WRAP = 5时的情况:
MinFilter = Linear时的情况:
代码语言:javascript复制sampler2D atlasTexture;
float4 texRect; //(left, top, width, height) of uv
float2 invSize; //(1/width, 1/height)
float4 uvRange; //(left, top, right, bottom) of uv
float4 ps_main( float2 tex : TEXCOORD0 ) : COLOR
// convert original uv to atlas uv's unit
tex *= texRect.zw;
float2 uv = tex - texRect.xy;
// bring coordinates into normalized local texture coord [0..1]
uv *= invSize;
// if texture repeats then coords are > 1, use frc to bring
// these coords back into [0, 1) interval.
uv = frac(uv);
// transform coords back to texture atlas coords
uv = uv * texRect.zw texRect.xy;
// clamp to inside texture (to avoid bi-linear filter pulling in foreign texels)
uv = clamp(uv, uvRange.xy, uvRange.zw);
// use the original coords for mip-map calculation
return tex2Dgrad(atlasTexture, uv, ddx(tex), ddy(tex));
ShaderX3 : Improved Batching via Texture Atlases