参考链接: Python程序按字母顺序对单词进行排序
我想在文件内部按字母顺序排序。我当前执行此操作的代码不起作用,文件保持不变。这个程序本身就是一个基本的调查问卷,用来实验读写文件。在import time
import sys
name = input("What is your first name?").upper()
age = input("How old are you?")
while not age.isdigit():
print("Please Only Enter Numbers.")
age = input("How old are you?")
if int(age) <16:
infofile = "DatabaseMinor.txt"
elif int(age) >15 and int(age) <22:
infofile = "DatabaseYoungAdult.txt"
elif int(age) >21 and int(age) <65:
infofile = "DatabaseAdult.txt"
infofile = "DatabaseSenior.txt"
gender = input("Are you [M]ale or [F]emale?").upper()
while gender not in {'M', 'F'}:
print("Please Only Enter M Or F.")
gender = str(input("Are you [M]ale or [F]emale?")).upper()
location = input("What country are you from? (UK)").upper()
while location not in {'ENGLAND', 'SCOTLAND', 'WALES', 'NORTHERN IRELAND'}:
print("Please Only Enter A Valid Country Within The UK.")
location = input("What country are you from?").upper()
#Compilation of inputs into a single line format
userinfo = name " " str(age) " " gender " " location " " (time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")) " " (time.strftime("%H:%M:%S")) 'n'
#Opening and writing value of the userinfo variable to the appropriate text file
file = open(infofile, 'a')
file = open(infofile)
lines = file.readlines()