Cocos Creator入门实战:桌球小游戏(2)
How to make a simple snooker game with CocosCreator (2)
桌球小游戏是 BigBear 老师设计、撰写的中英双语的 Cocos Creator 入门教程,面向 Cocos Creator 初学者,但不论你技术如何,相信你会在 BigBear 老师的文章中有所收获。
Shawn 上周天推送了完整中文版本,为了让大家有一个好的学习体验,我将《Cocos Creator入门实战:桌球小游戏》一文拆分成若干篇中英双语的教程,我们一起学习游戏、学习英语(看我公众号的名字就知道Shawn的英语有多low)!
- 【完整中文教程】Cocos Creator入门实战:桌球小游戏
- 【中英双语教程】桌球小游戏(1)
Create a sprite node named 'table', its parent is 'Canvas' node. This node is our billiard table.
Set its spriteframe proerty used the spriteframe asset named 'bg'
- 添加RighdBody组件
Now we implement its physics features
- 由于桌面是静止不动的,因此我们将Type设置为Static。
- 去掉AwakeOnLoad,因为我们并不需要它处于唤醒状态。
- Since the table is motionless, we set the Type property with Static.
- Unselect the AwakeOnLoad property, because we do not want it awakened.
- 添加四个边的碰撞组件
Add a 4 four-box collider component
- 注意不是使用碰撞组件,而是物理组件中的Collider组件
- 勾选Editing选项可在场景编辑器中改变碰撞体的大小和位置
- Make sure to select the option Enable Contact listener.
- you can select the option Editing , then you can change the collider size or position at scene editor.
- 添加六个袋口的碰撞组件
add 6 circle collider component
- 这里用的碰撞题为CircleCollider
- 袋口碰撞体的tag我们设置为1
- 这里是为了在碰撞回调中与四周的边区分开来,便于判断
- Add six circle collider components. Through these collisions, we can know when the ball goes into the bag.
- Set these circle collider tag property to 1.
- This property will help us to know which collider is colliding .
When you finish these steps, you will see the table in the scene editor with debug info drawing. Example: