Python 如何进行域账号的校验?当然是操作ldap.
首先需要安装python-ldap的模块。 在这里用的是windows系统,当然比较容易,下载地址。
安装后在python 的交互环境里输入import ldap 如果没有问题就说明安装成功了。
代码语言:javascript复制#!usr/bin/env python
#coding: utf-8
import os
import sys
import ldap
def login_ldap(username, password):
Server = "ldap://"
baseDN = "dc=domainname,dc=com"
searchScope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE
# 设置过滤属性,这里只显示cn=test的信息
searchFilter = "sAMAccountName=" username
# 为用户名加上域名
username = 'domainname\' username
# None表示搜索所有属性,['cn']表示只搜索cn属性
retrieveAttributes = None
conn = ldap.initialize(Server)
conn.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0)
conn.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3
# 这里用户名是域账号的全名例如domain/name
print conn.simple_bind_s(username, password)
print 'ldap connect successfully'
ldap_result_id =, searchScope, searchFilter, retrieveAttributes)
result_set = []
print ldap_result_id
while 1:
result_type, result_data = conn.result(ldap_result_id, 0)
if(result_data == []):
if result_type == ldap.RES_SEARCH_ENTRY:
#print result_set
Name,Attrs = result_set[0][0]
if hasattr(Attrs, 'has_key') and Attrs.has_key('name'):
distinguishedName = Attrs['mail'][0]
#distinguishedName = Attrs['name'][0]
#distinguishedName = Attrs['displayName'][0]
#distinguishedName = Attrs['mail'][0]
#distinguishedName = Attrs['memberOf'][0]
#distinguishedName = Attrs['mailNickname'][0]
#distinguishedName = Attrs['sAMAccountName'][0]
#distinguishedName = Attrs['distinguishedName'][0]
#distinguishedName = Attrs['title'][0]
#distinguishedName = Attrs['department'][0]
#distinguishedName = Attrs['manager'][0]
print "Login Info for user : %s" % distinguishedName
print Attrs['mail'][0]
print Attrs['name'][0]
print Attrs['displayName'][0]
print Attrs['memberOf'][0]
print Attrs['sAMAccountName'][0]
print Attrs['title'][0]
print Attrs['department'][0]
return distinguishedName
print("in error")
return None
except ldap.LDAPError, e:
print("out error")
print e
return None
if __name__ == "__main__":
username = "username" # ldap中用户名
password = "password" # ldap中密码
login_ldap(username, password)
python实例26[验证用户是否存在于LDAP Server]
需要安装python2.x 和python-LDAP模块。
python26实例代码:(用来验证某用户是否存在于LDAP Server)
python实例26[验证用户是否存在于LDAP Server]
需要安装python2.x 和python-LDAP模块。
python26实例代码:(用来验证某用户是否存在于LDAP Server)
python实例26[验证用户是否存在于LDAP Server]
需要安装python2.x 和python-LDAP模块。
python26实例代码:(用来验证某用户是否存在于LDAP Server)
代码语言:javascript复制import time
import ldap
Need install python-ldap module from:
For windows OS, you can get the module from:
ldapuser = "yourusername";
#ldapuser = "CN=yourusername,OU=XXX,OU=XXX,DC=XXX,DC=XXXXX,DC=com"
ldappass = "youruserpasswd";
ldappath = "ldap://yourldapserveriporname:yourldapserverport/";
FoundResult_ServerBusy = "Server is busy"
FoundResult_NotFound = "Not Found"
FoundResult_Found = "Found"
def _validateLDAPUser(user):
l = ldap.initialize(ldappath)
l.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3
searchScope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE
searchFiltername = "sAMAccountName"
retrieveAttributes = None
searchFilter = '(' searchFiltername "=" user ')'
ldap_result_id =, searchScope, searchFilter, retrieveAttributes)
result_type, result_data = l.result(ldap_result_id,1)
if(not len(result_data) == 0):
#print result_data
return 1, FoundResult_Found
return 0, FoundResult_NotFound
except ldap.LDAPError, e:
#print e
return 0, FoundResult_ServerBusy
del l
def validateLDAPUser(user, trynum = 30):
i = 0
isfound = 0
foundResult = ""
while(i < trynum):
#print "try: " str(i)
isfound, foundResult = _validateLDAPUser(user)
i =1
print "-------------------------------"
print "user is :" user
print "isfound :" str(isfound)
print "FoundResult : " foundResult
return isfound, foundResult
