Example: Given an array of n integers nums and a target, find the number of index triplets i, j, k with 0 <= i < j < k < n that satisfy the condition nums[i] nums[j] nums[k] < target. For example, given nums = [-2, 0, 1, 3], and target = 2. Return 2. Because there are two triplets which sums are less than 2: [-2, 0, 1] [-2, 0, 3] Follow up: Could you solve it in O(n2) runtime?
代码语言:javascript复制class Solution(object):
def threeSumSmaller(self, nums: List[int], target: int) -> int:
if not nums and len(nums) < 3:
return 0
if nums[0] nums[1] nums[2]>=target:
return 0
res = 0
for i in range(0, len(nums)):
l, r = i 1, len(nums) - 1
while l < r:
if nums[i] nums[l] nums[r] < target:
res = r - l
l = 1
r -= 1
return res
输入:[-2,0,1,3] 输出:2