异步爬虫+asyncio+python3.7+(async + await )

2020-04-24 10:13:55 浏览数 (2)


 import  asyncio 
 import  json 
 import  time 
 import  traceback 
 import  aiohttp 
 import  logging 
 from  aiohttp  import  ContentTypeError 
 from  motor.motor_asyncio  import  AsyncIOMotorClient 
 logging.basicConfig( level =logging.INFO, 
   format = ' %(asctime)s  -  %(levelname)s :  %(message)s ' ) 
 INDEX_URL =  'https://dynamic5.scrape.cuiqingcai.com/api/book/?limit=18&offset= {offset} ' 
 DETAIL_URL =  'https://dynamic5.scrape.cuiqingcai.com/api/book/ {id} ' 
 PAGE_SIZE =  18 
 MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING =  'mongodb://localhost:27017' 
 MONGO_DB_NAME =  'books' 
 client = AsyncIOMotorClient(MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING) 
 db = client[MONGO_DB_NAME] 
 collection = db[MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING] 
 loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() 
 class   Spider ( object ): 
   def   __init__ ( self ): 
   self .semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(CONCURRENCY) 
   async   def   scrape_api ( self ,  url ): 
   async   with   self .semaphore: 
   try : 
                 logging.info( 'scraping  %s ' , url) 
   async   with   self .session.get(url)  as  response: 
   await  asyncio.sleep( 1 ) 
   return   await  response.json() 
   except  ContentTypeError  as  e: 
                 logging.error( 'error occurred while scraping  %s ' , url,  exc_info = True ) 
   async   def   scrape_index ( self ,  page ): 
         url = INDEX_URL.format( offset =PAGE_SIZE * (page -  1 )) 
   return   await   self .scrape_api(url) 
   async   def   scrape_detail ( self ,  id ): 
         url = DETAIL_URL.format( id = id ) 
         data =  await   self .scrape_api(url) 
   await   self .save_data(data) 
   async   def   save_data ( self ,  data ): 
         logging.info( 'saving data  %s ' , data) 
   if  data: 
   return   await  collection.update_one({ 
   'id' : data.get( 'id' ) 
             }, { 
   '$set' : data 
             },  upsert = True ) 
   async   def   main ( self ): 
   self .session = aiohttp.ClientSession() 
   # index tasks 
         scrape_index_tasks = [asyncio.ensure_future( self .scrape_index(page))  for  page  in   range ( 1 , PAGE_NUMBER    1 )] 
         results =  await  asyncio.gather(*scrape_index_tasks) 
   # detail tasks 
   print ( 'results' , results) 
         ids = [] 
   for  index_data  in  results: 
   if   not  index_data:  continue 
   for  item  in  index_data.get( 'results' ): 
                 ids.append(item.get( 'id' )) 
         scrape_detail_tasks = [asyncio.ensure_future( self .scrape_detail( id ))  for   id   in  ids] 
   await  asyncio.wait(scrape_detail_tasks) 
   await   self .session.close() 
 if   __name__  ==  '__main__' : 
     spider = Spider() 

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