Android系统启动——6 SystemServer启动

2018-08-30 16:37:34 浏览数 (1)


  • 1、SystemServer的启动
  • 2、初始化系统上下文——createSystemContext()方法解析
  • 3、创建SystemServiceManager
  • 4、启动各种服务



前面的文章讲解到ZygoteInit中handleSystemServerProcess函数的最后一步,会调用SystemServer的静态函数main方法,那我们就来看下SystemServer的main函数的具体执行。 代码在

164    /**
165     * The main entry point from zygote.
166     */
167    public static void main(String[] args) {
168        new SystemServer().run();
169    }





171    public SystemServer() {
172        // Check for factory test mode.
173        mFactoryTestMode = FactoryTest.getMode();
174    }




176    private void run() {
177        // If a device's clock is before 1970 (before 0), a lot of
178        // APIs crash dealing with negative numbers, notably
179        //, so instead we fake it and
180        // hope that time from cell towers or NTP fixes it shortly.
           // 计算时间 如果当前系统时间比1970年更早,就设置当前系统时间为1970年
181        if (System.currentTimeMillis() < EARLIEST_SUPPORTED_TIME) {
182            Slog.w(TAG, "System clock is before 1970; setting to 1970.");
183            SystemClock.setCurrentTimeMillis(EARLIEST_SUPPORTED_TIME);
184        }
186        // If the system has "persist.sys.language" and friends set, replace them with
187        // "persist.sys.locale". Note that the default locale at this point is calculated
188        // using the "-Duser.locale" command line flag. That flag is usually populated by
189        // AndroidRuntime using the same set of system properties, but only the system_server
190        // and system apps are allowed to set them.
191        //
192        // NOTE: Most changes made here will need an equivalent change to
193        // core/jni/AndroidRuntime.cpp
           // 如果没有设置 语言,则设置当地的语言
194        if (!SystemProperties.get("persist.sys.language").isEmpty()) {
195            final String languageTag = Locale.getDefault().toLanguageTag();
197            SystemProperties.set("persist.sys.locale", languageTag);
198            SystemProperties.set("persist.sys.language", "");
199            SystemProperties.set("", "");
200            SystemProperties.set("persist.sys.localevar", "");
201        }
203        // Here we go!
204        Slog.i(TAG, "Entered the Android system server!");
205        EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.BOOT_PROGRESS_SYSTEM_RUN, SystemClock.uptimeMillis());
207        // In case the runtime switched since last boot (such as when
208        // the old runtime was removed in an OTA), set the system
209        // property so that it is in sync. We can't do this in
210        // libnativehelper's JniInvocation::Init code where we already
211        // had to fallback to a different runtime because it is
212        // running as root and we need to be the system user to set
213        // the property. http://b/11463182

            // 设置虚拟机库文件路径,5.0以后是
214        SystemProperties.set("persist.sys.dalvik.vm.lib.2", VMRuntime.getRuntime().vmLibrary());
216        // Enable the sampling profiler.
           // 如果开启了性能分析标志,则开启性能分析
217        if (SamplingProfilerIntegration.isEnabled()) {
218            SamplingProfilerIntegration.start();
219            mProfilerSnapshotTimer = new Timer();
220            mProfilerSnapshotTimer.schedule(new TimerTask() {
221                @Override
222                public void run() {
223                    SamplingProfilerIntegration.writeSnapshot("system_server", null);
224                }
226        }
228        // Mmmmmm... more memory!
          // 清楚VM内存增长上线,由于启动过程需要较多的虚拟机内存空间
229        VMRuntime.getRuntime().clearGrowthLimit();
231        // The system server has to run all of the time, so it needs to be
232        // as efficient as possible with its memory usage.
           // 设置内存可能有效使用率为0.8
233        VMRuntime.getRuntime().setTargetHeapUtilization(0.8f);
235        // Some devices rely on runtime fingerprint generation, so make sure
236        // we've defined it before booting further.
           // 针对部分设备依赖运行时就产生指纹信息,因此需要在开机完成前已经定义
237        Build.ensureFingerprintProperty();
239        // Within the system server, it is an error to access Environment paths without
240        // explicitly specifying a user.

           // 设置访问环境变量的条件,即需要明确指定用户
241        Environment.setUserRequired(true);
243        // Ensure binder calls into the system always run at foreground priority.
244        BinderInternal.disableBackgroundScheduling(true);
246        // Prepare the main looper thread (this thread).
247        android.os.Process.setThreadPriority(
248                android.os.Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND);
249        android.os.Process.setCanSelfBackground(false);
           // 主线程Looper就在当前线程运行
250        Looper.prepareMainLooper();
           // 加载“”库,该库包含源码在frameworks/base/services/目录下
252        // Initialize native services.
253        System.loadLibrary("android_servers");
255        // Check whether we failed to shut down last time we tried.
256        // This call may not return.
257        performPendingShutdown();
259        // Initialize the system context.
           // 初始化系统上下文
260        createSystemContext();
262        // Create the system service manager.

           // 创建SystemServiceManager 用于后面的binder机制
263        mSystemServiceManager = new SystemServiceManager(mSystemContext);
264        LocalServices.addService(SystemServiceManager.class, mSystemServiceManager);
266        // Start services.
267        try {
268            startBootstrapServices();
269            startCoreServices();
270            startOtherServices();
271        } catch (Throwable ex) {
272            Slog.e("System", "******************************************");
273            Slog.e("System", "************ Failure starting system services", ex);
274            throw ex;
275        }
277        // For debug builds, log event loop stalls to dropbox for analysis.
           // 如果是debug版本,为了方便分析,将log事件不断循环地输出到dropbox
278        if (StrictMode.conditionallyEnableDebugLogging()) {
279            Slog.i(TAG, "Enabled StrictMode for system server main thread.");
280        }
282        // Loop forever.
           // 主进程的looper开启死循环
283        Looper.loop();
284        throw new RuntimeException("Main thread loop unexpectedly exited");
285    }


  • 1、调整时间,如果系统时间比1970还早,调整到1970
  • 2、如果没有设置语言,则设置相应的语言
  • 3、设置属性persist.sys.dalvik.vm.lib.2的值为当前虚拟机运行库路径
  • 4、是否开启性能分析
  • 5、调整虚拟机堆的内存。设定虚拟机堆使用率为0.8,当实际的使用率偏离设定的比率时,虚拟机在垃圾回收的时候将调整堆的大小,使实际使用率接近设定的百分比
  • 6、装载库。
  • 7、创建SystemServiceManager的对象mSystemServiceManager。这个对象负责系统Service的启动
  • 8、调用startBootstrapServices()、startCoreServices()和 startOtherServices()创建并运行所有Java服务
  • 9、调用Loop.loop(),进入处理消息的循环


  • 调用createSystemContext()来创建系统上下文
  • 创建SystemServiceManager
  • 启动各种服务 那我们就来挨个介绍下



09    private void createSystemContext() {
              // 获取ActivityThread对象
310        ActivityThread activityThread = ActivityThread.systemMain();
              // 获取系统的Context
311        mSystemContext = activityThread.getSystemContext();
           // 设置主题
312        mSystemContext.setTheme(;
313    }





1886    public ContextImpl getSystemContext() {
1887        synchronized (this) {
1888            if (mSystemContext == null) {
1889                mSystemContext = ContextImpl.createSystemContext(this);
1890            }
1891            return mSystemContext;
1892        }
1893    }



1774    static ContextImpl createSystemContext(ActivityThread mainThread) {
1775        LoadedApk packageInfo = new LoadedApk(mainThread);
1776        ContextImpl context = new ContextImpl(null, mainThread,
1777                packageInfo, null, null, false, null, null, Display.INVALID_DISPLAY);
1778        context.mResources.updateConfiguration(context.mResourcesManager.getConfiguration(),
1779                context.mResourcesManager.getDisplayMetricsLocked());
1780        return context;
1781    }





