In KMeans, we assume that the variance of the clusters is equal. This leads to a subdivision of space that determines how the clusters are assigned; but, what about a situation where the variances are not equal and each cluster point has some probabilistic association with it?
Getting ready准备工作
There's a more probabilistic way of looking at KMeans clustering. Hard KMeans clustering is the same as applying a Gaussian Mixture Model with a covariance matrix, S, which can be factored to the error times of the identity matrix. This is the same covariance structure for each cluster. It leads to spherical clusters.
一个更加基于概率的方法来看待KMeans聚类,Hard KMeans clustering的用法就和高斯混合模型处理协方差矩阵一样,S能被分解因子为误差次数的单位向量,这与每个聚类的协方差结构相似,这导致球形分类。
However, if we allow S to vary, a GMM can be estimated and used for prediction. We'll look at how this works in a univariate sense, and then expand to more dimensions.
How to do it...怎么做
First, we need to create some data. For example, let's simulate heights of both women and men. We'll use this example throughout this recipe. It's a simple example, but hopefully, will illustrate what we're trying to accomplish in an N dimensional space, which is a little easier to visualize:
代码语言:javascript复制import numpy as np
N = 1000
in_m = 72
in_w = 66
s_m = 2
s_w = s_m
m = np.random.normal(in_m, s_m, N)
w = np.random.normal(in_w, s_w, N)
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 5))
ax.set_title("Histogram of Heights")
ax.hist(m, alpha=.5, label="Men");
ax.hist(w, alpha=.5, label="Women");
The following is the output:如下图所示
Next, we might be interested in subsampling the group, fitting the distribution, and then predicting the remaining groups:
代码语言:javascript复制random_sample = np.random.choice([True, False], size=m.size)
m_test = m[random_sample]
m_train = m[~random_sample]
w_test = w[random_sample]
w_train = w[~random_sample]
Now we need to get the empirical distribution of the heights of both men and women based on the training set:
代码语言:javascript复制from scipy import stats
m_pdf = stats.norm(m_train.mean(), m_train.std())
w_pdf = stats.norm(w_train.mean(), w_train.std())
For the test set, we will calculate based on the likelihood that the data point was generated from either distribution, and the most likely distribution will get the appropriate label assigned. We will, of course, look at how accurate we were:
Notice the difference in likelihoods.注意可能性之间的不同
Assume that we guess situations when the men's probability is higher, but we overwrite them if the women's probability is higher:
代码语言:javascript复制guesses_m = np.ones_like(m_test)
guesses_m[m_pdf.pdf(m_test) < w_pdf.pdf(m_test)] = 0
Obviously, the question is how accurate we are. Since guesses_m will be 1 if we are correct,and 0 if we aren't, we take the mean of the vector and get the accuracy:
Not too bad! Now, to see how well we did with for the women's group, use the following commands:
代码语言:javascript复制guesses_w = np.ones_like(w_test)
guesses_w[m_pdf.pdf(w_test) > w_pdf.pdf(w_test)] = 0
Let's allow the variance to differ between groups. First, create some new data:
代码语言:javascript复制s_m = 1
s_w = 4
m = np.random.normal(in_m, s_m, N)
w = np.random.normal(in_w, s_w, N)
Then, create a training set:然后,生成一个训练集
代码语言:javascript复制m_test = m[random_sample]
m_train = m[~random_sample]
w_test = w[random_sample]
w_train = w[~random_sample]
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 5))
ax.set_title("Histogram of Heights")
ax.hist(m_train, alpha=.5, label="Men");
ax.hist(w_train, alpha=.5, label="Women");
Let's take a look at the difference in variances between the men and women:
Now we can create the same PDFs:让我们生成同样的PDF
代码语言:javascript复制m_pdf = stats.norm(m_train.mean(), m_train.std())
w_pdf = stats.norm(w_train.mean(), w_train.std())
The following is the output:以下为输出:
You can imagine this in a multidimensional space:你能够在多维空间想象这个:
代码语言:javascript复制class_A = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=(100, 2))
class_B = np.random.normal(4, 1.5, size=(100, 2))
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 5))
ax.scatter(class_A[:,0], class_A[:,1], label='A', c='r')
ax.scatter(class_B[:,0], class_B[:,1], label='B')
The following is the output:如下图所示
How it works...怎么做的:
Okay, so now that we've looked at how we can classify points based on distribution, let's look at how we can do this in scikit-learn:
代码语言:javascript复制from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture
gmm = GaussianMixture(n_components=2)
X = np.row_stack((class_A, class_B))
y = np.hstack((np.ones(100), np.zeros(100)))
Since we're good little data scientists, we'll create a training set:自从我们成为好的小数据科学家,我们需要生成训练集:
代码语言:javascript复制train = np.random.choice([True, False], 200)
GaussianMixture(covariance_type='full', init_params='kmeans', max_iter=100,
means_init=None, n_components=2, n_init=1, precisions_init=None,
random_state=None, reg_covar=1e-06, tol=0.001, verbose=0,
verbose_interval=10, warm_start=False, weights_init=None)
Fitting and predicting is done in the same way as fitting is done for many of the other objects in scikit-learn:
array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
There are other methods worth looking at now that the model has been fit.For example, using score_samples , we can actually get the per-sample likelihood for each label.