow("Original", im_show);        cout << "Click on a distinguished point in the TRANSFORMED image" << endl;
       p = get_click("Transformed", im_transformed_show);        cout << p << endl;
       circle(im_transformed_show, p, 2, Scalar(0, 0, 255), -1);       imshow("Transformed", im_transformed_show);
   }    //Estimate perspective transform   
   M = findHomography(points, points_transformed, CV_RANSAC, 2);    cout << "Estimated Perspective transform = " << M << endl;    // Apply estimated perspecive trasnform   
   warpPerspective(im, im_perspective_transformed, M, im.size());
   namedWindow("Estimated Perspective transform", 1);
   imshow("Estimated Perspective transform", im_perspective_transformed);
   imwrite("./DataFiles/im_perspective_transformed.bmp", im_perspective_transformed);
}void perspective_transformer::show_diff()
   imshow("Difference", im_transformed - im_perspective_transformed);
}int main(){
   perspective_transformer a;
   a.estimate_perspective();    cout << "Press 'd' to show difference, 'q' to end" << endl;    if (char(waitKey(-1)) == 'd') {
       a.show_diff();        cout << "Press 'q' to end" << endl;        if (char(waitKey(-1)) == 'q') return 0;
   }    else
       return 0;#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> using namespace std; using namespace cv;void on_mouse(int event, int x, int y, int, void* _p){
   Point2f* p = (Point2f *)_p;    if (event == CV_EVENT_LBUTTONUP)
       p->x = x;
       p->y = y;
}class perspective_transformer {private:
   Mat im, im_transformed, im_perspective_transformed, im_show, im_transformed_show;    vector<Point2f> points, points_transformed;
   Mat M;    Point2f get_click(string, Mat);public:
   perspective_transformer();    void estimate_perspective();    void show_diff();
   im = imread("./DataFiles/image.bmp");
   im_transformed = imread("./DataFiles/transformed.bmp");}Point2f perspective_transformer::get_click(string window_name, Mat im)
{    Point2f p(-1, -1);
   setMouseCallback(window_name, on_mouse, (void *)&p);    while (p.x == -1 && p.y == -1)
       imshow(window_name, im);
   }    return p;
}void perspective_transformer::estimate_perspective()
   namedWindow("Original", 1);
   namedWindow("Transformed", 1);
   imshow("Original", im);
   imshow("Transformed", im_transformed);    cout << "To estimate the Perspective transform between the original and transformed images you will have to click on 8 matching pairs of points" << endl;  
   im_show = im.clone();  
   im_transformed_show = im_transformed.clone();  
   Point2f p;  
   for (int i = 0; i < 8; i  )
   {        cout << "POINT " << i << endl;        cout << "Click on a distinguished point in the ORIGINAL image" << endl;
       p = get_click("Original", im_show);        cout << p << endl;
       circle(im_show, p, 2, Scalar(0, 0, 255), -1);       imshow("Original", im_show);        cout << "Click on a distinguished point in the TRANSFORMED image" << endl;
       p = get_click("Transformed", im_transformed_show);        cout << p << endl;
       circle(im_transformed_show, p, 2, Scalar(0, 0, 255), -1);       imshow("Transformed", im_transformed_show);
   }    //Estimate perspective transform   
   M = findHomography(points, points_transformed, CV_RANSAC, 2);    cout << "Estimated Perspective transform = " << M << endl;    // Apply estimated perspecive trasnform   
   warpPerspective(im, im_perspective_transformed, M, im.size());
   namedWindow("Estimated Perspective transform", 1);
   imshow("Estimated Perspective transform", im_perspective_transformed);
   imwrite("./DataFiles/im_perspective_transformed.bmp", im_perspective_transformed);
}void perspective_transformer::show_diff()
   imshow("Difference", im_transformed - im_perspective_transformed);
}int main(){
   perspective_transformer a;
   a.estimate_perspective();    cout << "Press 'd' to show difference, 'q' to end" << endl;    if (char(waitKey(-1)) == 'd') {
       a.show_diff();        cout << "Press 'q' to end" << endl;        if (char(waitKey(-1)) == 'q') return 0;
   }    else
       return 0;




三 实践


图3.1 原图


图3.2 透视投影变换



图3.3 多组对应点透视变换.png

四 总结




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