178    /**
179     * Create information about the system package.
180     * Must call {@link #installSystemApplicationInfo} later.
181     */
182    LoadedApk(ActivityThread activityThread) {
183        mActivityThread = activityThread;
184        mApplicationInfo = new ApplicationInfo();
          // packageName为"android",这个APK为framework-res.apk
185        mApplicationInfo.packageName = "android";
186        mPackageName = "android";
187        mAppDir = null;
188        mResDir = null;
189        mSplitAppDirs = null;
190        mSplitResDirs = null;
191        mOverlayDirs = null;
192        mSharedLibraries = null;
193        mDataDir = null;
194        mDataDirFile = null;
195        mLibDir = null;
196        mBaseClassLoader = null;
197        mSecurityViolation = false;
198        mIncludeCode = true;
199        mRegisterPackage = false;
200        mClassLoader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
201        mResources = Resources.getSystem();
202    }




1796    private ContextImpl(ContextImpl container, ActivityThread mainThread,
1797            LoadedApk packageInfo, IBinder activityToken, UserHandle user, boolean restricted,
1798            Display display, Configuration overrideConfiguration, int createDisplayWithId) {
            // ContextImpl 对象
1799        mOuterContext = this;
            // ActivityThread赋值
1801        mMainThread = mainThread;
1802        mActivityToken = activityToken;
1803        mRestricted = restricted;
1805        if (user == null) {
1806            user = Process.myUserHandle();
1807        }
1808        mUser = user;
            // LoadedApk赋值
1810        mPackageInfo = packageInfo;
            // 单利模式获取ResourcesManager对象
1811        mResourcesManager = ResourcesManager.getInstance();
1813        final int displayId = (createDisplayWithId != Display.INVALID_DISPLAY)
1814                ? createDisplayWithId
1815                : (display != null) ? display.getDisplayId() : Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY;
1817        CompatibilityInfo compatInfo = null;
1818        if (container != null) {
1819            compatInfo = container.getDisplayAdjustments(displayId).getCompatibilityInfo();
1820        }
1821        if (compatInfo == null) {
1822            compatInfo = (displayId == Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY)
1823                    ? packageInfo.getCompatibilityInfo()
1824                    : CompatibilityInfo.DEFAULT_COMPATIBILITY_INFO;
1825        }
1826        mDisplayAdjustments.setCompatibilityInfo(compatInfo);
1827        mDisplayAdjustments.setConfiguration(overrideConfiguration);
1829        mDisplay = (createDisplayWithId == Display.INVALID_DISPLAY) ? display
1830                : ResourcesManager.getInstance().getAdjustedDisplay(displayId, mDisplayAdjustments);
            // 从LoadApk中创建Resource实例
            // 由于packageInfo对于一个APP来说,只有一个,所以说resources只有一个
1832        Resources resources = packageInfo.getResources(mainThread);
1833        if (resources != null) {
1834            if (displayId != Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY
1835                    || overrideConfiguration != null
1836                    || (compatInfo != null && compatInfo.applicationScale
1837                            != resources.getCompatibilityInfo().applicationScale)) {
                     // 由于mResourcesManager是单例,所以resources是同一份
1838                resources = mResourcesManager.getTopLevelResources(packageInfo.getResDir(),
1839                        packageInfo.getSplitResDirs(), packageInfo.getOverlayDirs(),
1840                        packageInfo.getApplicationInfo().sharedLibraryFiles, displayId,
1841                        overrideConfiguration, compatInfo);
1842            }
1843        }
            // resources赋值
1844        mResources = resources;
1846        if (container != null) {
1847            mBasePackageName = container.mBasePackageName;
1848            mOpPackageName = container.mOpPackageName;
1849        } else {
1850            mBasePackageName = packageInfo.mPackageName;
1851            ApplicationInfo ainfo = packageInfo.getApplicationInfo();
1852            if (ainfo.uid == Process.SYSTEM_UID && ainfo.uid != Process.myUid()) {
1853                // Special case: system components allow themselves to be loaded in to other
1854                // processes.  For purposes of app ops, we must then consider the context as
1855                // belonging to the package of this process, not the system itself, otherwise
1856                // the package uid verifications in app ops will fail.
1857                mOpPackageName = ActivityThread.currentPackageName();
1858            } else {
1859                mOpPackageName = mBasePackageName;
1860            }
1861        }
1863        mContentResolver = new ApplicationContentResolver(this, mainThread, user);
1864    }







5318    public static ActivityThread systemMain() {
5319        // The system process on low-memory devices do not get to use hardware
5320        // accelerated drawing, since this can add too much overhead to the
5321        // process.
5322        if (!ActivityManager.isHighEndGfx()) {
                    // 关闭硬件渲染
5323            HardwareRenderer.disable(true);
5324        } else {
5325            HardwareRenderer.enableForegroundTrimming();
5326        }
                // 创建ActivityThread对象
5327        ActivityThread thread = new ActivityThread();
                // 调用attach(true)来初始化
5328        thread.attach(true);
5329        return thread;
5330    }




1、 创建ActivityThread实例

现在看他它的无参构造构造函数 代码在

1851    ActivityThread() {
1852        mResourcesManager = ResourcesManager.getInstance();
1853    }



153    private static final THUMBNAIL_FORMAT = Bitmap.Config.RGB_565;
154    static final boolean localLOGV = false;
155    static final boolean DEBUG_MESSAGES = false;
156    /** @hide */
157    public static final boolean DEBUG_BROADCAST = false;
158    private static final boolean DEBUG_RESULTS = false;
159    private static final boolean DEBUG_BACKUP = false;
160    public static final boolean DEBUG_CONFIGURATION = false;
161    private static final boolean DEBUG_SERVICE = false;
162    private static final boolean DEBUG_MEMORY_TRIM = false;
163    private static final boolean DEBUG_PROVIDER = false;
164    private static final long MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_GCS = 5*1000;
165    private static final int SQLITE_MEM_RELEASED_EVENT_LOG_TAG = 75003;
166    private static final int LOG_AM_ON_PAUSE_CALLED = 30021;
167    private static final int LOG_AM_ON_RESUME_CALLED = 30022;

