Problem Description Give you a lot of positive integers, just to find out how many prime numbers there are.
Input There are a lot of cases. In each case, there is an integer N representing the number of integers to find. Each integer won’t exceed 32-bit signed integer, and each of them won’t be less than 2.
Output For each case, print the number of prime numbers you have found out.
Sample Input 3 2 3 4
Sample Output 2
这个题目就是让你求一组的素数有多少个。 这个素数范围的数字有点大,所以不能用打表。 测试数据很水。。。直接判断就能过了。 不过判断的时候,有一个地方需要注意的,我在那个判断素数的方法注释了。
代码语言:javascript复制import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//boolean db[] = new boolean[2147483647];
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
int n = sc.nextInt();
long sum = 0;
int m;
for(int i=0;i<n;i ){
sum ;
private static boolean prime(int m) {
for(int i=2;i<=Math.sqrt(m);i ){
//***** 注意:i*i<=m 是会超时的,因为i*i每次都要计算
return false;
return true;
private static void dabiao(boolean[] db) {
Arrays.fill(db, true);
for(int i=2;i<=Math.sqrt(db.length);i ){
for(int j=i i;j<db.length;j =i){