
2020-12-21 11:25:42 浏览数 (1)

Linux Foundation首次虚拟峰会的成功很可能为新水平的开源参与树立了标准。 峰会的高手关闭了7月2日为期4天的联合聚会的虚拟大门。该活动主办了2020年北美开源峰会 嵌入式Linux大会,最后有来自109个国家的4000多名注册者参加。 据Linux基金会(LF)称,在线出席平台为注册者提供了虚拟的体验,为活动参与者提供了身临其境的体验。 Linux基金会事件营销总监Kristin O'Connell告诉LinuxInsider,这种虚拟的出席感与他们在面对面活动中获得的体验尽可能接近。 FinOps基金会是首次虚拟会议中技术潮流引领者之一。 FinOps基金会在全球拥有1,500名个人会员,代表500多家公司,每家公司的收入超过10亿美元。 LF维护DevOps的方式是,通过打破孤岛和增加敏捷性来彻底改变发展,FinOps通过将具有新文化背景,知识技能和技术流程的技术,业务和财务专业人员聚集在一起,从而提高了云的商业价值。 Linux Foundation Projects副总裁兼总经理Mike Dolan表示:“在技术中断的情况下,就有进行业务转型的机会。FinOps就是这样,它代表着运营策略,流程和文化的转变。” Dolan补充说:“这种类型的破坏和转型也是社区和整个行业范围的协作在创造全新市场机会中发挥关键作用的地方。我们很高兴成为能够开展这项工作的地方。”

原文:The success of The Linux Foundation's first virtual summit may well have set the standard for new levels of open source participation.

Summit masters closed the virtual doors of the four-day joint gathering on July 2. The event hosted the Open Source Summit Embedded Linux Conference North America 2020 and ended with more than 4,000 registrants from 109 countries.

The online attendance platform offered registrants a virtual experience that provided an immersive experience for event participants, according to The Linux Foundation (LF).

That virtual attendance feeling was as close as possible to what they would have received at a face-to-face event, Kristin O'Connell, director of event marketing at The Linux Foundation, told LinuxInsider.

One of the newcomers in technical trendsetting at this first virtual conference was the FinOps Foundation. The FinOps Foundation includes 1,500 individual members across the globe, representing more than 500 companies with more than US$1 billion in revenue each.

In the same way that DevOps revolutionized development by breaking down silos and increasing agility, FinOps increases the business value of cloud by bringing together technology, business, and finance professionals with a new cultural set, knowledge skills and technical processes, LF maintained.

"Where there is technology disruption, there is opportunity for business transformation. FinOps is exactly this and represents a shift in operations strategy, process, and culture," said Mike Dolan, vice president and general manager of Linux Foundation Projects.

"This type of disruption and transformation is also where community and industry-wide collaboration play critical roles in enabling a whole new market opportunity. We're pleased to be the place where that work can happen," Dolan added.

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