170    public static final int SERVICE_DONE_EXECUTING_ANON = 0;
171    /** Type for IActivityManager.serviceDoneExecuting: done with an onStart call */
172    public static final int SERVICE_DONE_EXECUTING_START = 1;
173    /** Type for IActivityManager.serviceDoneExecuting: done stopping (destroying) service */
174    public static final int SERVICE_DONE_EXECUTING_STOP = 2;
176    private ContextImpl mSystemContext;
180    final ApplicationThread mAppThread = new ApplicationThread();
181    final Looper mLooper = Looper.myLooper();
182    final H mH = new H();
183    final ArrayMap<IBinder, ActivityClientRecord> mActivities = new ArrayMap<>();
184    // List of new activities (via ActivityRecord.nextIdle) that should
185    // be reported when next we idle.
186    ActivityClientRecord mNewActivities = null;
187    // Number of activities that are currently visible on-screen.
188    int mNumVisibleActivities = 0;
189    WeakReference<AssistStructure> mLastAssistStructure;
190    final ArrayMap<IBinder, Service> mServices = new ArrayMap<>();
198    final ArrayList<Application> mAllApplications
199            = new ArrayList<Application>();
200    // set of instantiated backup agents, keyed by package name
201    final ArrayMap<String, BackupAgent> mBackupAgents = new ArrayMap<String, BackupAgent>();
205    String mInstrumentationPackageName = null;
206    String mInstrumentationAppDir = null;
207    String[] mInstrumentationSplitAppDirs = null;
208    String mInstrumentationLibDir = null;
209    String mInstrumentedAppDir = null;
210    String[] mInstrumentedSplitAppDirs = null;
211    String mInstrumentedLibDir = null;
212    boolean mSystemThread = false;
213    boolean mJitEnabled = false;
214    boolean mSomeActivitiesChanged = false;
216    // These can be accessed by multiple threads; mPackages is the lock.
217    // XXX For now we keep around information about all packages we have
218    // seen, not removing entries from this map.
219    // NOTE: The activity and window managers need to call in to
220    // ActivityThread to do things like update resource configurations,
221    // which means this lock gets held while the activity and window managers
222    // holds their own lock.  Thus you MUST NEVER call back into the activity manager
223    // or window manager or anything that depends on them while holding this lock.
224    // These LoadedApk are only valid for the userId that we're running as.
225    final ArrayMap<String, WeakReference<LoadedApk>> mPackages
226            = new ArrayMap<String, WeakReference<LoadedApk>>();
227    final ArrayMap<String, WeakReference<LoadedApk>> mResourcePackages
228            = new ArrayMap<String, WeakReference<LoadedApk>>();
229    final ArrayList<ActivityClientRecord> mRelaunchingActivities
230            = new ArrayList<ActivityClientRecord>();
231    Configuration mPendingConfiguration = null;
233    private final ResourcesManager mResourcesManager;


  • 1、创建ApplicationThread对象。用于基于的BinderIPC通信
  • 2、创建H对象mH,以及主线的Looper对象mLooper



2、 ActivityThread的attach(boolean)方法的解析


5230    private void attach(boolean system) {
                // 将sCurrentActivityThread指向自己
5231        sCurrentActivityThread = this;
                 // 上面传递进来的是否system为true,即该进程为系统进程
5232        mSystemThread = system;
                 // 其他普通应用是,system为false
5233        if (!system) {
                    // 普通应用进程
                    // 给ViewRootImpl添加第一个handler回调
5234            ViewRootImpl.addFirstDrawHandler(new Runnable() {
5235                @Override
5236                public void run() {
                        // 检查jit能否用,6.0即ART,不用jit,
                        // 不过由于向下兼容,所以这里还有检查jit
5237                    ensureJitEnabled();
5238                }
5239            });
                // 设置Java Application 在DDM里面的名称
5240            android.ddm.DdmHandleAppName.setAppName("<pre-initialized>",
5241                                                    UserHandle.myUserId());
                // 将mAppThread放到RuntimeInit类中的静态变量mApplicationObject中
5242            RuntimeInit.setApplicationObject(mAppThread.asBinder());
                 // 获得 IActivityManager的一个实例,IActivityManager其实一个Binder对象,负责和底层的沟通
                 //  IActivityManager extends IInterface
5243            final IActivityManager mgr = ActivityManagerNative.getDefault();
5244            try {
                    // 将mAppThread 传入到ActivityThreadManager中
5245                mgr.attachApplication(mAppThread);
5246            } catch (RemoteException ex) {
5247                // Ignore
5248            }
5249            // Watch for getting close to heap limit.
                // 添加GC观察者
5250            BinderInternal.addGcWatcher(new Runnable() {
5251                @Override public void run() {
5252                    if (!mSomeActivitiesChanged) {
5253                        return;
5254                    }
5255                    Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
5256                    long dalvikMax = runtime.maxMemory();
5257                    long dalvikUsed = runtime.totalMemory() - runtime.freeMemory();
5258                    if (dalvikUsed > ((3*dalvikMax)/4)) {
5259                        if (DEBUG_MEMORY_TRIM) Slog.d(TAG, "Dalvik max="   (dalvikMax/1024)
5260                                  " total="   (runtime.totalMemory()/1024)
5261                                  " used="   (dalvikUsed/1024));
5262                        mSomeActivitiesChanged = false;
5263                        try {
5264                            mgr.releaseSomeActivities(mAppThread);
5265                        } catch (RemoteException e) {
5266                        }
5267                    }
5268                }
5269            });
5270        } else {
                    // 系统应用进程
5271            // Don't set application object here -- if the system crashes,
5272            // we can't display an alert, we just want to die die die.
                // 设置Java Application 在DDM里面的名称 即 system_process
5273            android.ddm.DdmHandleAppName.setAppName("system_process",
5274                    UserHandle.myUserId());
               // 创建 系统应用的Instrumentation对象
5275            try {
5276                mInstrumentation = new Instrumentation();
                    // 创建 ContextImpl对象
5277                ContextImpl context = ContextImpl.createAppContext(
5278                        this, getSystemContext().mPackageInfo);
                    // 创建系统进程的Application对象
5279                mInitialApplication = context.mPackageInfo.makeApplication(true, null);
                     // 调用系统进程的onCreate()方法
5280                mInitialApplication.onCreate();
5281            } catch (Exception e) {
5282                throw new RuntimeException(
5283                        "Unable to instantiate Application():"   e.toString(), e);
5284            }
5285        }
5287        // add dropbox logging to libcore
            // 添加 dropbox log信息到libcore
5288        DropBox.setReporter(new DropBoxReporter());
            // 设置回调方法
5290        ViewRootImpl.addConfigCallback(new ComponentCallbacks2() {
5291            @Override
5292            public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) {
5293                synchronized (mResourcesManager) {
5294                    // We need to apply this change to the resources
5295                    // immediately, because upon returning the view
5296                    // hierarchy will be informed about it.
5297                    if (mResourcesManager.applyConfigurationToResourcesLocked(newConfig, null)) {
5298                        // This actually changed the resources!  Tell
5299                        // everyone about it.
5300                        if (mPendingConfiguration == null ||
5301                                mPendingConfiguration.isOtherSeqNewer(newConfig)) {
5302                            mPendingConfiguration = newConfig;
5304                            sendMessage(H.CONFIGURATION_CHANGED, newConfig);
5305                        }
5306                    }
5307                }
5308            }
5309            @Override
5310            public void onLowMemory() {
5311            }
5312            @Override
5313            public void onTrimMemory(int level) {
5314            }
5315        });
5316    }


  • DropBox:DropBox是Android在Froyo(API 8)中引用的用来持续化存储系统数据的机制,主要记录Android运行过程中、内核、系统进程、用户进程等出现严重问题时的log,可以认为这是一个可持续存储的系统级别的log
  • Instrumentation:一个应用进程,对应一个Instrumentation,这个类的对象,会被优先创建出来,然后通过它来创建其他组件,它也是系统与其他组件交互的桥梁,因此通过它可以监听组件和系统之间的各种交互。
  • LoadedApk:在讲解APK安装的时候我们说过,一个应用对应一个LoadedApk对象,里面包含了整个APK的相关信息。其中context.mPackageInf是一个LoadedApk对象


  • 1、创建Instrumentation对象
  • 2、通过调用ContextImpl.createAppContext方法来创建ContextImpl对象
  • 3、通过调用context.mPackageInfo.makeApplication创建mInitialApplication对象
  • 4、调用mInitialApplication对象的onCreate()




2.1、 ContextImpl.createAppContext方法的解析


1783    static ContextImpl createAppContext(ActivityThread mainThread, LoadedApk packageInfo) {
1784        if (packageInfo == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("packageInfo");
1785        return new ContextImpl(null, mainThread,
1786                packageInfo, null, null, false, null, null, Display.INVALID_DISPLAY);
1787    }

