1 using System;
2 using System.Collections.Generic;
3 using System.Linq;
4 using System.Web;
5 using System.Web.UI;
6 using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
7 using System.Data;
8 using Stimulsoft.Report;
9 using Stimulsoft.Report.Components;
10 using Stimulsoft.Report.Print;
11 using Stimulsoft.Report.Export;
12 using System.IO;
13 using System.Net.Mail;
14 using System.Text;
15 using System.Net;
17 public class applicationStart
18 {
19 public static bool isshowlogo = false;
20 public static string orderid = "";
21 public static DataTable dthead;
22 public static DataTable dtmessage;
23 }
25 public partial class StimulReport : System.Web.UI.Page
26 {
27 double left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 20;
29 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
30 {
31 if (!Page.IsPostBack)
32 {
33 try
34 {
35 string aa = Request.QueryString["printno"];
36 if (aa == null || aa == "")
37 throw new Exception();
38 applicationStart.orderid = aa;
39 }
40 catch
41 {
42 return;
43 }
44 try
45 {
46 applicationStart.isshowlogo = Convert.ToBoolean(Request.QueryString["isshowlogo"]);
48 }
49 catch
50 {
51 }
52 GetSource();
53 }
54 ShowReport(applicationStart.isshowlogo);
55 }
57 private void ShowReport(bool isshowlogo)
58 {
59 if (applicationStart.isshowlogo)
60 {
61 this.Button2.Text = "HideLogo";
62 }
63 else
64 {
65 this.Button2.Text = "ShowLogo";
66 }
68 string filepath = Server.MapPath("~/Report_1.mrt");
69 StiReport stireport = new StiReport();
70 stireport.Load(filepath);
72 stireport.RegData("datasource", applicationStart.dtmessage);
73 //设置报表内控件状态
74 StiFooterBand fb = stireport.Pages[0].Components["FooterBand1"] as StiFooterBand;
75 StiText st = fb.Components["Text47"] as StiText;
76 st.Enabled = applicationStart.dthead.Rows[0]["looksampletype"].ToString() == "0" ? false : true;
78 StiPageHeaderBand head = stireport.Pages[0].Components["PageHeaderBand1"] as StiPageHeaderBand;
79 StiImage imglogo1 = head.Components["Image1"] as StiImage;
80 imglogo1.Enabled = applicationStart.isshowlogo;
82 StiPageFooterBand footer = stireport.Pages[0].Components["PageFooterBand1"] as StiPageFooterBand;
83 StiImage imglogo2 = footer.Components["Image2"] as StiImage;
84 imglogo2.Enabled = applicationStart.isshowlogo;
86 //设置页边距
87 stireport.Pages[0].Margins = new StiMargins(left, right, top, bottom);
89 stireport.Compile();
90 //设置报表内的参数值
91 stireport["code"] = applicationStart.dthead.Rows[0]["code"].ToString();
92 stireport["orderno"] = applicationStart.dthead.Rows[0]["orderno"].ToString();
93 stireport["price"] = applicationStart.dthead.Rows[0]["price"].ToString();
94 stireport["discountprice"] = applicationStart.dthead.Rows[0]["discountprice"].ToString();
95 stireport["tobefinishstr"] = applicationStart.dthead.Rows[0]["tobefinishstr"].ToString();
96 stireport["createdate"] = applicationStart.dthead.Rows[0]["createdate"].ToString();
97 stireport["contact"] = applicationStart.dthead.Rows[0]["contact"].ToString();
98 stireport["companyname"] = applicationStart.dthead.Rows[0]["companyname"].ToString();
99 stireport["tel"] = applicationStart.dthead.Rows[0]["tel"].ToString();
100 stireport["fax"] = applicationStart.dthead.Rows[0]["fax"].ToString();
101 stireport["mobile"] = applicationStart.dthead.Rows[0]["mobile"].ToString();
102 stireport["address"] = applicationStart.dthead.Rows[0]["address"].ToString();
103 stireport["email"] = applicationStart.dthead.Rows[0]["email"].ToString();
104 stireport["deliverytypeenname"] = applicationStart.dthead.Rows[0]["deliverytypeenname"].ToString();
105 stireport["name"] = applicationStart.dthead.Rows[0]["name"].ToString();
106 stireport["customermemo"] = applicationStart.dthead.Rows[0]["customermemo"].ToString();
107 stireport["looksampletypestr"] = applicationStart.dthead.Rows[0]["looksampletypestr"].ToString();
109 viewer1.Report = stireport;
110 }
112 private void GetSource()
113 {
114 string headsql = "select orderno, tobefinishdate, so.price,so.discountprice, tobefinishstr,so.deliverydate,createdate ,so.contact,so.companyname,so.tel,so.fax,so.mobile,so.address,so.looksampletype, "
115 "so.orderid, so.email,so.code, sales.username as salename ,openso.username as openname ,base_delivery_type.deliverytypeenname,base_delivery_type.shiptypename,user_position.positionname," "name,so.discountoffflag,so.customermemo from so ,user as sales,user as openso ,base_delivery_type,user_position ,customer,customer_discount "
116 "where so.userid=sales.userid and so.opuserid=openso.userid and base_delivery_type.deliverytypeid=so.deliverytypeid "
117 "and so.positionid=user_position.positionid and customer.discountid=customer_discount.discountid "
118 "and so.customerid=customer.customerid and so.orderid=" applicationStart.orderid;
120 string messagesql = "SELECT *from ("
121 "select jobno,product.productname,enproductname,so_detail.printnum,sampleflag,socontent as jobcontent , printprice , "
122 "sodetailid as sortno,so.customermemo as memo "
123 "From so_detail ,so,product where so_detail.deleteflag=0 and so.orderid=so_detail.orderid and "
