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特别是Python、R和C 。
- Security Analysis by Benjamin Graham, David Dodd, Warren Buffett
- The (Mis)Behavior of Markets by Benoît B. Mandelbrot, Richard L.
- Damodaran on Valuation by Damodaran Aswath
- Models Behaving Badly by Emanuel Derman
- Trading Systems by Emilio Tomasini
- Business Cycles and Equilibrium by Fischer Black
- Dual Momentum Investing by Gary Antonacci
- The Problem with HFT by Haim Bodek
- The Econometrics of Financial Markets by John Y., Wen-C. Lo, Archie C.
- Building Winning Algorithmic Trading Systems by Kevin Davey
- Trading and Exchanges by Larry Harris
- Martingale Methods in Financial Modelling by Marek M., Marek R.
- Dynamic Hedging: Managing Vanilla and Exotic Options by Nassim N.
- Financial Modelling With Jump Processes by Rama C. & Peter T.
- The Evaluation and Optimization of Trading Strategies by Robert P.
- Fundamentals of Corporate Finance by Stephen A., Randolph W & more
- Arbitrage Theory in Continuous Time by Tomas Björk
- Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom by Van K. Tharp
Equity derivatives
- The Volatility Surface by Jim Gatheral
- Stochastic Volatility Modeling by Lorenzo Bergomi
- Equity Hybrid Derivatives by Marcus Overhaus et al.
FX derivatives
- FX Options and Smile Risk by Antonio Castagna
- Foreign Exchange Option Pricing by Iain J. Clark FX
- FX Options and Structured Products by Uwe Wystup
Commodity derivatives
- Energy and Power Risk Management by Alexander E.
- Commodities and Commodity Derivatives by Helyette Geman
- Commodity Option Pricing by Iain J. Clark
Interest rate derivatives
- Interest Rate Models — Theory and Practice by Damiano B. & Fabio M.
- Pricing and Trading Interest Rate Derivatives by J. H. M. Darbyshire
- Interest Rate Modeling I, II & III by Leif Andersen & Vladimir Piterbarg
- Interest Rate Option Models by Rebonato
Credit derivatives
- Modelling Single-name and Multi-name Credit Derivatives by Dominic
- Credit Risk — Modeling, Valuation & Hedging by Tomasz R. & Marek R.
- XVA: Credit, Funding and Capital Valuation Adjustments by Andrew G.
- Counterparty Credit Risk, Collateral and Funding by Damiano Brigo