1、 HOG描述的是图像在局部范围内对应的形状边缘梯度信息。
2、 Haar描述的是图像在局部范围内像素值明暗变换信息。
3、 LBP描述的是图像在局部范围内对应的纹理信息。
代码语言:javascript复制# coding:utf-8
import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class Hog_descriptor():
# 初始化
# cell_size每个细胞单元的像素数
# bin_size表示把360分为多少边
def __init__(self, img, cell_size=16, bin_size=8):
self.img = img
# self.img = np.sqrt(img / np.max(img))
# self.img = np.sqrt(img / float(np.max(img)))
self.img = np.sqrt(img*1.0 / float(np.max(img)))
self.img = img * 255
self.cell_size = cell_size
self.bin_size = bin_size
self.angle_unit = 360 / self.bin_size
assert type(self.bin_size) == int, "bin_size should be integer,"
assert type(self.cell_size) == int, "cell_size should be integer,"
assert 360 % self.bin_size == 0, "bin_size should be divisible by 360"
# 获取hog向量和图片
def extract(self):
# 获得原图的shape
height, width = self.img.shape
# 计算原图的梯度大小
gradient_magnitude, gradient_angle = self.global_gradient()
gradient_magnitude = abs(gradient_magnitude)
# cell_gradient_vector用来保存每个细胞的梯度向量
cell_gradient_vector = np.zeros((int(height / self.cell_size), int(width / self.cell_size), self.bin_size))
height_cell,width_cell,_ = np.shape(cell_gradient_vector)
# 计算每个细胞的梯度直方图
for i in range(height_cell):
for j in range(width_cell):
# 获取这个细胞内的梯度大小
cell_magnitude = gradient_magnitude[i * self.cell_size:(i 1) * self.cell_size,
j * self.cell_size:(j 1) * self.cell_size]
# 获得这个细胞内的角度大小
cell_angle = gradient_angle[i * self.cell_size:(i 1) * self.cell_size,
j * self.cell_size:(j 1) * self.cell_size]
# 转化为梯度直方图格式
cell_gradient_vector[i][j] = self.cell_gradient(cell_magnitude, cell_angle)
# hog图像
hog_image = self.render_gradient(np.zeros([height, width]), cell_gradient_vector)
hog_vector = []
# block为2x2
for i in range(height_cell - 1):
for j in range(width_cell - 1):
block_vector = []
block_vector.extend(cell_gradient_vector[i][j 1])
block_vector.extend(cell_gradient_vector[i 1][j])
block_vector.extend(cell_gradient_vector[i 1][j 1])
mag = lambda vector: math.sqrt(sum(i ** 2 for i in vector))
magnitude = mag(block_vector)
if magnitude != 0:
normalize = lambda block_vector, magnitude: [element / magnitude for element in block_vector]
block_vector = normalize(block_vector, magnitude)
return hog_vector, hog_image
# 计算原图的梯度大小
# 角度大小
def global_gradient(self):
gradient_values_x = cv2.Sobel(self.img, cv2.CV_64F, 1, 0, ksize=5)
gradient_values_y = cv2.Sobel(self.img, cv2.CV_64F, 0, 1, ksize=5)
gradient_magnitude = cv2.addWeighted(gradient_values_x, 0.5, gradient_values_y, 0.5, 0)
gradient_angle = cv2.phase(gradient_values_x, gradient_values_y, angleInDegrees=True)
return gradient_magnitude, gradient_angle
# 分解角度信息到
# 不同角度的直方图上
def cell_gradient(self, cell_magnitude, cell_angle):
orientation_centers = [0] * self.bin_size
for i in range(cell_magnitude.shape[0]):
for j in range(cell_magnitude.shape[1]):
gradient_strength = cell_magnitude[i][j]
gradient_angle = cell_angle[i][j]
min_angle, max_angle, mod = self.get_closest_bins(gradient_angle)
orientation_centers[min_angle] = (gradient_strength * (1 - (mod / self.angle_unit)))
orientation_centers[max_angle] = (gradient_strength * (mod / self.angle_unit))
return orientation_centers
# 计算每个像素点所属的角度
def get_closest_bins(self, gradient_angle):
