circos 可视化手册-scatter plot 篇

2020-05-11 17:40:39 浏览数 (2)

plots这个block 中,支持许多的图表类型,scatter plot是最常用的一种。用法如下:



关于scatter plot, 在软件的安装目录下,有对应的默认配置


oritenation表示方向,in表示从r0到r1, out表示从r1到r0

plot中,可以插入backgrounds, axes, rules3种block

1. backgrounds


backgrounds 定义背景色,每个定义一个区域的背景色,这个区域由y0y1定义。

plot中, maxmin分别定义了y轴的最大值和最小值,这里的y0y1对应的就是y轴的值;y0代表起始位置,y1代表终止位置;如果只指定了y0y1中的一个,需要参考邻近区域和max,min的值作出判断

在上图的第一个background中,只指定了y0 = 0.006,从其他结果background的设置可以推测出,此时的y1 = max;

上面的例子中,根据y轴的值划分了3个区域,定义了3种不同 的背景色

  1. min到0.002,背景色为vvlred
  2. 0.002到0.006,背景色为vlgrey
  3. 0.006到max, 背景色为vvlgreen
2. axes


axes定义y轴的刻度线,由多个axis构成。和backgrounds 一样,根据y0y1定义区域,spacing定义刻度线的间隔。

刻度线的外观由thicknesscolor两个参数控制,thickness 控制线条的粗细程度,color控制线条的颜色。

3. rules


rules代表规则,由多个rule构成;在每个rule中,conditioon设置规则,var(value) > 0.006 表示 y轴的值大于0.006,当满足这个条件时,执行rule中的其他语句,下面的示例中,调整了value > 0.006的点的外观。


这张图中,除了染色体的圆环外,还有3圈圆环,每一个圆环都是一张scatter plot, 而且都设置了背景色和刻度线。


<<include colors_fonts_patterns.conf>><<include ideogram.conf>>
<<include ticks.conf>><image>
<<include etc/image.conf>>
</image>karyotype   = data/karyotype/karyotype.human.txtchromosomes_units = 1000000
chromosomes       = hs1;hs2;hs3
chromosomes_display_default = no################################################################
# define 3 scatter plots, using the same data file
#<plots># all are scatter plotstype             = scatter
stroke_thickness = 1# first plot shows all points and selectively formats points at small/large
# y-axis values to be red/green and triangles/rectangles<plot>file             = data/6/snp.density.txt
fill_color       = grey
stroke_color     = black
glyph            = circle
glyph_size       = 10max   = 0.013
min   = 0
r1    = 0.95r
r0    = 0.65r# optional y0/y1 values (absolute or relative) in <background> blocks
# define the start/end limits of background color
# y0 = 0.006
# y0 = 0.75r<backgrounds>
color     = vvlgreen
y0        = 0.006
color     = vlgrey
y1        = 0.006
y0        = 0.002
color     = vvlred
y1        = 0.002
color     = lgreen
thickness = 1
spacing   = 0.05r
y0        = 0.006
color     = dgreen
thickness = 2
spacing   = 0.1r
y0        = 0.006
color     = lgrey
thickness = 1
spacing   = 0.05r
y1        = 0.006
y0        = 0.002
color     = dgrey
thickness = 2
spacing   = 0.1r
y1        = 0.006
y0        = 0.002
color     = lred
thickness = 1
spacing   = 0.05r
y1        = 0.002
color     = dred
thickness = 2
spacing   = 0.1r
y1        = 0.002
condition    = var(value) > 0.006
stroke_color = dgreen
fill_color   = green
glyph        = rectangle
glyph_size   = 8
condition    = var(value) < 0.002
stroke_color = dred
fill_color   = red
glyph        = triangle
</rule></rules></plot># the second plot is a crop of the first plot, placed outside
# the ideogram circle, showing only points with large y-values<plot>file             = data/6/snp.density.txt
fill_color       = green
stroke_color     = dgreen
glyph            = rectangle
glyph_size       = 8max   = 0.013
min   = 0.007
r1    = 1.175r
r0    = 1.075r<backgrounds>
# you can stack backgrounds by using transparent color
color     = vlgreen_a4
y0        = 0.75r
color     = vlgreen_a4
y0        = 0.5r
color     = vlgreen_a4
y0        = 0.25r
color     = vlgreen_a4
color     = green_a3
thickness = 2
spacing   = 0.1r
condition    = var(value) < 0.007
show         = no
</rule></rules></plot># the third plot is a crop of the first plot, placed closer to the
# center of the circle, showing only points with small y-values<plot>file             = data/6/snp.density.txt
fill_color       = red
stroke_color     = dred
glyph            = rectangle
glyph_size       = 8max   = 0.0015
min   = 0.000
r1    = 0.60r
r0    = 0.35r<backgrounds>
color     = vlred_a4
y1        = 0.25r
color     = vlred_a4
y1        = 0.5r
color     = vlred_a4
y1        = 0.75r
color     = vlred_a4
color     = red_a5
thickness = 1
spacing   = 0.025r
color     = red_a3
thickness = 2
spacing   = 0.1r
condition    = var(value) > 0.002
show         = no
</rules></plot></plots><<include etc/housekeeping.conf>>

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