我们看到,代码很简答, 就是直接new ContextImple

我们上面讲解了创建systemContext的过程,也是直接new ContextImpl对象,我们来对比下

1776        ContextImpl context = new ContextImpl(null, mainThread,
1777                packageInfo, null, null, false, null, null, Display.INVALID_DISPLAY);
//  ***上面是创createSystemContext,下面是createAppContext***
1785        return new ContextImpl(null, mainThread,
1786                packageInfo, null, null, false, null, null, Display.INVALID_DISPLAY);


下面我们来看下 LoadedApk.makeApplication的执行

2.2、 LoadedApk.makeApplication方法的解析


      //context.mPackageInfo.makeApplication(true, null); 所以forceDefaultAppClass=true,instrumentation=null
554    public Application makeApplication(boolean forceDefaultAppClass,
555            Instrumentation instrumentation) {
           // 非空判断,这样可以保证一个LoadApk对象只能创建一个对应的Application对象
556        if (mApplication != null) {
557            return mApplication;
558        }
560        Application app = null;
562        String appClass = mApplicationInfo.className;
563        if (forceDefaultAppClass || (appClass == null)) {
              // forceDefaultAppClass=true,则进入这个if,设置类名
564            appClass = "";
565        }
567        try {
568            java.lang.ClassLoader cl = getClassLoader();
               // 前面已经介绍了 系统进程的包名就是"android",所以不走这个if
569            if (!mPackageName.equals("android")) {
570                initializeJavaContextClassLoader();
571            }
               // 创建ContextImpl
572            ContextImpl appContext = ContextImpl.createAppContext(mActivityThread, this);
               // 创建Application对象
573            app = mActivityThread.mInstrumentation.newApplication(
574                    cl, appClass, appContext);
575            appContext.setOuterContext(app);
576        } catch (Exception e) {
577            if (!mActivityThread.mInstrumentation.onException(app, e)) {
578                throw new RuntimeException(
579                    "Unable to instantiate application "   appClass
580                      ": "   e.toString(), e);
581            }
582        }
           // 将app添加早应用列表
583        mActivityThread.mAllApplications.add(app);
           // 将刚创建的app赋值给mApplication
584        mApplication = app;
586        if (instrumentation != null) {
587            try {
                      // 利用instrumentation调用Application的onCreate方法
588                instrumentation.callApplicationOnCreate(app);
589            } catch (Exception e) {
590                if (!instrumentation.onException(app, e)) {
591                    throw new RuntimeException(
592                        "Unable to create application "   app.getClass().getName()
593                          ": "   e.toString(), e);
594                }
595            }
596        }
598        // Rewrite the R 'constants' for all library apks.
           // 重写 所有库apks的R 常量
599        SparseArray<String> packageIdentifiers = getAssets(mActivityThread)
600                .getAssignedPackageIdentifiers();
601        final int N = packageIdentifiers.size();
602        for (int i = 0; i < N; i  ) {
603            final int id = packageIdentifiers.keyAt(i);
604            if (id == 0x01 || id == 0x7f) {
605                continue;
606            }
608            rewriteRValues(getClassLoader(), packageIdentifiers.valueAt(i), id);
609        }
611        return app;
612    }


里面有两个方法比较重要getClassLoader()getClassLoader().mActivityThread.mInstrumentation.newApplication(cl, appClass, appContext)那我们来看一下

2.2.1、 LoadedApk的getClassLoader()方法的解析


258    public ClassLoader getClassLoader() {
259        synchronized (this) {
               // 如果mClassLoader不为空,则直接返回,保证mClassLoader只赋值一次
260            if (mClassLoader != null) {
261                return mClassLoader;
262            }
               // 如果不是系统进程
264            if (mIncludeCode && !mPackageName.equals("android")) {
                   // 普通应用的类加载器的 创建流程
265                // Avoid the binder call when the package is the current application package.
266                // The activity manager will perform ensure that dexopt is performed before
267                // spinning up the process.
268                if (!Objects.equals(mPackageName, ActivityThread.currentPackageName())) {
269                    final String isa = VMRuntime.getRuntime().vmInstructionSet();
270                    try {
271                        ActivityThread.getPackageManager().performDexOptIfNeeded(mPackageName, isa);
272                    } catch (RemoteException re) {
273                        // Ignored.
274                    }
275                }
277                final List<String> zipPaths = new ArrayList<>();
278                final List<String> apkPaths = new ArrayList<>();
279                final List<String> libPaths = new ArrayList<>();
281                if (mRegisterPackage) {
282                    try {
283                        ActivityManagerNative.getDefault().addPackageDependency(mPackageName);
284                    } catch (RemoteException e) {
285                    }
286                }
288                zipPaths.add(mAppDir);
289                if (mSplitAppDirs != null) {
290                    Collections.addAll(zipPaths, mSplitAppDirs);
291                }
293                libPaths.add(mLibDir);
295                /*
296                 * The following is a bit of a hack to inject
297                 * instrumentation into the system: If the app
298                 * being started matches one of the instrumentation names,
299                 * then we combine both the "instrumentation" and
300                 * "instrumented" app into the path, along with the
301                 * concatenation of both apps' shared library lists.
302                 */
304                String instrumentationPackageName = mActivityThread.mInstrumentationPackageName;
305                String instrumentationAppDir = mActivityThread.mInstrumentationAppDir;
306                String[] instrumentationSplitAppDirs = mActivityThread.mInstrumentationSplitAppDirs;
307                String instrumentationLibDir = mActivityThread.mInstrumentationLibDir;
309                String instrumentedAppDir = mActivityThread.mInstrumentedAppDir;
310                String[] instrumentedSplitAppDirs = mActivityThread.mInstrumentedSplitAppDirs;
311                String instrumentedLibDir = mActivityThread.mInstrumentedLibDir;
312                String[] instrumentationLibs = null;
314                if (mAppDir.equals(instrumentationAppDir)
315                        || mAppDir.equals(instrumentedAppDir)) {
316                    zipPaths.clear();
317                    zipPaths.add(instrumentationAppDir);
318                    if (instrumentationSplitAppDirs != null) {
319                        Collections.addAll(zipPaths, instrumentationSplitAppDirs);
320                    }
321                    zipPaths.add(instrumentedAppDir);
322                    if (instrumentedSplitAppDirs != null) {
323                        Collections.addAll(zipPaths, instrumentedSplitAppDirs);
324                    }
326                    libPaths.clear();
327                    libPaths.add(instrumentationLibDir);
328                    libPaths.add(instrumentedLibDir);
330                    if (!instrumentedAppDir.equals(instrumentationAppDir)) {
331                        instrumentationLibs = getLibrariesFor(instrumentationPackageName);
332                    }
333                }
335                apkPaths.addAll(zipPaths);
337                if (mSharedLibraries != null) {
338                    for (String lib : mSharedLibraries) {
339                        if (!zipPaths.contains(lib)) {
340                            zipPaths.add(0, lib);
341                        }
342                    }
343                }
345                if (instrumentationLibs != null) {
346                    for (String lib : instrumentationLibs) {
347                        if (!zipPaths.contains(lib)) {
348                            zipPaths.add(0, lib);
349                        }
350                    }
351                }
353                final String zip = TextUtils.join(File.pathSeparator, zipPaths);
355                // Add path to libraries in apk for current abi
356                if (mApplicationInfo.primaryCpuAbi != null) {
357                    for (String apk : apkPaths) {
358                      libPaths.add(apk   "!/lib/"   mApplicationInfo.primaryCpuAbi);
359                    }
360                }
362                final String lib = TextUtils.join(File.pathSeparator, libPaths);
364                /*
365                 * With all the combination done (if necessary, actually
366                 * create the class loader.
367                 */
369                if (ActivityThread.localLOGV)
370                    Slog.v(ActivityThread.TAG, "Class path: "   zip   ", JNI path: "   lib);
372                // Temporarily disable logging of disk reads on the Looper thread
373                // as this is early and necessary.
374                StrictMode.ThreadPolicy oldPolicy = StrictMode.allowThreadDiskReads();
376                mClassLoader = ApplicationLoaders.getDefault().getClassLoader(zip, lib,
377                        mBaseClassLoader);
379                StrictMode.setThreadPolicy(oldPolicy);
380            } else {
                   // 系统进程的类加载器的 创建流程
381                if (mBaseClassLoader == null) {
382                    mClassLoader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
383                } else {
384                    mClassLoader = mBaseClassLoader;
385                }
386            }
387            return mClassLoader;
388        }


2.2.2、Instrumentation的newApplication(cl, appClass, appContext)方法的解析


967    /**
968     * Perform instantiation of the process's {@link Application} object.  The
969     * default implementation provides the normal system behavior.
970     *
971     * @param cl The ClassLoader with which to instantiate the object.
972     * @param className The name of the class implementing the Application
973     *                  object.
974     * @param context The context to initialize the application with
975     *
976     * @return The newly instantiated Application object.
977     */
978    public Application newApplication(ClassLoader cl, String className, Context context)
979            throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException,
980            ClassNotFoundException {
981        return newApplication(cl.loadClass(className), context);
982    }


4    /**
985     * Perform instantiation of the process's {@link Application} object.  The
986     * default implementation provides the normal system behavior.
987     *
988     * @param clazz The class used to create an Application object from.
989     * @param context The context to initialize the application with
990     *
991     * @return The newly instantiated Application object.
992     */
993    static public Application newApplication(Class<?> clazz, Context context)
994            throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException,
995            ClassNotFoundException {
996        Application app = (Application)clazz.newInstance();
997        app.attach(context);
998        return app;
999    }




我们来看下SystemServiceManager的构造函数 代码在

43    public SystemServiceManager(Context context) {
44        mContext = context;
45    }

我们看到什么也没做,那我们接下来看下LocalServices.addService里面的实现。 代码在

49    /**
50     * Adds a service instance of the specified interface to the global registry of local services.
51     */
52    public static <T> void addService(Class<T> type, T service) {
53        synchronized (sLocalServiceObjects) {
54            if (sLocalServiceObjects.containsKey(type)) {
55                throw new IllegalStateException("Overriding service registration");
56            }
57            sLocalServiceObjects.put(type, service);
58        }
59    }




  • startBootstrapServices();
  • startCoreServices();
  • startOtherServices(); 下面我们就依次讲解下
(一) startBootstrapServices()方法解析


316     * Starts the small tangle of critical services that are needed to get
317     * the system off the ground.  These services have complex mutual dependencies
318     * which is why we initialize them all in one place here.  Unless your service
319     * is also entwined in these dependencies, it should be initialized in one of
320     * the other functions.
321     */
322    private void startBootstrapServices() {
323        // Wait for installd to finish starting up so that it has a chance to
324        // create critical directories such as /data/user with the appropriate
325        // permissions.  We need this to complete before we initialize other services.
           // 阻塞等待与installd建立socket通道
326        Installer installer = mSystemServiceManager.startService(Installer.class);
328        // Activity manager runs the show.
329        mActivityManagerService = mSystemServiceManager.startService(
330                ActivityManagerService.Lifecycle.class).getService();
331        mActivityManagerService.setSystemServiceManager(mSystemServiceManager);
332        mActivityManagerService.setInstaller(installer);
334        // Power manager needs to be started early because other services need it.
335        // Native daemons may be watching for it to be registered so it must be ready
336        // to handle incoming binder calls immediately (including being able to verify
337        // the permissions for those calls).
           // 启动电源管理服务,即PowerManagerService
338        mPowerManagerService = mSystemServiceManager.startService(PowerManagerService.class);
340        // Now that the power manager has been started, let the activity manager
341        // initialize power management features.
           // mActivityManagerService初始化,并在其中初始化PowerManager
342        mActivityManagerService.initPowerManagement();
344        // Manages LEDs and display backlight so we need it to bring up the display.
           // 开启服务LightsService,即灯光服务
345        mSystemServiceManager.startService(LightsService.class);
347        // Display manager is needed to provide display metrics before package manager
348        // starts up.
           // 开启服务DisplayManagerService,显示服务
349        mDisplayManagerService = mSystemServiceManager.startService(DisplayManagerService.class);
351        // We need the default display before we can initialize the package manager.
           // 在初始化package manager之前,需要默认的显示
352        mSystemServiceManager.startBootPhase(SystemService.PHASE_WAIT_FOR_DEFAULT_DISPLAY);
354        // Only run "core" apps if we're encrypting the device.
           // 根据加密设备状态,决定mOnlyCore的值
355        String cryptState = SystemProperties.get("vold.decrypt");
356        if (ENCRYPTING_STATE.equals(cryptState)) {
357            Slog.w(TAG, "Detected encryption in progress - only parsing core apps");
358            mOnlyCore = true;
359        } else if (ENCRYPTED_STATE.equals(cryptState)) {
360            Slog.w(TAG, "Device encrypted - only parsing core apps");
361            mOnlyCore = true;
362        }
364        // Start the package manager.
365        Slog.i(TAG, "Package Manager");
           // 启动服务PackageManagerService 即包管理
366        mPackageManagerService = PackageManagerService.main(mSystemContext, installer,
367                mFactoryTestMode != FactoryTest.FACTORY_TEST_OFF, mOnlyCore);
368        mFirstBoot = mPackageManagerService.isFirstBoot();
369        mPackageManager = mSystemContext.getPackageManager();
371        Slog.i(TAG, "User Service");
           // 启动UserManagerService,即用户服务,新建目录“/data/user/”
372        ServiceManager.addService(Context.USER_SERVICE, UserManagerService.getInstance());
374        // Initialize attribute cache used to cache resources from packages.
375        AttributeCache.init(mSystemContext);
377        // Set up the Application instance for the system process and get started.
           // 设置AMS,这样SystemServer进程可以加入到AMS中,冰杯它管理。
378        mActivityManagerService.setSystemProcess();
380        // The sensor service needs access to package manager service, app ops
381        // service, and permissions service, therefore we start it after them.
382        startSensorService();
383    } 



代码很简答, 主要就是创建一些服务,比如

  • ActivityManagerService
  • PowerManagerService
  • LightsService
  • DisplayManagerService
  • PackageManagerService
  • UserManagerService
  • sensor服务

该方法所创建的服务:ActivityManagerService, PowerManagerService, LightsService, DisplayManagerService, PackageManagerService, UserManagerService, sensor服务


我们看到代码很简单,就是相应的系统服务:ActivityManagerService, PowerManagerService, LightsService, DisplayManagerService, PackageManagerService, UserManagerService, sensor服务.

(二) startCoreServices()方法解析


385    /**
386     * Starts some essential services that are not tangled up in the bootstrap process.
387     */
388    private void startCoreServices() {
389        // Tracks the battery level.  Requires LightService.
          // 启动服务BatteryService,用于统计电池量量
390        mSystemServiceManager.startService(BatteryService.class);
392        // Tracks application usage stats.
           // 启动服务UsageStatsService,用于统计应用使用情况
393        mSystemServiceManager.startService(UsageStatsService.class);
394        mActivityManagerService.setUsageStatsManager(
395                LocalServices.getService(UsageStatsManagerInternal.class));
396        // Update after UsageStatsService is available, needed before performBootDexOpt.
397        mPackageManagerService.getUsageStatsIfNoPackageUsageInfo();
399        // Tracks whether the updatable WebView is in a ready state and watches for update installs.
400        mSystemServiceManager.startService(WebViewUpdateService.class);
401    }




403    /**
404     * Starts a miscellaneous grab bag of stuff that has yet to be refactored
405     * and organized.
406     */
407    private void startOtherServices() {
408        final Context context = mSystemContext;
409        AccountManagerService accountManager = null;
410        ContentService contentService = null;
411        VibratorService vibrator = null;
412        IAlarmManager alarm = null;
413        IMountService mountService = null;
414        NetworkManagementService networkManagement = null;
415        NetworkStatsService networkStats = null;
416        NetworkPolicyManagerService networkPolicy = null;
417        ConnectivityService connectivity = null;
418        NetworkScoreService networkScore = null;
419        NsdService serviceDiscovery= null;
420        WindowManagerService wm = null;
421        UsbService usb = null;
422        SerialService serial = null;
423        NetworkTimeUpdateService networkTimeUpdater = null;
424        CommonTimeManagementService commonTimeMgmtService = null;
425        InputManagerService inputManager = null;
426        TelephonyRegistry telephonyRegistry = null;
427        ConsumerIrService consumerIr = null;
428        AudioService audioService = null;
429        MmsServiceBroker mmsService = null;
430        EntropyMixer entropyMixer = null;
431        CameraService cameraService = null;
           // 获取相应的属性
433        boolean disableStorage = SystemProperties.getBoolean("config.disable_storage", false);
434        boolean disableBluetooth = SystemProperties.getBoolean("config.disable_bluetooth", false);
435        boolean disableLocation = SystemProperties.getBoolean("config.disable_location", false);
436        boolean disableSystemUI = SystemProperties.getBoolean("config.disable_systemui", false);
437        boolean disableNonCoreServices = SystemProperties.getBoolean("config.disable_noncore", false);
438        boolean disableNetwork = SystemProperties.getBoolean("config.disable_network", false);
439        boolean disableNetworkTime = SystemProperties.getBoolean("config.disable_networktime", false);
440        boolean isEmulator = SystemProperties.get("ro.kernel.qemu").equals("1");
442        try {
443            Slog.i(TAG, "Reading configuration...");
444            SystemConfig.getInstance();
446            Slog.i(TAG, "Scheduling Policy");
                 // 添加调度策略服务
447            ServiceManager.addService("scheduling_policy", new SchedulingPolicyService());
449            mSystemServiceManager.startService(TelecomLoaderService.class);
451            Slog.i(TAG, "Telephony Registry");
               // 启动telephony注册服务,用于监听telephony状态的接口
452            telephonyRegistry = new TelephonyRegistry(context);
453            ServiceManager.addService("telephony.registry", telephonyRegistry);
455            Slog.i(TAG, "Entropy Mixer");
               // 随机数管理器,就是以前的EntropyService,生成随机数的一个东西。随机数一般与密码,加密等相关。
456            entropyMixer = new EntropyMixer(context);
               // 获取ContentResolver对象
458            mContentResolver = context.getContentResolver();
460            Slog.i(TAG, "Camera Service");
                // 启动相机服务
461            mSystemServiceManager.startService(CameraService.class);
463            // The AccountManager must come before the ContentService
464            try {
465                // TODO: seems like this should be disable-able, but req'd by ContentService
466                Slog.i(TAG, "Account Manager");
                   // 创建账户服务,并注册到ServiceManager中
467                accountManager = new AccountManagerService(context);
468                ServiceManager.addService(Context.ACCOUNT_SERVICE, accountManager);
469            } catch (Throwable e) {
470                Slog.e(TAG, "Failure starting Account Manager", e);
471            }
473            Slog.i(TAG, "Content Manager");
474            contentService = ContentService.main(context,
475                    mFactoryTestMode == FactoryTest.FACTORY_TEST_LOW_LEVEL);
477            Slog.i(TAG, "System Content Providers");
               // 将SettingProvider放到SystemServer进程中来运行
478            mActivityManagerService.installSystemProviders();
480            Slog.i(TAG, "Vibrator Service");
               // 创建震动服务,并且添加到ServiceManager
481            vibrator = new VibratorService(context);
482            ServiceManager.addService("vibrator", vibrator);
               // 创建并注册 远程控制服务,主要指通过红外线等控制周围的设备
484            Slog.i(TAG, "Consumer IR Service");
485            consumerIr = new ConsumerIrService(context);
486            ServiceManager.addService(Context.CONSUMER_IR_SERVICE, consumerIr);
                // 开启闹铃服务
488            mSystemServiceManager.startService(AlarmManagerService.class);
489            alarm = IAlarmManager.Stub.asInterface(
490                    ServiceManager.getService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE));
492            Slog.i(TAG, "Init Watchdog");
               // 获取watch对象
493            final Watchdog watchdog = Watchdog.getInstance();
494            watchdog.init(context, mActivityManagerService);
496            Slog.i(TAG, "Input Manager");
497            inputManager = new InputManagerService(context);
499            Slog.i(TAG, "Window Manager");
               // 启动 WindowManagerService
500            wm = WindowManagerService.main(context, inputManager,
501                    mFactoryTestMode != FactoryTest.FACTORY_TEST_LOW_LEVEL,
502                    !mFirstBoot, mOnlyCore);
503            ServiceManager.addService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE, wm);
504            ServiceManager.addService(Context.INPUT_SERVICE, inputManager);
               // 在AMS的内部保存WindowManagerService(WMS)
506            mActivityManagerService.setWindowManager(wm);
508            inputManager.setWindowManagerCallbacks(wm.getInputMonitor());
509            inputManager.start();
511            // TODO: Use service dependencies instead.
               // 调用WindowManagerService重新刷新UI
512            mDisplayManagerService.windowManagerAndInputReady();
514            // Skip Bluetooth if we have an emulator kernel
515            // TODO: Use a more reliable check to see if this product should
516            // support Bluetooth - see bug 988521
               // 是否启动蓝牙
517            if (isEmulator) {
518                Slog.i(TAG, "No Bluetooh Service (emulator)");
519            } else if (mFactoryTestMode == FactoryTest.FACTORY_TEST_LOW_LEVEL) {
520                Slog.i(TAG, "No Bluetooth Service (factory test)");
521            } else if (!context.getPackageManager().hasSystemFeature
522                       (PackageManager.FEATURE_BLUETOOTH)) {
                   // 如果系统没有包含蓝牙模块,则不启动蓝牙
523                Slog.i(TAG, "No Bluetooth Service (Bluetooth Hardware Not Present)");
524            } else if (disableBluetooth) {
                   // 不能启动蓝牙,一般是初始化的没有蓝牙的配置
525                Slog.i(TAG, "Bluetooth Service disabled by config");
526            } else {
527                Slog.i(TAG, "Bluetooth Service");
                   // 启动蓝牙、
528                mSystemServiceManager.startService(BluetoothService.class);
529            }
530        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
531            Slog.e("System", "******************************************");
532            Slog.e("System", "************ Failure starting core service", e);
533        }
535        StatusBarManagerService statusBar = null;
536        INotificationManager notification = null;
537        InputMethodManagerService imm = null;
538        WallpaperManagerService wallpaper = null;
539        LocationManagerService location = null;
540        CountryDetectorService countryDetector = null;
541        TextServicesManagerService tsms = null;
542        LockSettingsService lockSettings = null;
543        AssetAtlasService atlas = null;
544        MediaRouterService mediaRouter = null;
546        // Bring up services needed for UI.
           // 如果不是运行工程模式(运行工程模式中很多的service并不需要启动)
547        if (mFactoryTestMode != FactoryTest.FACTORY_TEST_LOW_LEVEL) {
548            try {
549                Slog.i(TAG, "Input Method Service");
