StringTie 是用于 RNA-seq 的转录本组装和定量软件,StringTie 可以看做是cufflinks软件的升级版本,其功能和Cufflinks是一样的,包括下面两个主要功能:转录本组装和定量;相比Cuffinks, 其运行速度更快。该软件的官网:https://ccb.jhu.edu/software/stringtie/index.shtml。
2、Stringtie的输入不仅可以是经过比对的结果,也可以是Stringtie通过从头组装read所得到的contig,当这两种输入都用到的时候,我们下面称之为stringtie SR。
3、对于很多使用参考基因组辅助组装的方法,组装的的策略都是先对read进行cluter,然后建立一个graph model来推测每个基因所有可能的isoform,最终通过不同的graph的解析方法得到对转录本的组装结果。
4、有名的cufflinks用的是overlap graph,该模型中nodes代表fragment,如果两个fragment存在overlap并存在兼容的剪切模式,则对应的node连接起来。其解析方法为一种保守的算法,可以产生能够解释所有read的最少的转录本,尽管这种方法很吸引人,但是它没有考虑到转录本的丰度并且对于某些isoform来说该方法没有办法组装!
6、首先,stringtie将read聚成cluster,然后采用了splice graph,其中node代表外显子或外显子的一部分,path将graph中可能 的剪切现象都连起来,最终对每个转录本通过创建一个网络流的方法,利用最大流算法(maximum flow algorithm)估计转录本的表达量。
代码语言:javascript复制-o [<path/>]<out.gtf> #设置StringTie组装转录本的输出GTF文件的路径和文件名。此处可指定完整路径,在这种情况下,将根据需要创建目录。默认情况下,StringTie将GTF写入标准输出。
-p <int> #指定组装转录本的线程数(CPU)。默认值是1
-G <ref_ann.gff> #使用参考注释基因文件指导组装过程,格式GTF/GFF3。输出文件中既包含已知表达的转录本,也包含新的转录本。选项-B,-b,-e,-C需要此选项(详情如下)
-l <label> #将<label>设置为输出转录本名称的前缀。默认:STRG
-A <gene_abund.tab> #输出基因丰度的文件(制表符分隔格式)
-C <cov_refs.gtf> #输出所有转录本对应的reads覆盖度的文件,此处的转录本是指参考注释基因文件中提供的转录本。(需要参数 -G).
-B #应用该选项,则会输出Ballgown输入表文件(* .ctab),其中包含用-G选项给出的参考转录本的覆盖率数据。(有关这些文件的说明,请参阅Ballgown文档。)如果选项-o 给出输出转录文件的完整路径,则* .ctab文件与输出GTF文件在相同的目录下。
-b <path> #指定 *.ctab 文件的输出路径, 而非由-o选项指定的目录。注意: 建议在使用-B/-b选项中同时使用-e选项,除非StringTie GTF输出文件中仍需要新的转录本,-B和-b选一个使用就行。
-e #限制reads比对的处理,仅估计和输出与用-G选项给出的参考转录本匹配的组装转录本。使用该选项,则会跳过处理与参考转录本不匹配的组装转录本,这将大大的提升了处理速度。
--merge #转录本合并模式。在合并模式下,StringTie将所有样品的GTF/GFF文件列表作为输入,并将这些转录本合并/组装成非冗余的转录本集合。这种模式被用于新的差异分析流程中,用以生成一个跨多个RNA-Seq样品的全局的、统一的转录本。如果提供了-G选项(参考注释基因组文件),则StringTie将从输入的GTF文件中将参考转录本组装到transfrags中。(个人理解:transfrags可能指的是拼接成更大的转录本片段,tanscript fragments)。在此模式下可以使用以下附加选项:
-G <guide_gff> #参考注释基因组文件(GTF/GFF3)
-o <out_gtf> #指定输出合并的GTF文件的路径和名称 (默认值:标准输出)
-m <min_len> #合并文件中,指定允许最小输入转录本的长度 (默认值: 50)
-c <min_cov> #合并文件中,指定允许最低输入转录本的覆盖度(默认值: 0)
-F <min_fpkm> #合并文件中,指定允许最低输入转录本的FPKM值 (默认值: 0)
-T <min_tpm> #合并文件中,指定允许最低输入转录本的TPM值 (默认值: 0)
-f <min_iso> #minimum isoform fraction (默认值: 0.01)
-i #合并后,保留含retained introns的转录本 (默认值: 除非有强有力的证据,否则不予保留)
-l <label> #输出转录本的名称前缀 (默认值: MSTRG)
我的gtf文件在/data/mouse_annotation/ 目录下:
代码语言:javascript复制stringtie -p 8 -G /data/mouse_annotation/gencode.mouse.annotation.gtf -o cleandata/stringtiedata/CK-4.gtf cleandata/samtools_bam/CK-4_sort.bam
代码语言:javascript复制for i in CK-7 CK-8 HGJ-10 HGJ-6 HGJ-9;do stringtie -p 8 -G /data/mouse_annotation/gencode.mouse.annotation.gtf -o cleandata/stringtiedata/${i}.gtf cleandata/samtools_bam/${i}_sort.bam;done
代码语言:javascript复制ll -h cleandata/stringtiedata/
stringtie --merge [options] gtf.list :转录组merge模式,在该模式下,Stringtie可以利用输入的一个gtf list并将他们中的转录本进行非冗余的整理。可以在处理多个RNA-seq样本的时候,由于转录组存在时空特异性,可以将每个样本各自的转录组进行非冗余的整合,如果-G提供了参考gtf文件,可以将其一起整合到一个文件中,最终输出成一个完整的gtf文件。
