一致性hash也算是接触到过很多回了,不过一直没有自己真正去实现过,今天在一致性hash在分布式系统中的应用 看到了一个简单的Python版本实现,正好这两天在学习scala,尝试着用scala实现了一版。
- KV系统
- 缓存系统
- 负载均衡系统
import java.security.MessageDigest
import scala.collection.mutable
* Created by liufengquan on 2018/4/13.
class ConsistentHash(virtualNodes: Int) {
val servers: mutable.Set[String] = mutable.Set()
/** store virtual node's hash */
private var hashRing = List[Int]()
/** virtual node's hash -> node identity*/
private var hashServerMap = mutable.Map[Int, String]()
* put a node, that is a server in pool
* @param ip
def addNode(ip: String): Unit = {
servers = ip
(1 to virtualNodes).foreach(i => {
val key = getKeyHash(ip ":" i)
hashRing = key :: hashRing
hashServerMap = key -> ip
hashRing = hashRing.sorted
* remove a node
* @param ip
def removeNode(ip: String): Unit = {
servers -= ip
(1 to virtualNodes).foreach(i => {
val key = getKeyHash(ip "i")
hashRing = hashRing.filter(_ != key)
hashServerMap = hashServerMap.filter(_._1 != key)
* get a node according to a key
* @param key
* @return
def getNode(key: String): String = {
require(servers != null && servers.nonEmpty)
val hash = getKeyHash(key)
val avail = hashRing.filter(_ > hash)
if (avail.nonEmpty) hashServerMap(avail.head)
else hashServerMap(hashRing.head)
def getServers: String = servers mkString ":"
* naive hashCode has bad randomness,
* use md5 and do a little exchange
* @param key
* @return
private def getKeyHash(key: String): Int = {
val digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5")
val bytes = digest.digest(key.getBytes("UTF-8"))
bytes.map(_.toInt).reduceLeft(_ * 11 _)
object ConsistentHash {
val servers = List("", "", "", "", "")
def consistentHashTest(replica: Int): Unit = {
val consistentHash = new ConsistentHash(replica)
var map = mutable.Map[String, List[String]]()
val text = """The following examples show some safe operations to drop or change columns. Dropping the final column in a table lets Impala ignore the data causing any disruption to existing data files. Changing the type of a column works if existing data values can be safely converted to the new type. The type conversion rules depend on the file format of the underlying table. For example, in a text table, the same value can be interpreted as a STRING or a numeric value, while in a binary format such as Parquet, the rules are stricter and type conversions only work between certain sizes of integers."""
servers.foreach(map = _ -> List[String]())
text.split(" ").foreach(s => {
val server = consistentHash.getNode(s)
map(server) = s :: map(server)
println(map mkString "n")
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
require(args.length > 0)