4月9日醒来看到卫报Sydney Brenner大师 (三联体密码子破译、mRNA、线虫模式生物建立)的去世消息-------悼念诺贝尔生理医学奖获得者 Sydney Brenner (1927-2019/04/05),震撼惋惜之余想起之前看过的大师的视频,翻看下,发现还在,继续聆听大师的教诲。
这是一个个人觉得很好的大师视频网站,是蒲慕明院士在遗传所做讲座时推荐的,蒲慕明院士比较广为人知的是其写给实验室的邮件(文后列出几个关键点)和每年在神经所年会的讲话 (百度搜索下)。
- 生信宝典视频教程
- 生信老司机以中心法则为主线讲解组学技术的应用和生信分析心得
- 英语写作常见错误总结和学习视频
- 教育部推出首批490门”国家精品在线开放课程”
- 收藏 北大生信平台” 单细胞分析、染色质分析” 视频和PPT分享
- As a scientist, you must dedicate everything to this business 作为一个科学家,你必须把一切都献身给科研事业.
- Working time: 8-hour is unpractical. There is NO way for a scientist or a Ph.D student to workonly 8 hours a day! 每天仅仅工作8个小时是不行的。对于一个博士或者科学家,每天仅仅工作8个小时根本根本就是死路一条!(“NO way”)
- Go to your mother’s house for afternoon naps and never come back! 如果有人敢午休,那就马上卷铺盖走人,永远不要再回实验室!
- Vacation: 5 weeks per year (Chinese New Year, the May Day and the National Day breaks are included) 包括春节,五一,国庆,每年全部假期一共5个星期。
- Start your morning work not later than 8:30 am and afternoon work no later than 1 pm 上午必须早于8:30上班,下午必须早于1点上班。(注意,没有规定几点下班。)
- Surf over the Internet for non-scientific purposes should be less than 30 min a day 每天用于看网页以及其他与科研无关事情的时间不得多余30分钟。 - Reading newspapers should be limited less than 30 min a day 每天看报纸的时间不得多余30分钟
- Novels or other non-scientific journals/magazines are not permitted in the lab and office 小说和非科研性杂志不准带入实验室
- If you are absent from the lab more thanone hour, get permission first. 如果离开实验室超过1个小时,必须事先请假并得到允许。
- Everyone has personal business, but the lab business always has priority unless in emergency 除非紧急的事情,否则实验室的事情永远大于私事。
- In this business, an “average” student who works seven days a week is definitely more productive than a “genius” who works five days a week 在这行里,每周只工作5天,即使是天才,也比要低于比一个工作7天的资质平平的人还要差。
- If you are able to make any major progresses by working 8 hours a day and 5 days a week, every fortunate in this world must be on your side! 如果你即使每天工作8个小时并且每周只工作5天,居然也能成功哪怕只有一次(any),那除非你是上帝(主宰了世界上一切的人)!