idx = int(gradient_angle / self.angle_unit)
mod = gradient_angle % self.angle_unit
return idx, (idx 1) % self.bin_size, mod
# 将梯度直方图进行绘图
def render_gradient(self, image, cell_gradient):
cell_width = self.cell_size / 2
max_mag = np.array(cell_gradient).max()
for x in range(cell_gradient.shape[0]):
for y in range(cell_gradient.shape[1]):
cell_grad = cell_gradient[x][y]
cell_grad /= max_mag
angle = 0
angle_gap = self.angle_unit
for magnitude in cell_grad:
angle_radian = math.radians(angle)
x1 = int(x * self.cell_size magnitude * cell_width * math.cos(angle_radian))
y1 = int(y * self.cell_size magnitude * cell_width * math.sin(angle_radian))
x2 = int(x * self.cell_size - magnitude * cell_width * math.cos(angle_radian))
y2 = int(y * self.cell_size - magnitude * cell_width * math.sin(angle_radian))
cv2.line(image, (y1, x1), (y2, x2), int(255 * math.sqrt(magnitude)))
angle = angle_gap
return image
if __name__ == '__main__':
img = cv2.imread('person.jpg')
gray_img = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
plt.title("img") # 图形标题
hog = Hog_descriptor(gray_img, cell_size=20, bin_size=12)
hog_vector, hog_image = hog.extract()
plt.imshow(hog_image, cmap=plt.cm.gray)
代码语言:javascript复制# coding:utf-8
import cv2
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def integral( img ):
integimg = np.zeros( shape = (img.shape[0] 1, img.shape[1] 1), dtype = np.int32 )
for i in range( 1, img.shape[0] ):
for j in range( 1, img.shape[1] ):
integimg[i][j] = img[i][j] integimg[i-1][j] integimg[i][j-1] - integimg[i-1][j-1]
plt.imshow( integimg )
print( 'Done!' )
return integimg
def haar_onescale( img, integimg, haarblock_width, haarblock_height ):
#步长为1,no padding
haarimg = np.zeros( shape = ( img.shape[0] - haarblock_width 1, img.shape[1] - haarblock_height 1 ), dtype = np.int32 )
haar_feature_onescale = []
for i in range( haarimg.shape[0] ):
for j in range( haarimg.shape[1] ):
# i,j映射回原图形的坐标
m = haarblock_width i
n = haarblock_height i
haar_all = integimg[m][n] - integimg[m-haarblock_width][n] - integimg[m][n-haarblock_height] integimg[m-haarblock_width][n-haarblock_height]
# print(haar_all)
haar_black = integimg[m][n- int( haarblock_height/2 )] - integimg[m-haarblock_width][n-int( haarblock_height/2 )]- integimg[m][n-haarblock_height] integimg[m-haarblock_width][n-haarblock_height]
# 1*all - 2*black = white - black
haarimg[i][j] = 1 * haar_all - 2 * haar_black
haar_feature_onescale.append( haarimg[i][j] )
# print(haar_black)
plt.imshow( haarimg )
print( 'Done!' )
print( '当前尺度下的Haar特征维度为:{}'.format( len( haar_feature_onescale ) ) )
return haar_feature_onescale
def harr( haarblock_width, haarblock_height, Scale_num ):
feature = []
haar_num = 0
for i in range( Scale_num):
haarblock_width = i*haarblock_width 24
haarblock_height = i*haarblock_height 24
print( '当前 Haarblock 尺度为: ( {}, {} )'.format( haarblock_height, haarblock_width ) )
haar_feature_onescale = haar_onescale( img, integimg, haarblock_width, haarblock_height )
haar_num = len( haar_feature_onescale )
feature.append( haar_feature_onescale )
haarblock_width = 24
haarblock_height = 24
print( '[INFO] 计算Haar特征维数' )
print( 'Haar特征总的维度为:{}'.format( haar_num ) )
return feature
