
2021-02-05 14:41:16 浏览数 (1)

后端云站经历了几个阶段:放在github CNAME,遇到不稳定,速度慢;后放到阿里云的云主机,很流畅稳定,唯一的缺点就是收费;现在腾讯云,阿里云都推出了无服务器服务serverless,这种博客的访问量完全在免费范围内,测试了下,完全没问题,放了一个拷贝放到了腾讯云上。链接:http://my-bucket-hexo-1257857641.cos-website.ap-guangzhou.myzijiebao.com


hanwei@hanweideMacBook-Air backendcloud-3-hexo % sls --debug
  DEBUG ─ Resolving the template's static variables.
  DEBUG ─ Collecting components from the template.
  DEBUG ─ Downloading any NPM components found in the template.
  DEBUG ─ Analyzing the template's components dependencies.
  DEBUG ─ Creating the template's components graph.
  DEBUG ─ Syncing template state.
  DEBUG ─ Executing the template's components graph.
  DEBUG ─ Preparing website Tencent COS bucket my-bucket-hexo-1257857641.
  DEBUG ─ Bucket "my-bucket-hexo-1257857641" in the "ap-guangzhou" region already exist.
  DEBUG ─ Setting ACL for "my-bucket-hexo-1257857641" bucket in the "ap-guangzhou" region.
  DEBUG ─ Ensuring no CORS are set for "my-bucket-hexo-1257857641" bucket in the "ap-guangzhou" region.
  DEBUG ─ Ensuring no Tags are set for "my-bucket-hexo-1257857641" bucket in the "ap-guangzhou" region.
  DEBUG ─ Configuring bucket my-bucket-hexo-1257857641 for website hosting.
  DEBUG ─ Uploading website files from /Users/hanwei/mywork/5.my_blog/backendcloud-3-hexo/public to bucket my-bucket-hexo-1257857641.
  DEBUG ─ Starting upload to bucket my-bucket-hexo-1257857641 in region ap-guangzhou
  DEBUG ─ Uploading directory /Users/hanwei/mywork/5.my_blog/backendcloud-3-hexo/public to bucket my-bucket-hexo-1257857641
  DEBUG ─ Website deployed successfully to URL: http://my-bucket-hexo-1257857641.cos-website.ap-guangzhou.myzijiebao.com.
    url: http://my-bucket-hexo-1257857641.cos-website.ap-guangzhou.myzijiebao.com
  32s › myWebsite › donelanguage-bash复制代码

参考: https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/article/1600265 https://github.com/tinafangkunding/serverless-hexo

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