下面是搜索目录项的代码 #!/usr/bin/python #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- #设置源码文件编码为utf-8 import ldap try: conn ="server_name") #server_name为ldap服务器名 conn.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3 #设置ldap协议版本 username = "cn=admin,dc=company,dc=com" #用户名 password = "123" #访问密码 conn.simple_bind(username,password) #连接 except ldap.LDAPError, e: #捕获出错信息 print e baseDN = "dc=employees,dc=company,dc=com" #设置目录的搜索路径起点 searchScope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE #设置可搜索子路径 retrieveAttributes = None #None表示搜索所有属性,['cn']表示只搜索cn属性 searchFilter = "cn=test" #设置过滤属性,这里只显示cn=test的信息 try: ldap_result_id =,searchScope,searchFilter,retrieveAttributes) #调用search方法返回结果id result_set = [] while 1: result_type, result_data = conn.result(ldap_result_id, 0) #通过结果id返回信息 if result_data == []: break else: if result_type == ldap.RES_SEARCH_ENTRY: result_set.append(result_data) print result_set[0][0][1]['o'][0] #result_set是一个复合列表,需通过索引返回组织单元(o)信息 except ldap.LDAPError, e: print e 这里采用的是非同步方式,同步方式的连接和搜索命令后有“_s”后缀,如search_s。非同步方式需通过一个结果id来访问目录服务信息。
下面是一个修改目录信息的示例: #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import ldap try: conn ="server_name") conn.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3 username = "cn=admin,dc=company,dc=com" password = "123" conn.simple_bind_s(username,password) except ldap.LDAPError, e: print e try: dn = "cn=test,dc=employees,dc=company,dc=com" conn.modify_s(dn,[(ldap.MOD_ADD,'mail','')]) #增加一个mail属性 except ldap.LDAPError, e: print e ldap.MOD_ADD表示增加属性,ldap.MOD_DELETE表示删除属性,ldap.MOD_REPLACE表示修改属性。
下面是一个增加目录项的示例: #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import ldap,ldap.modlist #ldap.modlist是ldap的子模块,用于格式化目录服务的数据项 try: conn ="server_name") conn.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3 username = "cn=admin,dc=company,dc=com" password = "123" conn.simple_bind_s(username,password) except ldap.LDAPError, e: print e try: dn = "cn=test,dc=card,dc=company,dc=com" modlist = ldap.modlist.addModlist({ #格式化目录项,除对象类型要求必填项外, 'cn': ['test'], #其它项可自由增减 'objectClass': ['top', 'person', 'organizationalPerson', 'inetOrgPerson'], 'o': ['xe5xb9xbfxe5xb7x9e'], #这些为utf-8编码的中文 'street': ['xe5xb9xbfxe5xb7x9e'], 'sn': ['tester'], 'mail': ['', ''], 'homePhone': ['xxxxxxxx'], 'uid': ['test'] }) # print modlist #显示格式化数据项,格式化后是一个元组列表 conn.add_s(dn,modlist) #调用add_s方法添加目录项 except ldap.LDAPError, e: print e 其实我们也可按格式化后元组列表的形式把目录项直接写到add_s()里,省却转换的步骤。
下面是删除目录项的示例: #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import ldap try: conn ="server_name") conn.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3 username = "cn=admin,dc=test,dc=com" password = "password" conn.simple_bind_s(username,password) except ldap.LDAPError, e: print e try: dn = "cn=sale,dc=test,dc=com" conn.delete_s(dn) except ldap.LDAPError, e: print e
python-ldap sample code |
BindAddModifySearchDelete |
- Bind
- Add
- Modify
- Search
- Delete
Binding to LDAP Server | |||
Simple Authentication import ldap try: l ="") # you should set this to ldap.VERSION2 if you're using a v2 directory l.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3 # Pass in a valid username and password to get # privileged directory access. # If you leave them as empty strings or pass an invalid value # you will still bind to the server but with limited privileges. username = "cn=Manager," password = "secret" # Any errors will throw an ldap.LDAPError exception # or related exception so you can ignore the result l.simple_bind(username, password) except ldap.LDAPError, e: print e # handle error however you like | Simple Authentication | import ldap try: l ="") # you should set this to ldap.VERSION2 if you're using a v2 directory l.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3 # Pass in a valid username and password to get # privileged directory access. # If you leave them as empty strings or pass an invalid value # you will still bind to the server but with limited privileges. username = "cn=Manager," password = "secret" # Any errors will throw an ldap.LDAPError exception # or related exception so you can ignore the result l.simple_bind(username, password) except ldap.LDAPError, e: print e # handle error however you like | |
Simple Authentication | |||