124 "product.productid=so_detail.productid and so.orderid= " applicationStart.orderid
125 " union all "
126 "select '' as jobno , 'Delivery' as productname ,'Delivery' as enproductname , ' ' as printnum ,' ' as sampleflag , '' as jobcontent ,price ,"
127 "'1' as sortno ,address as memo from so_delivery where orderid= " applicationStart.orderid
128 " union all "
129 "select '' as jobno , 'PostProcess' as productname ,'PostProcess' as enproductname, outsidenum as printnum ,' ' as sampleflag , postprocessname, costamount "
130 ", so_detail.sodetailid as sortno ,concat(memo,memostr) as memo From so_detail_outside,so ,so_detail where so.orderid=so_detail.orderid and so_detail.deleteflag=0 "
131 "and so_detail.sodetailid=so_detail_outside.sodetailid and so.orderid= " applicationStart.orderid
132 " union all "
133 "select '' as jobno , 'OtherItem' as productname ,'OtherItem' as enproductname , ' ' as printnum ,' ' as sampleflag , pricenamecn, so_detail_price.price "
134 ", so_detail.sodetailid as sortno ,'' as memo From so_detail_price,so ,so_detail where so.orderid=so_detail.orderid and so_detail.deleteflag=0 "
135 "and so_detail.sodetailid=so_detail_price.sodetailid and so.orderid= " applicationStart.orderid
136 " union all "
137 "select '' as jobno , offername as productname ,"
138 "'Discountinfo' as enproductname , ' ' as printnum ,' ' as sampleflag , offer_so_history.offermemo as discountmemo, -offer_so_history.discountprice as price , "
139 "'0' as sortno , offer_so_history.offername as memo From offer_so_history,so where so.orderid=offer_so_history.orderid and so.deleteflag=0 "
140 "and so.orderid=" applicationStart.orderid " ) as itemlist order by sortno desc";
141 DataModule dm = DataModule.GetDataModule();
142 applicationStart.dthead = dm.QuerySql(headsql);
143 applicationStart.dtmessage = dm.QuerySql(messagesql);
144 DataTable dt = applicationStart.dtmessage;
146 applicationStart.dthead.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("looksampletypestr", typeof(string)));
147 applicationStart.dthead.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("isshowdiscountprice", typeof(string)));
148 if (applicationStart.dthead.Rows.Count > 0)
149 {
150 if (applicationStart.dthead.Rows[0][2].ToString() == applicationStart.dthead.Rows[0][3].ToString())
151 {
152 applicationStart.dthead.Rows[0]["isshowdiscountprice"] = 0;//false
153 }
154 else
155 {
156 applicationStart.dthead.Rows[0]["isshowdiscountprice"] = 1;//true
157 }
158 }
160 foreach (DataRow dr in applicationStart.dthead.Rows)
161 {
162 if (dr["looksampletype"].ToString() == "0")
163 {
164 dr["looksampletypestr"] = "不打稿";
165 }
166 else if (dr["looksampletype"].ToString() == "1")
167 {
168 dr["looksampletypestr"] = "打稿";
169 }
170 else
171 {
172 dr["looksampletypestr"] = "";
173 }
174 }
175 }
177 protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
178 {
179 SendEmail(this.DropDownList1.SelectedValue, this.viewer1.Report, "aaa@163.com", this.TextBox1.Text, "Report[" this.DropDownList1.SelectedValue "]" DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), "", "smtp.163.com", 25, "aaa@163.com", "123456");
180 }
182 private void GetFormat(string filetype, ref StiExportFormat sf, ref string filename)
183 {
184 switch (filetype)
185 {
186 case "pdf": sf = StiExportFormat.Pdf; filename = "report.pdf"; break;
187 case "jpeg": sf = StiExportFormat.ImageJpeg; filename = "report.jpeg"; break;
188 case "gif": sf = StiExportFormat.ImageGif; filename = "report.gif"; break;
189 case "excel": sf = StiExportFormat.Excel; filename = "report.xls"; break;
190 case "word2007": sf = StiExportFormat.Word2007; filename = "report.docx"; break;
191 }
192 }
194 public void SendEmail(string filetype, StiReport report, string fromaddress, string toaddress, string subject, string messageBody, string host, int port, string username, string password)
195 {
196 using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
197 {
198 string filename = "";
199 StiExportFormat sef = StiExportFormat.Pdf;
200 GetFormat(filetype, ref sef, ref filename);
201 report.ExportDocument(sef, ms);
202 ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
204 //使用自己的邮件发送机制
205 System.Net.Mail.Attachment attachment = new System.Net.Mail.Attachment(ms, filename);
207 MailMessage item = new MailMessage(fromaddress, toaddress);
208 item.Subject = subject;
209 item.Body = messageBody;
210 item.Attachments.Add(attachment);
212 SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient(host, port);
213 smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
214 smtp.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(username, password);
215 smtp.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network;
216 smtp.Send(item);
217 ms.Close();
218 }
219 ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "", "<script>showmessage();</script>");
220 }
221 protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
222 {
223 applicationStart.isshowlogo = !applicationStart.isshowlogo;
224 ShowReport(applicationStart.isshowlogo);
225 }
226 }
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