                   // 创建输入法,并注册
550                imm = new InputMethodManagerService(context, wm);
551                ServiceManager.addService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE, imm);
552            } catch (Throwable e) {
553                reportWtf("starting Input Manager Service", e);
554            }
556            try {
557                Slog.i(TAG, "Accessibility Manager");
                  // 启动服务管理
558                ServiceManager.addService(Context.ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE,
559                        new AccessibilityManagerService(context));
560            } catch (Throwable e) {
561                reportWtf("starting Accessibility Manager", e);
562            }
563        }
565        try {
               // 准备显示
566            wm.displayReady();
567        } catch (Throwable e) {
568            reportWtf("making display ready", e);
569        }
           // 如果不是运行工程模式(运行工程模式中很多的service并不需要启动)
571        if (mFactoryTestMode != FactoryTest.FACTORY_TEST_LOW_LEVEL) {
572            if (!disableStorage &&
573                !"0".equals(SystemProperties.get("system_init.startmountservice"))) {
574                try {
575                    /*
576                     * NotificationManagerService is dependant on MountService,
577                     * (for media / usb notifications) so we must start MountService first.
578                     */
                       // 由于NotificationManagerService依赖MountService
                       // 所以要先启动MountService
579                    mSystemServiceManager.startService(MOUNT_SERVICE_CLASS);
580                    mountService = IMountService.Stub.asInterface(
581                            ServiceManager.getService("mount"));
582                } catch (Throwable e) {
583                    reportWtf("starting Mount Service", e);
584                }
585            }
586        }
588        // We start this here so that we update our configuration to set watch or television
589        // as appropriate.
           // 启动UI管理模式,即夜间模式和行车模式
590        mSystemServiceManager.startService(UiModeManagerService.class);
592        try {
               // 进行dex优化
593            mPackageManagerService.performBootDexOpt();
594        } catch (Throwable e) {
595            reportWtf("performing boot dexopt", e);
596        }
598        try {
599            ActivityManagerNative.getDefault().showBootMessage(
600                    context.getResources().getText(
601                  ,
602                    false);
603        } catch (RemoteException e) {
604        }
           // 如果不是运行工程模式(运行工程模式中很多的service并不需要启动)
606        if (mFactoryTestMode != FactoryTest.FACTORY_TEST_LOW_LEVEL) {
607            if (!disableNonCoreServices) {
608                try {
609                    Slog.i(TAG,  "LockSettingsService");
                       // 创建锁屏图案密码服务 
610                    lockSettings = new LockSettingsService(context);
611                    ServiceManager.addService("lock_settings", lockSettings);
612                } catch (Throwable e) {
613                    reportWtf("starting LockSettingsService service", e);
614                }
616                if (!SystemProperties.get(PERSISTENT_DATA_BLOCK_PROP).equals("")) {
                      // 启动回复出厂设置的数据保存服务
617                    mSystemServiceManager.startService(PersistentDataBlockService.class);
618                }
                   // 启动设备空闲控制器,在Android 6.0上power改动比较大
                   // 只是在PowerManagerService的改动代码比较少,
                   // 但是其是指改动比较大,特比增加了这个DeviceIdleController,来控制设备的Idle状态,
                   // 当设备在idle状态时,它会忽略CPU的wakelock,Alarm等。 
620                mSystemServiceManager.startService(DeviceIdleController.class);
622                // Always start the Device Policy Manager, so that the API is compatible with
623                // API8.
                    // 开启 设备配置管理服务
624                mSystemServiceManager.startService(DevicePolicyManagerService.Lifecycle.class);
625            }
627            if (!disableSystemUI) {
628                try {
629                    Slog.i(TAG, "Status Bar");
                       // 创建并注册 状态栏服务
630                    statusBar = new StatusBarManagerService(context, wm);
631                    ServiceManager.addService(Context.STATUS_BAR_SERVICE, statusBar);
632                } catch (Throwable e) {
633                    reportWtf("starting StatusBarManagerService", e);
634                }
635            }
637            if (!disableNonCoreServices) {
638                try {
639                    Slog.i(TAG, "Clipboard Service");
                       // 创建并注册 剪切板服务
640                    ServiceManager.addService(Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE,
641                            new ClipboardService(context));
642                } catch (Throwable e) {
643                    reportWtf("starting Clipboard Service", e);
644                }
645            }
647            if (!disableNetwork) {
648                try {
649                    Slog.i(TAG, "NetworkManagement Service");
                       // 创建并注册 网络物理接口管理服务
650                    networkManagement = NetworkManagementService.create(context);
651                    ServiceManager.addService(Context.NETWORKMANAGEMENT_SERVICE, networkManagement);
652                } catch (Throwable e) {
653                    reportWtf("starting NetworkManagement Service", e);
654                }
655            }
657            if (!disableNonCoreServices) {
658                try {
659                    Slog.i(TAG, "Text Service Manager Service");
                       // 创建并注册 提供拼写和检查的文本服务
660                    tsms = new TextServicesManagerService(context);
661                    ServiceManager.addService(Context.TEXT_SERVICES_MANAGER_SERVICE, tsms);
662                } catch (Throwable e) {
663                    reportWtf("starting Text Service Manager Service", e);
664                }
665            }
667            if (!disableNetwork) {
668                try {
669                    Slog.i(TAG, "Network Score Service");
                       // 创建并注册 网络通信记录服务
670                    networkScore = new NetworkScoreService(context);
671                    ServiceManager.addService(Context.NETWORK_SCORE_SERVICE, networkScore);
672                } catch (Throwable e) {
673                    reportWtf("starting Network Score Service", e);
674                }
676                try {
677                    Slog.i(TAG, "NetworkStats Service");
                       // 创建并注册 网络连接状态服务
678                    networkStats = new NetworkStatsService(context, networkManagement, alarm);
679                    ServiceManager.addService(Context.NETWORK_STATS_SERVICE, networkStats);
680                } catch (Throwable e) {
681                    reportWtf("starting NetworkStats Service", e);
682                }
684                try {
685                    Slog.i(TAG, "NetworkPolicy Service");
                       // 创建并注册 网络策略管理服务
686                    networkPolicy = new NetworkPolicyManagerService(
687                            context, mActivityManagerService,
688                            (IPowerManager)ServiceManager.getService(Context.POWER_SERVICE),
689                            networkStats, networkManagement);
690                    ServiceManager.addService(Context.NETWORK_POLICY_SERVICE, networkPolicy);
691                } catch (Throwable e) {
692                    reportWtf("starting NetworkPolicy Service", e);
693                }
                   // 开启wifi相关服务
695                mSystemServiceManager.startService(WIFI_P2P_SERVICE_CLASS);
696                mSystemServiceManager.startService(WIFI_SERVICE_CLASS);
697                mSystemServiceManager.startService(
698                            "");
700                mSystemServiceManager.startService("");
                   // 启动以太网服务
702                if (mPackageManager.hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_ETHERNET) ||
703                    mPackageManager.hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_USB_HOST)) {
704                    mSystemServiceManager.startService(ETHERNET_SERVICE_CLASS);
705                }
707                try {
708                    Slog.i(TAG, "Connectivity Service");
                   // 创建并注册 网络连接管理服务
709                    connectivity = new ConnectivityService(
710                            context, networkManagement, networkStats, networkPolicy);
711                    ServiceManager.addService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE, connectivity);
712                    networkStats.bindConnectivityManager(connectivity);
713                    networkPolicy.bindConnectivityManager(connectivity);
714                } catch (Throwable e) {
715                    reportWtf("starting Connectivity Service", e);
716                }
                   // 创建并注册NsdService服务,它是基于苹果的Bonjour服务发现协议,提供远程服务的发现和零配置功能的服务
718                try {
719                    Slog.i(TAG, "Network Service Discovery Service");
