医学图像分割--Stacked fully convolutional networks with multi-channel learning

2019-05-26 12:11:42 浏览数 (2)

Stacked fully convolutional networks with multi-channel learning: application to medical image segmentation


本文将 FCN 用于医学图像分割,但是直接将FCN用于医学图像分割存在问题:分割结果比较粗糙,边缘分割效果差,是由训练数据太少以及 缺少邻域一致性约束造成。 FCNs usually produce coarse ROI detection and poor boundary definitions primarily due to the limited number of labeled training data and limited constraints of label agreement among neighboring similar pixels

这里我们采用了多个 FCN 来提升性能。先用一个 FCN 得到 foreground 和 background probability map,然后针对 foreground 和 background 分别采用一个 FCN 来进行分割,最后将两个结果结合起来得到最终的分割结果。


(a)是胸透片 chest radiograph (b) B 超 ultrasound (US) image (c)细胞切片图像 histological image

Stacked fully convolutional networks 网络结构:


与 FCN相比 提升 1%-2%


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