PayPay migrated the core payment database from Aurora to TiDB

2021-03-01 18:11:51 浏览数 (1)


> 作者:杨漆

> 16年关系型数据库管理,从oracle 9i 、10g、11g、12c到Mysql5.5、5.6、5.7、8.0 到TiDB获得3个OCP、2个OCM;运维路上不平坦,跌过不少坑、熬过许多夜。把工作笔记整理出来分享给大伙儿,希望帮到大家少走弯路、少熬夜。

PayPay migrated the core payment database from Aurora to TiDB,a scalable distributed database with high availability and cross-region replicas.  and since the migration, the payment system can now support 3 times throughput compared to before

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