if __name__ == '__main__':
img = cv2.imread( 'face.jpg', cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE )
if ( img is None ):
print( 'Not read img.' )
haarblock_width = 24
haarblock_height = 24
width_limt = int( img.shape[0] / haarblock_width )
height_limt = int( img.shape[1] / haarblock_height )
print( '行方向尺度个数为: {}, 列方向尺度个数为:{}'.format( width_limt, height_limt ) )
Scale_num = min( height_limt, width_limt )
print( '可用尺度个数为:{}'.format( Scale_num ) )
print( '[INFO] 计算积分图像' )
integimg = integral( img )
print( '[INFO] 提取图像Haar特征' )
haar_feature = harr( haarblock_width, haarblock_height, Scale_num )
# 1、5种LBP算法复现:
# 1、原始LBP算子:LBP
# 2、LBP等价模式:uniform_LBP
# 3、LBP旋转不变模式:rotation_invariant_LBP
# 4、LBP旋转不变等价模式:rotation_invariant_uniform_LBP
# 5、圆形LBP算子:circular_LBP
import numpy as np
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
def LBP(src):
# param src:灰度图像
height = src.shape[0]
width = src.shape[1]
# dst = np.zeros([height, width], dtype=np.uint8)
dst = src.copy()
lbp_value = np.zeros((1,8), dtype=np.uint8)
neighbours = np.zeros((1,8), dtype=np.uint8)
for x in range(1, width-1):
for y in range(1, height-1):
neighbours[0, 0] = src[y - 1, x - 1]
neighbours[0, 1] = src[y - 1, x]
neighbours[0, 2] = src[y - 1, x 1]
neighbours[0, 3] = src[y, x - 1]
neighbours[0, 4] = src[y, x 1]
neighbours[0, 5] = src[y 1, x - 1]
neighbours[0, 6] = src[y 1, x]
neighbours[0, 7] = src[y 1, x 1]
center = src[y, x]
for i in range(8):
if neighbours[0, i] > center:
lbp_value[0, i] = 1
lbp_value[0, i] = 0
lbp = lbp_value[0, 0] * 1 lbp_value[0, 1] * 2 lbp_value[0, 2] * 4 lbp_value[0, 3] * 8
lbp_value[0, 4] * 16 lbp_value[0, 5] * 32 lbp_value[0, 6] * 64 lbp_value[0, 0] * 128
dst[y, x] = lbp
return dst
def getHopCnt(num):
# param num:8位的整形数,0-255
if num > 255:
num = 255
elif num < 0:
num = 0
num_b = bin(num)
num_b = str(num_b)[2:]
# 补0
if len(num_b) < 8:
temp = []
for i in range(8-len(num_b)):
num_b = temp
cnt = 0
for i in range(8):
if i == 0:
former = num_b[-1]
former = num_b[i-1]
if former == num_b[i]:
cnt = 1
return cnt
def uniform_LBP(src, norm=True):
# param src:原始图像
# param norm:是否做归一化到【0-255】的灰度空间
table = np.zeros((256), dtype=np.uint8)
temp = 1
for i in range(256):
if getHopCnt(i) <= 2:
table[i] = temp
temp = 1
height = src.shape[0]
width = src.shape[1]
dst = np.zeros([height, width], dtype=np.uint8)
dst = src.copy()
lbp_value = np.zeros((1, 8), dtype=np.uint8)
neighbours = np.zeros((1, 8), dtype=np.uint8)
for x in range(1, width - 1):
for y in range(1, height - 1):
neighbours[0, 0] = src[y - 1, x - 1]
neighbours[0, 1] = src[y - 1, x]
neighbours[0, 2] = src[y - 1, x 1]
neighbours[0, 3] = src[y, x - 1]
neighbours[0, 4] = src[y, x 1]
neighbours[0, 5] = src[y 1, x - 1]
neighbours[0, 6] = src[y 1, x]
neighbours[0, 7] = src[y 1, x 1]
center = src[y, x]
for i in range(8):
if neighbours[0, i] > center:
lbp_value[0, i] = 1
lbp_value[0, i] = 0
lbp = lbp_value[0, 0] * 1 lbp_value[0, 1] * 2 lbp_value[0, 2] * 4 lbp_value[0, 3] * 8
lbp_value[0, 4] * 16 lbp_value[0, 5] * 32 lbp_value[0, 6] * 64 lbp_value[0, 0] * 128
dst[y, x] = table[lbp]
if norm is True:
return img_max_min_normalization(dst)
return dst
def img_max_min_normalization(src, min=0, max=255):
