Using Gaussian processes for regression降维之高斯过程

2020-04-20 15:07:28 浏览数 (1)

In this recipe, we'll use the Gaussian process for regression. In the linear models section,we saw how representing prior information on the coefficients was possible using Bayesian Ridge Regression.


With a Gaussian process, it's about the variance and not the mean. However, with a Gaussian process, we assume the mean is 0, so it's the covariance function we'll need to specify.


The basic setup is similar to how a prior can be put on the coefficients in a typical regression problem. With a GP, a prior can be put on the functional form of the data, and it's the covariance between the data points that is used to model the data, and therefore, must be fit from the data.


Getting ready准备工作

So, let's use some regression data and walkthrough how Gaussian processes work in scikit-learn:所以我们用一些回归数据来了解scikit-learn中的高斯过程是如何工作的:

from sklearn.datasets import load_boston
boston = load_boston()
boston_X =
boston_y =
train_set = np.random.choice([True, False], len(boston_y),p=[.75, .25])

How to do it…怎么做

Now that we have the data, we'll create a scikit-learn GaussianProcess object. By default,it uses a constant regression function and squared exponential correlation, which is one of the more common choices:


>>> from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcess
>>> gp = GaussianProcess()
>>>[train_set], boston_y[train_set])
GaussianProcessRegressor(alpha=1e-10, copy_X_train=True, kernel=None,
                         n_restarts_optimizer=0, normalize_y=False,
                         optimizer='fmin_l_bfgs_b', random_state=None)

That's a formidable object definition. The following are a couple of things to point out:这是一个难定义的对象,以下列出一系列参数。

1、 beta0 : This is the regression weight. This defaults in a way such that MLE is used for estimation.

β :这是回归权重,MLE(极大似然估计)用于估计时,使用该定义。

2、 corr : This is the correlation function. There are several built-in correlation functions.We'll look at more of them in the following How it works... section.


3、regr : This is the constant regression function.线性回归模式,这是连续型回归函数

4、nugget : This is the regularization parameter. It defaults to a very small number.You can either pass one value to be used for each data point or a single value that needs to be applied uniformly.


5、normalize : This defaults to True , and it will center and scale the features.This would be scale is R.


Okay, so now that we fit the object, let's look at it's performance against the test object:


test_preds = gp.predict(boston_X[~train_set])

Let's plot the predicted values versus the actual values; then, because we're doing regression,it's probably a good idea to look at plotted residuals and a histogram of the residuals:


>>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
>>> f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 7), nrows=3)
>>> f.tight_layout()
>>> ax[0].plot(range(len(test_preds)), test_preds,label='Predicted Values')
>>> ax[0].plot(range(len(test_preds)), boston_y[~train_set],label='Actual Values')
>>> ax[0].set_title("Predicted vs Actuals")
>>> ax[0].legend(loc='best')
>>> ax[1].plot(range(len(test_preds)),test_preds - boston_y[~train_set])
>>> ax[1].set_title("Plotted Residuals")
>>> ax[2].hist(test_preds - boston_y[~train_set]);
>>> ax[2].set_title("Histogram of Residuals")

The output is as follows:输出如下:

How it works…它是如何工作的

Now that we've worked through a very quick example, let's look a little more at what some of the parameters do and how we can tune them based on the model we're trying to fit.


First, let's try to understand what's going on with the corr function. This function describes the relationship between the different pairs of X. The following five different correlation functions are offered by scikit-learn:


1、 absolute_exponential 绝对指数

2、 squared_exponential 平方指数

3、generalized_exponential 广义指数

4、 cubic 立方

5、 linear 线型

For example, the squared exponential has the following form:例如:平方指数为以下形式:

Linear, on the other hand, is just the dot product of the two points in question:线型,就是一种两点集合的点乘

Another parameter of interest is theta0 . This represents the starting point in the estimation of the the parameters.


Once we have an estimation of K and the mean, the process is fully specified due to it being a Gaussian process; emphasis is put on Gaussian, a reason it's so popular for general machine learning work.


Let's use a different regr function, apply a different theta0 , and look at how the predictions differ:让我们用一个不同的线性回归函数,应用一个不同的theta0,然后看看预测值的不同:

gp = GaussianProcess(regr='linear', theta0=5e-1)[train_set], boston_y[train_set]);
linear_preds = gp.predict(boston_X[~train_set])
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 5))

Let's have a look at the fit:让我们看看拟合情况:

>>> f.tight_layout()

>>> ax.hist(test_preds - boston_y[~train_set],label='Residuals Original', color='b', alpha=.5);

>>> ax.hist(linear_preds - boston_y[~train_set],label='Residuals Linear', color='r', alpha=.5);

>>> ax.set_title("Residuals")

>>> ax.legend(loc='best')

The following is the output:以下是输出情况:

Clearly, the second model's predictions are slightly better for the most part. If we want to sum this up, we can look at the MSE of the predictions:


>>> np.power(test_preds - boston_y[~train_set], 2).mean()


>>> np.power(linear_preds - boston_y[~train_set], 2).mean()


There's more…扩展阅读

We might want to understand the uncertainty in our estimates. When we make the predictions, if we pass the eval_MSE argument as True , we'll get MSE and the predicted values. From a mechanics standpoint, a tuple of predictions and MSE is returned:


>>> test_preds, MSE = gp.predict(boston_X[~train_set], eval_MSE=True)

>>> MSE[:5]

array([ 11.95314572, 8.48397825, 6.0287539 , 29.20844347,0.36427829])

So, now that we have errors in the estimates (unfortunately), let's plot the first few to get an indication of accuracy:


>>> f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 5))

>>> n = 20

>>> rng = range(n)

>>> ax.scatter(rng, test_preds[:n])

>>> ax.errorbar(rng, test_preds[:n], yerr=1.96*MSE[:n])

>>> ax.set_title("Predictions with Error Bars")

>>> ax.set_xlim((-1, 21));

The following is the output:输出如下

As you can see, there's quite a bit of variance in the estimates for a lot of these points. On the other hand, our overall error wasn't too bad.


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