eeglab中文教程系列(15)-Time/Frequency decomposition

2020-06-29 16:58:57 浏览数 (1)

1.Decomposing channel data

为了检测ERSP(event-related spectral perturbation)和ITC(inter-trial coherence) , 这里进行如下操作:Plot > Time frequency transforms > Channel time-frequency:

操作后,会弹出如下对话框,在该对话框中Channel number填写1,在Bootstrap significance level 填写 0.01,其他默认选择。



ERSP子图:该子图左方的panel是基线的平均功率谱,而各个时间点的ERSP包络线。而top image是相对基线,每个时间点、每个频率的频谱功率改变(event-related changes in spectral power (from pre-stimulus baseline) at each time during the epoch and at each frequency (< 50 Hz))。

ITC子图:A significant ITC indicates that the EEG activity at a given time and frequency in single trials becomes phase-locked (not phase-random with respect to the time-locking experimental event).

2.Computing component time/frequency transforms

由于各个独立成分更可能直接反应大脑的EEG source,因此这里将对独立成分进行时频分解。

具体操作:Plot > Time/frequency transforms > Component time-frequency

操作后,会出现下面界面,在下面界面中Component number填入10,

Sub epoch time limits填入 -500 1000,选择Use FFT,Bootstrap

significance level选择0.01。点击Ok



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