height = src.shape[0]
width = src.shape[1]
if len(src.shape) > 2:
channel = src.shape[2]
channel = 1
src_min = np.min(src)
src_max = np.max(src)
if channel == 1:
dst = np.zeros([height, width], dtype=np.float32)
for h in range(height):
for w in range(width):
dst[h, w] = float(src[h, w] - src_min) / float(src_max - src_min) * (max - min) min
dst = np.zeros([height, width, channel], dtype=np.float32)
for c in range(channel):
for h in range(height):
for w in range(width):
dst[h, w, c] = float(src[h, w, c] - src_min) / float(src_max - src_min) * (max - min) min
return dst
def value_rotation(num):
value_list = np.zeros((8), np.uint8)
temp = int(num)
value_list[0] = temp
for i in range(7):
temp = ((temp << 1) | int(temp / 128)) % 256
value_list[i 1] = temp
return np.min(value_list)
def rotation_invariant_LBP(src):
# param src:原始图像
height = src.shape[0]
width = src.shape[1]
# dst = np.zeros([height, width], dtype=np.uint8)
dst = src.copy()
lbp_value = np.zeros((1, 8), dtype=np.uint8)
neighbours = np.zeros((1, 8), dtype=np.uint8)
for x in range(1, width - 1):
for y in range(1, height - 1):
neighbours[0, 0] = src[y - 1, x - 1]
neighbours[0, 1] = src[y - 1, x]
neighbours[0, 2] = src[y - 1, x 1]
neighbours[0, 3] = src[y, x - 1]
neighbours[0, 4] = src[y, x 1]
neighbours[0, 5] = src[y 1, x - 1]
neighbours[0, 6] = src[y 1, x]
neighbours[0, 7] = src[y 1, x 1]
center = src[y, x]
for i in range(8):
if neighbours[0, i] > center:
lbp_value[0, i] = 1
lbp_value[0, i] = 0
lbp = lbp_value[0, 0] * 1 lbp_value[0, 1] * 2 lbp_value[0, 2] * 4 lbp_value[0, 3] * 8
lbp_value[0, 4] * 16 lbp_value[0, 5] * 32 lbp_value[0, 6] * 64 lbp_value[0, 0] * 128
dst[y, x] = value_rotation(lbp)
return dst
def rotation_invariant_uniform_LBP(src):
# param src:原始图像
table = np.zeros((256), dtype=np.uint8)
temp = 1
for i in range(256):
if getHopCnt(i) <= 2:
table[i] = temp
temp = 1
height = src.shape[0]
width = src.shape[1]
dst = np.zeros([height, width], dtype=np.uint8)
dst = src.copy()
lbp_value = np.zeros((1, 8), dtype=np.uint8)
neighbours = np.zeros((1, 8), dtype=np.uint8)
for x in range(1, width - 1):
for y in range(1, height - 1):
neighbours[0, 0] = src[y - 1, x - 1]
neighbours[0, 1] = src[y - 1, x]
neighbours[0, 2] = src[y - 1, x 1]
neighbours[0, 3] = src[y, x - 1]
neighbours[0, 4] = src[y, x 1]
neighbours[0, 5] = src[y 1, x - 1]
neighbours[0, 6] = src[y 1, x]
neighbours[0, 7] = src[y 1, x 1]
center = src[y, x]
for i in range(8):
if neighbours[0, i] > center:
lbp_value[0, i] = 1
lbp_value[0, i] = 0
lbp = lbp_value[0, 0] * 1 lbp_value[0, 1] * 2 lbp_value[0, 2] * 4 lbp_value[0, 3] * 8
lbp_value[0, 4] * 16 lbp_value[0, 5] * 32 lbp_value[0, 6] * 64 lbp_value[0, 0] * 128
dst[y, x] = table[lbp]
dst = img_max_min_normalization(dst)
for x in range(width):
for y in range(height):
dst[y, x] = value_rotation(dst[y, x])
return dst
def circular_LBP(src, radius, n_points):
# param src:原始图像
height = src.shape[0]
width = src.shape[1]
# dst = np.zeros([height, width], dtype=np.uint8)
dst = src.copy()
neighbours = np.zeros((1, n_points), dtype=np.uint8)
lbp_value = np.zeros((1, n_points), dtype=np.uint8)
for x in range(radius, width - radius - 1):
for y in range(radius, height - radius - 1):
lbp = 0.