import ldap try: l ="") # you should set this to ldap.VERSION2 if you're using a v2 directory l.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3 # Pass in a valid username and password to get # privileged directory access. # If you leave them as empty strings or pass an invalid value # you will still bind to the server but with limited privileges. username = "cn=Manager," password = "secret" # Any errors will throw an ldap.LDAPError exception # or related exception so you can ignore the result l.simple_bind(username, password) except ldap.LDAPError, e: print e # handle error however you like | |||
Adding entries to an LDAP Directory | ||
Synchrounous add # import needed modules import ldap import ldap.modlist as modlist # Open a connection l = ldap.initialize("ldaps://localhost.localdomain:636/") # Bind/authenticate with a user with apropriate rights to add objects l.simple_bind_s("cn=manager,dc=example,dc=com","secret") # The dn of our new entry/object dn="cn=replica,dc=example,dc=com" # A dict to help build the "body" of the object attrs = {} attrs['objectclass'] = ['top','organizationalRole','simpleSecurityObject'] attrs['cn'] = 'replica' attrs['userPassword'] = 'aDifferentSecret' attrs['description'] = 'User object for replication using slurpd' # Convert our dict to nice syntax for the add-function using modlist-module ldif = modlist.addModlist(attrs) # Do the actual synchronous add-operation to the ldapserver l.add_s(dn,ldif) # Its nice to the server to disconnect and free resources when done l.unbind_s() | Synchrounous add | # import needed modules import ldap import ldap.modlist as modlist # Open a connection l = ldap.initialize("ldaps://localhost.localdomain:636/") # Bind/authenticate with a user with apropriate rights to add objects l.simple_bind_s("cn=manager,dc=example,dc=com","secret") # The dn of our new entry/object dn="cn=replica,dc=example,dc=com" # A dict to help build the "body" of the object attrs = {} attrs['objectclass'] = ['top','organizationalRole','simpleSecurityObject'] attrs['cn'] = 'replica' attrs['userPassword'] = 'aDifferentSecret' attrs['description'] = 'User object for replication using slurpd' # Convert our dict to nice syntax for the add-function using modlist-module ldif = modlist.addModlist(attrs) # Do the actual synchronous add-operation to the ldapserver l.add_s(dn,ldif) # Its nice to the server to disconnect and free resources when done l.unbind_s() |
Synchrounous add | ||
# import needed modules import ldap import ldap.modlist as modlist # Open a connection l = ldap.initialize("ldaps://localhost.localdomain:636/") # Bind/authenticate with a user with apropriate rights to add objects l.simple_bind_s("cn=manager,dc=example,dc=com","secret") # The dn of our new entry/object dn="cn=replica,dc=example,dc=com" # A dict to help build the "body" of the object attrs = {} attrs['objectclass'] = ['top','organizationalRole','simpleSecurityObject'] attrs['cn'] = 'replica' attrs['userPassword'] = 'aDifferentSecret' attrs['description'] = 'User object for replication using slurpd' # Convert our dict to nice syntax for the add-function using modlist-module ldif = modlist.addModlist(attrs) # Do the actual synchronous add-operation to the ldapserver l.add_s(dn,ldif) # Its nice to the server to disconnect and free resources when done l.unbind_s() |
Modify entries in an LDAP Directory | ||
Synchrounous modify # import needed modules import ldap import ldap.modlist as modlist # Open a connection l = ldap.initialize("ldaps://localhost.localdomain:636/") # Bind/authenticate with a user with apropriate rights to add objects l.simple_bind_s("cn=manager,dc=example,dc=com","secret") # The dn of our existing entry/object dn="cn=replica,dc=example,dc=com" # Some place-holders for old and new values old = {'description':'User object for replication using slurpd'} new = {'description':'Bind object used for replication using slurpd'} # Convert place-holders for modify-operation using modlist-module ldif = modlist.modifyModlist(old,new) # Do the actual modification l.modify_s(dn,ldif) # Its nice to the server to disconnect and free resources when done l.unbind_s() | Synchrounous modify | # import needed modules import ldap import ldap.modlist as modlist # Open a connection l = ldap.initialize("ldaps://localhost.localdomain:636/") # Bind/authenticate with a user with apropriate rights to add objects l.simple_bind_s("cn=manager,dc=example,dc=com","secret") # The dn of our existing entry/object dn="cn=replica,dc=example,dc=com" # Some place-holders for old and new values old = {'description':'User object for replication using slurpd'} new = {'description':'Bind object used for replication using slurpd'} # Convert place-holders for modify-operation using modlist-module ldif = modlist.modifyModlist(old,new) # Do the actual modification l.modify_s(dn,ldif) # Its nice to the server to disconnect and free resources when done l.unbind_s() |
