Zabbix agent on Zabbix server is unreachable for 5 minutes

2019-08-27 10:48:49 浏览数 (1)

Zabbix agent on Zabbix server is unreachable for 5 minutes

主机运行时,会报这个错,所以要先按安装Zabbix agent,

Zabbix-server在监控的过程中,发现Web上报错提示zabbix server与agent之间已经失联超过5分钟了,为了找到问题出现的根本原因,在troubleshouting的时候,应该首先去查看服务对应的日志。首先应该查看server端的日志有无错误消息,通过日志查看,发现server端运行正常,那么问题很可能就出现在了客户端上,来到这台agent上查看服务日志。


  1. [root@iZbp11rfoyeescusr9ha9qZ tmp]# find / -name *agentd.log
  2. /var/log/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.log
  3. [root@iZbp11rfoyeescusr9ha9qZ tmp]# vim /var/log/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.log
  4. 23904:20170310:092458.633 Starting Zabbix Agent [Zabbix server]. Zabbix 2.2.16 (revision 64243).
  5. 23904:20170310:092458.634 using configuration file: /etc/zabbix_agentd.conf
  6. 23915:20170310:092458.636 agent #1 started [listener #1]
  7. 23918:20170310:092458.636 agent #3 started [listener #3]
  8. 23917:20170310:092458.636 agent #2 started [listener #2]
  9. 23914:20170310:092458.636 agent #0 started [collector]
  10. 23919:20170310:092458.637 agent #4 started [active checks #1]
  11. 23919:20170310:092458.637 active check configuration update from [] started to fail (cannot connect to [[]:10051]: [111] Connection refused)
  12. 23919:20170310:102358.983 active check configuration update from [] is working again
  13. 23919:20170310:102358.983 no active checks on server []: host [Zabbix server] not monitored
  14. 23919:20170310:102559.020 no active checks on server []: host [Zabbix server] not monitored
  15. 23919:20170310:102759.073 no active checks on server []: host [Zabbix server] not monitored
  16. 23919:20170310:102959.109 no active checks on server []: host [Zabbix server] not monitored
  17. 23904:20170310:103011.545 Got signal [signal:15(SIGTERM),sender_pid:26144,sender_uid:0,reason:0]. Exiting ...
  18. 23904:20170310:103011.547 Zabbix Agent stopped. Zabbix 2.2.16 (revision 64243).
  19. 26157:20170310:103011.659 Starting Zabbix Agent [Zabbix server]. Zabbix 2.2.16 (revision 64243).
  20. 26157:20170310:103011.659 using configuration file: /etc/zabbix_agentd.conf
  21. 26168:20170310:103011.663 agent #1 started [listener #1]
  22. 26172:20170310:103011.663 agent #4 started [active checks #1]
  23. 26171:20170310:103011.663 agent #3 started [listener #3]
  24. 26170:20170310:103011.663 agent #2 started [listener #2]
  25. 26166:20170310:103011.664 agent #0 started [collector]
  26. 26172:20170310:103011.667 no active checks on server []: host [Zabbix server] not monitored

通过查看日志,发现23919:20170310:092458.637 这条日志记录告诉我们说,主动从[]检查配置更新失败,agent与server之间的连接失败。


  1. [root@iZbp11rfoyeescusr9ha9qZ tmp]# vim /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf
  2. 122 ServerActive=


  1. [root@iZbp11rfoyeescusr9ha9qZ tmp]# /etc/init.d/zabbix-agentd restart
  2. Shutting down Zabbix agent: [ OK ]
  3. Starting Zabbix agent: [ OK ]



  1. 在troubleshouting查看服务日志的时候,可以将注意力集中在有显示“fail”或者“Error”这类失败的关键词上,这样可以快速排错,找到问题的原因,而不必通篇阅读所有的日志,极大的提高效率。
  2. 作为运维工程师,脑袋储存的信息可能比较多、杂,时而出现忘记了某个服务、配置文件的绝对路径,如果记得文件或者目录的完整名,可以使用“locate 文件名”命令来定位文件的绝对路径,若是连文件名也记不大清了,没关系,还可以用Linux平台强大的搜索命令find,以全局查找的方式,通过星号来匹配到想要查找的文件的绝对路径,例如:find / -name *agentd.conf (从/目录开始,全局搜索以agentd结尾的.conf文件)。这些都是作为一名运维工程师应该具备的基本技能,而不必通过死记硬背的方式来记忆所有文件的绝对路径。

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