for n in range(n_points):
theta = float(2 * np.pi * n) / n_points
x_n = x radius * np.cos(theta)
y_n = y - radius * np.sin(theta)
# 向下取整
x1 = int(math.floor(x_n))
y1 = int(math.floor(y_n))
# 向上取整
x2 = int(math.ceil(x_n))
y2 = int(math.ceil(y_n))
# 将坐标映射到0-1之间
tx = np.abs(x - x1)
ty = np.abs(y - y1)
# 根据0-1之间的x,y的权重计算公式计算权重
w1 = (1 - tx) * (1 - ty)
w2 = tx * (1 - ty)
w3 = (1 - tx) * ty
w4 = tx * ty
# 根据双线性插值公式计算第k个采样点的灰度值
neighbour = src[y1, x1] * w1 src[y2, x1] * w2 src[y1, x2] * w3 src[y2, x2] * w4
neighbours[0, n] = neighbour
center = src[y, x]
# print('center:{}; neighbours:{}'.format(center, neighbours))
for n in range(n_points):
if neighbours[0, n] > center:
lbp_value[0, n] = 1
lbp_value[0, n] = 0
# print('lbp_value:{}'.format(lbp_value))
for n in range(n_points):
lbp = lbp_value[0, n] * 2**n
# print('lbp_value[0, n] * 2**n : {}'.format(lbp_value[0, n] * 2**n))
# print('lbp_value transformed:{}'.format(lbp))
dst[y, x] = int(lbp / (2**n_points-1) * 255)
# print('dst value of [{}, {}]:{}'.format(y, x, dst[y,x]))
return dst
def disp_test_result(img, gray, dst, mode=0):
# param mode = 0, opencv显示图片
# param mode = 1, matplotlib显示图片
if mode == 0:
cv2.imshow('src', img)
cv2.imshow('gray', gray)
cv2.imshow('LBP', dst1)
cv2.imshow('uniform_LBP', dst2)
cv2.imshow('rotation_invariant_LBP', dst3)
cv2.imshow('rotation_invariant_uniform_LBP', dst4)
cv2.imshow('circular_LBP', dst5)
plt.imshow(gray, cmap='gray')
plt.imshow(dst1, cmap='gray')
plt.imshow(dst2, cmap='gray')
plt.imshow(dst3, cmap='gray')
plt.imshow(dst4, cmap='gray')
plt.imshow(dst5, cmap='gray')
if __name__ == '__main__':
img = cv2.imread('face.jpg')
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
dst1 = LBP(gray)
dst2 = uniform_LBP(gray)
dst3 = rotation_invariant_LBP(gray)
dst4 = rotation_invariant_uniform_LBP(gray)
dst5 = circular_LBP(gray, radius=4, n_points=16)
disp_test_result(img, gray, dst1, mode=0)
disp_test_result(img, gray, dst2, mode=0)
disp_test_result(img, gray, dst3, mode=0)
disp_test_result(img, gray, dst4, mode=0)
disp_test_result(img, gray, dst5, mode=0)