
2020-11-09 10:41:15 浏览数 (1)

集成slf4j和logback 很简单,导入几个jar就行了,参考这篇文章https://www.cnblogs.com/ZSG-DoBestMe/p/5120502.html

问题1、使用jdbcTemplate如何在日志中打印sql呢?网上很多例子是要加上 这句话就可以了:

 	<logger name="org.springframework.jdbc.core.StatementCreatorUtils" level="DEBUG" >


继续查看spring-jdbc源码 发现有:

	private static void setParameterValueInternal(PreparedStatement ps, int paramIndex, int sqlType, String typeName, Integer scale, Object inValue)
		throws SQLException
		String typeNameToUse = typeName;
		int sqlTypeToUse = sqlType;
		Object inValueToUse = inValue;
		if (inValue instanceof SqlParameterValue)
			SqlParameterValue parameterValue = (SqlParameterValue)inValue;
			if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
				logger.debug((new StringBuilder("Overriding typeinfo with runtime info from SqlParameterValue: column index ")).append(paramIndex).append(", SQL type ").append(parameterValue.getSqlType()).append(", Type name ").append(parameterValue.getTypeName()).toString());
			if (parameterValue.getSqlType() != 0x80000000)
				sqlTypeToUse = parameterValue.getSqlType();
			if (parameterValue.getTypeName() != null)
				typeNameToUse = parameterValue.getTypeName();
			inValueToUse = parameterValue.getValue();
		if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
			logger.trace((new StringBuilder("Setting SQL statement parameter value: column index ")).append(paramIndex).append(", parameter value [").append(inValueToUse).append("], value class [").append(inValueToUse == null ? "null" : inValueToUse.getClass().getName()).append("], SQL type ").append(sqlTypeToUse != 0x80000000 ? Integer.toString(sqlTypeToUse) : "unknown").toString());
		if (inValueToUse == null)
			setNull(ps, paramIndex, sqlTypeToUse, typeNameToUse);
			setValue(ps, paramIndex, sqlTypeToUse, typeNameToUse, scale, inValueToUse);

注意:logger.isDebugEnabled(),鉴于此我们需要在logback配置文件中增加如下配置,增加debug=true 配置。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<configuration scan="true" debug="true">



11:22:01.565 DEBUG [DataSourceUtils.java:332:doReleaseConnection] [http-8080-1    ] - Returning JDBC Connection to DataSource
11:22:01.565 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate.java:434:query] [http-8080-1    ] - Executing SQL query [select 	areaid as id,area as name,parentId as pid,CASE WHEN type = 0  THEN 1 WHEN type =1  THEN 2 WHEN type =2  THEN 3	WHEN type =3  THEN 4 END AS level from xxxx where type=0 and addresstype=1 order by areaid desc]
11:22:01.567 DEBUG [DataSourceUtils.java:110:doGetConnection] [http-8080-1    ] - Fetching JDBC Connection from DataSource
11:22:01.601 DEBUG [DataSourceUtils.java:332:doReleaseConnection] [http-8080-1    ] - Returning JDBC Connection to DataSource
11:22:01.710 DEBUG [AbstractConverter.java:336:setDefaultValue] [http-8080-1    ] - Setting default value: false
11:22:01.710 DEBUG [AbstractConverter.java:127:convert] [http-8080-1    ] - Converting 'Boolean' value 'false' to type 'Boolean'
11:22:01.710 DEBUG [AbstractConverter.java:149:convert] [http-8080-1    ] -     No conversion required, value is already a Boolean
11:22:01.713 DEBUG [AbstractConverter.java:336:setDefaultValue] [http-8080-1    ] - Setting default value: 0
11:22:01.713 DEBUG [AbstractConverter.java:127:convert] [http-8080-1    ] - Converting 'Integer' value '0' to type 'Byte'

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