Synchrounous modify | ||
# import needed modules import ldap import ldap.modlist as modlist # Open a connection l = ldap.initialize("ldaps://localhost.localdomain:636/") # Bind/authenticate with a user with apropriate rights to add objects l.simple_bind_s("cn=manager,dc=example,dc=com","secret") # The dn of our existing entry/object dn="cn=replica,dc=example,dc=com" # Some place-holders for old and new values old = {'description':'User object for replication using slurpd'} new = {'description':'Bind object used for replication using slurpd'} # Convert place-holders for modify-operation using modlist-module ldif = modlist.modifyModlist(old,new) # Do the actual modification l.modify_s(dn,ldif) # Its nice to the server to disconnect and free resources when done l.unbind_s() |
Searching an LDAP Directory | |||
Asynchronous Search import ldap ## first you must open a connection to the server try: l ="") ## searching doesn't require a bind in LDAP V3. If you're using LDAP v2, set the next line appropriately ## and do a bind as shown in the above example. # you can also set this to ldap.VERSION2 if you're using a v2 directory # you should set the next option to ldap.VERSION2 if you're using a v2 directory l.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3 except ldap.LDAPError, e: print e # handle error however you like ## The next lines will also need to be changed to support your search requirements and directory baseDN = "ou=Customers, ou=Sales," searchScope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE ## retrieve all attributes - again adjust to your needs - see documentation for more options retrieveAttributes = None searchFilter = "cn=*jack*" try: ldap_result_id =, searchScope, searchFilter, retrieveAttributes) result_set = [] while 1: result_type, result_data = l.result(ldap_result_id, 0) if (result_data == []): break else: ## here you don't have to append to a list ## you could do whatever you want with the individual entry ## The appending to list is just for illustration. if result_type == ldap.RES_SEARCH_ENTRY: result_set.append(result_data) print result_set except ldap.LDAPError, e: print e | Asynchronous Search | import ldap ## first you must open a connection to the server try: l ="") ## searching doesn't require a bind in LDAP V3. If you're using LDAP v2, set the next line appropriately ## and do a bind as shown in the above example. # you can also set this to ldap.VERSION2 if you're using a v2 directory # you should set the next option to ldap.VERSION2 if you're using a v2 directory l.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3 except ldap.LDAPError, e: print e # handle error however you like ## The next lines will also need to be changed to support your search requirements and directory baseDN = "ou=Customers, ou=Sales," searchScope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE ## retrieve all attributes - again adjust to your needs - see documentation for more options retrieveAttributes = None searchFilter = "cn=*jack*" try: ldap_result_id =, searchScope, searchFilter, retrieveAttributes) result_set = [] while 1: result_type, result_data = l.result(ldap_result_id, 0) if (result_data == []): break else: ## here you don't have to append to a list ## you could do whatever you want with the individual entry ## The appending to list is just for illustration. if result_type == ldap.RES_SEARCH_ENTRY: result_set.append(result_data) print result_set except ldap.LDAPError, e: print e | |
Asynchronous Search | |||
