package com.bi
import java.sql.{Connection, DriverManager, Timestamp}
import java.util.Calendar
* Created by xxx on 2017/6/28.
object MySqlConn {
// for test env
val mysqlConfTest = collection.mutable.Map(
"driver" -> "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver",
"url" -> "jdbc:mysql://",
"username" -> "test",
"password" -> "test"
// for prod env
val mysqlConfProd = collection.mutable.Map(
"driver" -> "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver",
"url" -> "jdbc:mysql://hostname:3306/rpt?autoReconnect=true",
"username" -> "xxxx",
"password" -> "xxxxx"
* 创建mysql连接
* @return
def getMysqlConn(): Connection = {
DriverManager.getConnection(mysqlConfTest("url"), mysqlConfTest("username"), mysqlConfTest("password"))
* 查询所有漏斗
* @return
def getFunnels(dateStr: String): collection.mutable.Map[Int, (String, Int, Int ,String ,String)] = {
// connect to the database named "mysql" on the localhost
val conn = getMysqlConn
val funnels = collection.mutable.Map[Int, (String, Int, Int ,String ,String)]()
try {
// create the statement, and run the select query
val statement = conn.createStatement()
val sql = s"""select id,funnel_name,status,done,start_time,end_time
|from rpt_funnel_manage
|where status = 1
|and (done in (0,3) or (done = 2 and '$dateStr' <= end_time and '$dateStr' >= start_time))
|order by id""".stripMargin
val resultSet = statement.executeQuery(sql)
while (resultSet.next()) {
val fid = resultSet.getInt("id")
val funnelName = resultSet.getString("funnel_name")
val status = resultSet.getInt("status")
val done = resultSet.getInt("done")
val startTime = resultSet.getString("start_time")
val endTime = resultSet.getString("end_time")
funnels = (fid -> (funnelName, status, done, startTime, endTime))
} catch {
case e:Throwable => {
println("FunnelGO failed! Coursed by getFunnels error")
} finally {
def getFunnelLevels(funnelId: Int): collection.mutable.Map[Int, List[Int]] = {
// connect to the database named "mysql" on the localhost
val conn = getMysqlConn
val funnel = collection.mutable.Map[Int, List[Int]]()
try {
// create the statement, and run the select query
val statement = conn.createStatement()
val sql = s"select * from rpt_funnel_manage_level where fid = $funnelId order by level desc"
val resultSet = statement.executeQuery(sql)
while (resultSet.next()) {
val fid = resultSet.getInt("fid")
val level = resultSet.getInt("level")
val page_id = resultSet.getInt("page_id")
val pageIds = List(page_id)
// 实际调用的是contains(key)
val pages = funnel(level)
// List 多种姿势
funnel = (level -> pages. (pageIds))
} else {
funnel = (level -> pageIds)
println("id, funnel_name, page_id = " fid ", " level ", " page_id)
} catch {
case e:Throwable => e.printStackTrace()
} finally {
* 更新运行状态至rpt_funnel_manage表的done字段
* 0 未执行 1 执行中 2 执行完成 3 sql执行失败 4 dump执行失败
* @param funnelId
* @param runningStatus
def updateRunningStatus(funnelId: Int, runningStatus: Int): Unit = {
// create database connection
val conn = getMysqlConn
try {
val ps = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE rpt_funnel_manage SET done = ? WHERE id = ?")
// set the preparedstatement parameters
ps.setInt(1, runningStatus)
ps.setInt(2, funnelId)
// call executeUpdate to execute our sql update statement
val res = ps.executeUpdate()
if(res > 0) println(s"UPDATE rpt_funnel_manage SET done = $runningStatus WHERE id = $funnelId success!")
else println(s"UPDATE rpt_funnel_manage SET done = $runningStatus WHERE id = $funnelId failed!")
} catch {
case e:Throwable => e.printStackTrace()
} finally {
* 将sql写入mysql表,同时将sql的运行状态done字段更新为1:运行中
* @param funnelId
* @param sqlString
def updateSql(funnelId: Int, sqlString: String): Unit = {
// create database connection
val conn = getMysqlConn
try {
val ps = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE rpt_funnel_manage SET sqlstring = ?,done = 1 WHERE id = ?")
// set the preparedstatement parameters
ps.setString(1, sqlString)
ps.setInt(2, funnelId)
// call executeUpdate to execute our sql update statement
val res = ps.executeUpdate()
if(res > 0) println(s"UPDATE rpt_funnel_manage SET sqlstring WHERE id = $funnelId success!")
else println(s"UPDATE rpt_funnel_manage SET sqlstring WHERE id = $funnelId failed!")
} catch {
case e:Throwable => e.printStackTrace()
} finally {
private def deleteById(conn: Connection, funnelId: Int): Int = {
var status = 0
try {
val sql = s"delete from rpt_funnel_sql where funnelId = $funnelId"
System.out.println("sql=" sql)
val st = conn.createStatement()
val result = st.executeUpdate(sql)
if (result > 0) println(s"delete from rpt_funnel_sql where funnelId = $funnelId success!")
else println(s"delete from rpt_funnel_sql where funnelId = $funnelId failed!")
status = result
} catch {
case e:Throwable => e.printStackTrace()
} finally {
* 根据 funnelId 删除记录
* @param funnelId
def deleteById(funnelId: Int): Int = {
val connection = getMysqlConn
val st = connection.createStatement
var status = 0
// do database insert
try {
val sql = s"delete from rpt_funnel_sql where funnelId = $funnelId"
System.out.println("sql=" sql)
val result = st.executeUpdate(sql)
if (result > 0) println("操作成功") else println("操作失败")
status = result
} catch {
case e:Throwable => e.printStackTrace()
} finally {
* 日期
* @return
private def getCurrentTimeStamp(): Timestamp = {
val timeInMillis = Calendar.getInstance.getTimeInMillis
new Timestamp(timeInMillis)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val funnelId = args(0).toInt