代码语言:javascript复制find /data/RNAseq/cleandata/stringtiedata/ -name *.gtf > /data/RNAseq/cleandata/stringtiedata/merglist.txt
代码语言:javascript复制cat /data/RNAseq/cleandata/stringtiedata/merglist.txt
代码语言:javascript复制stringtie --merge -p 8 -G /data/mouse_annotation/gencode.mouse.annotation.gtf -o cleandata/stringtiedata/stringtie_merged.gtf cleandata/stringtiedata/merglist.txt
3. 使用gffcompare检验数据比对到基因组上的情况(可选)
代码语言:javascript复制gffcompare [options]* {-i <input_gtf_list> | <input1.gtf> [<input2.gtf> .. <inputN.gtf>]}
代码语言:javascript复制-i provide a text file with a list of (query) GTF files to process instead of expecting them as command-line arguments (useful when a large number of GTF files should be processed).
-h/-help Prints the help message and exits
-v/--version Prints the version number and exits
-o <outprefix> All output files created by gffcompare will have this prefix (e.g. .loci, .tracking, etc.). If this option is not provided the default output prefix being used is: “gffcmp”
-r An optional “reference” annotation GFF file. Each sample is matched against this file, and sample isoforms are tagged as overlapping, matching, or novel where appropriate. See the .refmap and .tmap output file descriptions below.
-R If -r was specified, this option causes gffcompare to ignore reference transcripts that are not overlapped by any transcript in one of input1.gtf,…,inputN.gtf. Useful for ignoring annotated transcripts that are not present in your RNA-Seq samples and thus adjusting the “sensitivity” calculation in the accuracy report written in the file.
-Q If -r was specified, this option causes gffcompare to ignore input transcripts that are not overlapped by any transcript in the reference. Useful for adjusting the “precision” calculation in the accuracy report written in the file.
-M discard (ignore) single-exon transfrags and reference transcripts (i.e. consider only multi-exon transcripts)
-N discard (ignore) single-exon reference transcripts; single-exon transfrags are still considered, but they will never find an exact match
-D discard "duplicate" (redundant) query transfrags (i.e. those with the same intron chain) within a single sample (and thus disable "annotation" mode)
-s <genome_path> path to genome sequences (optional); this will enable the "repeat" ('r') classcode assessment; <genome_path> should be a full path to a multi-FASTA file, preferrably indexed with samtools faidx; repeats must be soft-masked (lower case) in the genomic sequence
-e <dist> Maximum distance (range) allowed from free ends of terminal exons of reference transcripts when assessing exon accuracy. By default, this is 100.
-d <dist> Maximum distance (range) for grouping transcript start sites, by default 100.
