“命令链”功能:允许在顶层语句的方法调用的参数周围省略括号。也就是在参数周围不需要括号,也不需要链接调用之间的点号。 DSL(Domain Specific Languages 领域定义语言)以简化代码,Groovy中的DSL:
代码语言:javascript复制class EmailDsl {
String toText
String fromText
String body
* This method accepts a closure which is essentially the DSL. Delegate the
* closure methods to
* the DSL class so the calls can be processed
def static make(closure) {
EmailDsl emailDsl = new EmailDsl()
// any method called in closure will be delegated to the EmailDsl class
closure.delegate = emailDsl
* Store the parameter as a variable and use it later to output a memo
def to(String toText) {
this.toText = toText
def from(String fromText) {
this.fromText = fromText
def body(String bodyText) {
this.body = bodyText
EmailDsl.make {
to "Nirav Assar"
from "Barack Obama"
body "How are things? We are doing well. Take care"
代码语言:javascript复制How are things? We are doing well. Take care