import ldap ## first you must open a connection to the server try: l ="") ## searching doesn't require a bind in LDAP V3. If you're using LDAP v2, set the next line appropriately ## and do a bind as shown in the above example. # you can also set this to ldap.VERSION2 if you're using a v2 directory # you should set the next option to ldap.VERSION2 if you're using a v2 directory l.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3 except ldap.LDAPError, e: print e # handle error however you like ## The next lines will also need to be changed to support your search requirements and directory baseDN = "ou=Customers, ou=Sales," searchScope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE ## retrieve all attributes - again adjust to your needs - see documentation for more options retrieveAttributes = None searchFilter = "cn=*jack*" try: ldap_result_id =, searchScope, searchFilter, retrieveAttributes) result_set = [] while 1: result_type, result_data = l.result(ldap_result_id, 0) if (result_data == []): break else: ## here you don't have to append to a list ## you could do whatever you want with the individual entry ## The appending to list is just for illustration. if result_type == ldap.RES_SEARCH_ENTRY: result_set.append(result_data) print result_set except ldap.LDAPError, e: print e | |||
Deleting an entry from an LDAP Server | ||
Synchronous Delete import ldap ## first you must bind so we're doing a simple bind first try: l ="") l.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3 # Pass in a valid username and password to get # privileged directory access. # If you leave them as empty strings or pass an invalid value # you will still bind to the server but with limited privileges. username = "cn=Manager," password = "secret" # Any errors will throw an ldap.LDAPError exception # or related exception so you can ignore the result l.simple_bind(username, password) except ldap.LDAPError, e: print e # handle error however you like # The next lines will also need to be changed to support your requirements and directory deleteDN = "uid=anyuserid, ou=Customers,ou=Sales," try: # you can safely ignore the results returned as an exception # will be raised if the delete doesn't work. l.delete_s(deleteDN) except ldap.LDAPError, e: print e ## handle error however you like | Synchronous Delete | import ldap ## first you must bind so we're doing a simple bind first try: l ="") l.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3 # Pass in a valid username and password to get # privileged directory access. # If you leave them as empty strings or pass an invalid value # you will still bind to the server but with limited privileges. username = "cn=Manager," password = "secret" # Any errors will throw an ldap.LDAPError exception # or related exception so you can ignore the result l.simple_bind(username, password) except ldap.LDAPError, e: print e # handle error however you like # The next lines will also need to be changed to support your requirements and directory deleteDN = "uid=anyuserid, ou=Customers,ou=Sales," try: # you can safely ignore the results returned as an exception # will be raised if the delete doesn't work. l.delete_s(deleteDN) except ldap.LDAPError, e: print e ## handle error however you like |
Synchronous Delete | ||
import ldap ## first you must bind so we're doing a simple bind first try: l ="") l.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3 # Pass in a valid username and password to get # privileged directory access. # If you leave them as empty strings or pass an invalid value # you will still bind to the server but with limited privileges. username = "cn=Manager," password = "secret" # Any errors will throw an ldap.LDAPError exception # or related exception so you can ignore the result l.simple_bind(username, password) except ldap.LDAPError, e: print e # handle error however you like # The next lines will also need to be changed to support your requirements and directory deleteDN = "uid=anyuserid, ou=Customers,ou=Sales," try: # you can safely ignore the results returned as an exception # will be raised if the delete doesn't work. l.delete_s(deleteDN) except ldap.LDAPError, e: print e ## handle error however you like |