-p <tprefix> The name prefix to use for consensus/combined transcripts in the <outprefix>.combined.gtf file (default: 'TCONS')
-C Discard the “contained” transfrags from the .combined.gtf output. By default, without this option, gffcompare writes in that file isoforms that were found to be fully contained/covered (with the same compatible intron structure) by other transfrags in the same locus, with the attribute “contained_in” showing the first container transfrag found. (Note: this behavior is the opposite of Cuffcompare's -C option).
-A Like -C but will not discard intron-redundant transfrags if they start on a different 5' exon (keep alternate transcript start sites)
-X Like -C but also discard contained transfrags if transfrag ends stick out within the container's introns
-K For -C/-A/-X, do NOT discard any redundant transfrag matching a reference
-T Do not generate .tmap and .refmap files for each input file
-V Gffcompare is a little more verbose about what it's doing, printing messages to stderr, and it will also show warning messages about any inconsistencies or potential issues found while reading the given GFF file(s).
--debug Enables debug mode, which enables -V and generates additional files: <outprefix>.Q_discarded.lst, <outprefix>.missed_introns.gtf and <outprefix>.R_missed.lst
代码语言:javascript复制gffcompare -r /data/mouse_annotation/gencode.mouse.annotation.gtf -G cleandata/stringtiedata/stringtie_merged.gtf
代码语言:javascript复制head cleandata/stringtiedata/gffcompare.annotated.gtf |grep class_code | cut -d ";" -f 5-8
代码语言:javascript复制(RNAseq1) [root@localhost RNAseq]# head cleandata/stringtiedata/gffcompare.annotated.gtf |grep class_code | cut -d ";" -f 5-8
ref_gene_id "ENSMUSG00000116111.1"; cmp_ref "ENSMUST00000229069.1"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS1"
ref_gene_id "ENSMUSG00000115879.1"; cmp_ref "ENSMUST00000229227.1"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS2"
ref_gene_id "ENSMUSG00000116214.1"; contained_in "ENSMUST00000229087.1"; cmp_ref "ENSMUST00000229989.1"; class_code "="
代码语言:javascript复制cat cleandata/stringtiedata/gffcompare.stats
代码语言:javascript复制# gffcompare v0.11.2 | Command line was:
#gffcompare -r /data/mouse_annotation/gencode.mouse.annotation.gtf -G cleandata/stringtiedata/stringtie_merged.gtf -o cleandata/stringtiedata/gffcompare
#= Summary for dataset: cleandata/stringtiedata/stringtie_merged.gtf
# Query mRNAs : 155156 in 54744 loci (127176 multi-exon transcripts)
# (20889 multi-transcript loci, ~2.8 transcripts per locus)
# Reference mRNAs : 143543 in 54276 loci (116302 multi-exon)
# Super-loci w/ reference transcripts: 53940
#-----------------| Sensitivity | Precision |
Base level: 100.0 | 97.3 |
Exon level: 94.0 | 96.1 |
Intron level: 100.0 | 97.7 |
Intron chain level: 100.0 | 91.4 |
Transcript level: 99.5 | 92.1 |
Locus level: 99.7 | 98.3 |
Matching intron chains: 116302
Matching transcripts: 142855
Matching loci: 54117
Missed exons: 0/451928 ( 0.0%)
Novel exons: 3037/433435 ( 0.7%)
Missed introns: 6/288208 ( 0.0%)
Novel introns: 2186/295137 ( 0.7%)
Missed loci: 0/54276 ( 0.0%)
Novel loci: 804/54744 ( 1.5%)
Total union super-loci across all input datasets: 54744
155156 out of 155156 consensus transcripts written in cleandata/stringtiedata/gffcompare.annotated.gtf (0 discarded as redundant)
代码语言:javascript复制mkdir cleandata/ballgown
for i in CK-4 CK-7 CK-8 HGJ-10 HGJ-6 HGJ-9; do stringtie -e -B -p 8 -G cleandata/stringtiedata/stringtie_merged.gtf -o cleandata/ballgown/${i}/${i}.gtf cleandata/samtools_bam/${i}_sort.bam; done
5.read count数据输出
代码语言:javascript复制prepDE.py -i cleandata/ballgown/