
2020-01-15 10:50:33 浏览数 (1)


[root@windriver-machine test]# cat #!/usr/bin/perl

print "$a's value restore after the cycle:"; $a=1; print "$an"; foreach $a(2,3,4) { print "$a is in cyclen"; } print "$a not in cyclen";

print "n change the var of cycles will impact the data of arrays:n"; @a=(1,2,3); print "@an";

foreach $c(@a){$c=4 if $c==2;}

print "@an";

print "n may visit part elements of arrays:n"; @a=(1,2,3); print "@an"; foreach $c(@a[1,2]){print "$cn";}

print "n the defalut var of cycles is $_:n"; @a=(1,2,3); foreach (@a){print "$_n";}

print "nfor and foreach is same:n"; foreach($i=1;$i<5;$i ){print "$in";}

print "using LABEL:n"; LABEL:for($i=1;$i<5;$i ){          for($j=1;$j<5;$j ){              print "$i ";              last LABEL if $i==3;           }         } print "$i=$in";

print "continue testn"; $a=0;

while($a <10) { ($f=1,next) if $a==5; print "$a"; } continue { (print (":$a in continue:"),$f=0) if ($f==1); } [root@windriver-machine test]# perl $a's value restore after the cycle:1 2 is in cycle 3 is in cycle 4 is in cycle 1 not in cycle

change the var of cycles will impact the data of arrays: 1 2 3 1 4 3

may visit part elements of arrays: 1 2 3 2 3

the defalut var of cycles is $_: 1 2 3

for and foreach is same: 1 2 3 4 using LABEL: 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 $i=3 continue test 1234:5 in continue:678910[root@windriver-machine test]#

Perl语句根标准C/C 有很大的不一样,需要特别注意。

1) 条件语句,使用if(){} elsif(){} …else{},需要注意这里是elsif ,另外可以使用unless() {}

单选if 语句也是只有perl才有,() if() 或者() unless()

2) 循环条件语句,使用while(){} 或者do{} while() 及while() {} continue{}。 Until(){} ,do{} until(),util(){}continue{},特别是带continue,这一点与C完全不一样,需要特别注意.单选语句,一定要有结束条件。

3) 循环语句,使用for,foreach.注意这里面的控制last,next,redo,goto跟通常意义的理解也不一样的,需要特别注意。

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