720                    serviceDiscovery = NsdService.create(context);
721                    ServiceManager.addService(
722                            Context.NSD_SERVICE, serviceDiscovery);
723                } catch (Throwable e) {
724                    reportWtf("starting Service Discovery Service", e);
725                }
726            }
728            if (!disableNonCoreServices) {
729                try {
730                    Slog.i(TAG, "UpdateLock Service");
                       // 创建并注册 UpdateLockService  更新锁服务
731                    ServiceManager.addService(Context.UPDATE_LOCK_SERVICE,
732                            new UpdateLockService(context));
733                } catch (Throwable e) {
734                    reportWtf("starting UpdateLockService", e);
735                }
736            }
738            /*
739             * MountService has a few dependencies: Notification Manager and
740             * AppWidget Provider. Make sure MountService is completely started
741             * first before continuing.
742             */
                  //  由于MountService有一些依赖项目:Notification Manager和AppWidget Provider。
                 // 所以在启动MountService前要确保Notification Manager和AppWidget Provider。
743            if (mountService != null && !mOnlyCore) {
744                try {
745                    mountService.waitForAsecScan();
746                } catch (RemoteException ignored) {
747                }
748            }
750            try {
                    // accountManager 准备就绪
751                if (accountManager != null)
752                    accountManager.systemReady();
753            } catch (Throwable e) {
754                reportWtf("making Account Manager Service ready", e);
755            }
757            try {
                    // contentService 准备就绪
758                if (contentService != null)
759                    contentService.systemReady();
760            } catch (Throwable e) {
761                reportWtf("making Content Service ready", e);
762            }
764            mSystemServiceManager.startService(NotificationManagerService.class);
765            notification = INotificationManager.Stub.asInterface(
766                    ServiceManager.getService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE));
767            networkPolicy.bindNotificationManager(notification);
               // 启动DeviceStorageMonitorService,即磁盘空间状态检测服务
769            mSystemServiceManager.startService(DeviceStorageMonitorService.class);
771            if (!disableLocation) {
772                try {
773                    Slog.i(TAG, "Location Manager");
                       //  开启,并注册LocationManagerService,即定位服务
774                    location = new LocationManagerService(context);
775                    ServiceManager.addService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE, location);
776                } catch (Throwable e) {
777                    reportWtf("starting Location Manager", e);
778                }
780                try {
781                    Slog.i(TAG, "Country Detector");
                       //  开启,并注册CountryDetectorService,用于检测用户国家
782                    countryDetector = new CountryDetectorService(context);
783                    ServiceManager.addService(Context.COUNTRY_DETECTOR, countryDetector);
784                } catch (Throwable e) {
785                    reportWtf("starting Country Detector", e);
786                }
787            }
789            if (!disableNonCoreServices) {
790                try {
791                    Slog.i(TAG, "Search Service");
                       // 开启,并注册SearchManagerService,用于搜索管理服务
792                    ServiceManager.addService(Context.SEARCH_SERVICE,
793                            new SearchManagerService(context));
794                } catch (Throwable e) {
795                    reportWtf("starting Search Service", e);
796                }
797            }
799            try {
800                Slog.i(TAG, "DropBox Service");
                   // 开启,并注册DropBoxManagerService,用于系统运行时日志的存储与管理
801                ServiceManager.addService(Context.DROPBOX_SERVICE,
802                        new DropBoxManagerService(context, new File("/data/system/dropbox")));
803            } catch (Throwable e) {
804                reportWtf("starting DropBoxManagerService", e);
805            }
807            if (!disableNonCoreServices && context.getResources().getBoolean(
808                        R.bool.config_enableWallpaperService)) {
809                try {
810                    Slog.i(TAG, "Wallpaper Service");
                      // 开启,并注册WallpaperManagerService,用于壁纸管理服务
811                    wallpaper = new WallpaperManagerService(context);
812                    ServiceManager.addService(Context.WALLPAPER_SERVICE, wallpaper);
813                } catch (Throwable e) {
814                    reportWtf("starting Wallpaper Service", e);
815                }
816            }
818            try {
819                Slog.i(TAG, "Audio Service");
                   // 开启,并注册AudioService,用于AudioFlinger的上层管理封装,主要是音量、音效及铃声等的管理开启
820                audioService = new AudioService(context);
821                ServiceManager.addService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE, audioService);
822            } catch (Throwable e) {
823                reportWtf("starting Audio Service", e);
824            }
               // 开启DockObserver,如果设备有一个座子,管理当手机装上或者拔出这个座子的状态
826            if (!disableNonCoreServices) {
827                mSystemServiceManager.startService(DockObserver.class);
828            }
830            try {
                   // 开启WiredAccessoryManager,用于检测手机的耳机
831                Slog.i(TAG, "Wired Accessory Manager");
832                // Listen for wired headset changes
833                inputManager.setWiredAccessoryCallbacks(
834                        new WiredAccessoryManager(context, inputManager));
835            } catch (Throwable e) {
836                reportWtf("starting WiredAccessoryManager", e);
837            }
839            if (!disableNonCoreServices) {
                    // 开启MIDI服务,MIDI(Musical Instrument Digital Interface)乐器数字接口 
840                if (mPackageManager.hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_MIDI)) {
841                    // Start MIDI Manager service
842                    mSystemServiceManager.startService(MIDI_SERVICE_CLASS);
843                }
                    // 开启USB服务
845                if (mPackageManager.hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_USB_HOST)
846                        || mPackageManager.hasSystemFeature(
847                                PackageManager.FEATURE_USB_ACCESSORY)) {
848                    // Manage USB host and device support
849                    mSystemServiceManager.startService(USB_SERVICE_CLASS);
850                }
                    // 开启并注册SerialService(串口服务)
852                try {
853                    Slog.i(TAG, "Serial Service");
854                    // Serial port support
855                    serial = new SerialService(context);
856                    ServiceManager.addService(Context.SERIAL_SERVICE, serial);
857                } catch (Throwable e) {
858                    Slog.e(TAG, "Failure starting SerialService", e);
859                }
860            }
               // 开启TwilightService,用来检测用户所在位置是否为晚上,被UiModeManager等用来调整夜间模式
862            mSystemServiceManager.startService(TwilightService.class);
               // 开启JobSchedulerService
864            mSystemServiceManager.startService(JobSchedulerService.class);
866            if (!disableNonCoreServices) {
867                if (mPackageManager.hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_BACKUP)) {
868                    mSystemServiceManager.startService(BACKUP_MANAGER_SERVICE_CLASS);
869                }
871                if (mPackageManager.hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_APP_WIDGETS)) {
872                    mSystemServiceManager.startService(APPWIDGET_SERVICE_CLASS);
873                }
875                if (mPackageManager.hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_VOICE_RECOGNIZERS)) {
876                    mSystemServiceManager.startService(VOICE_RECOGNITION_MANAGER_SERVICE_CLASS);
877                }
879                if (GestureLauncherService.isGestureLauncherEnabled(context.getResources())) {
880                    Slog.i(TAG, "Gesture Launcher Service");
881                    mSystemServiceManager.startService(GestureLauncherService.class);
882                }
883            }
885            try {
886                Slog.i(TAG, "DiskStats Service");
887                ServiceManager.addService("diskstats", new DiskStatsService(context));
888            } catch (Throwable e) {
889                reportWtf("starting DiskStats Service", e);
890            }
892            try {
893                // need to add this service even if SamplingProfilerIntegration.isEnabled()
894                // is false, because it is this service that detects system property change and
895                // turns on SamplingProfilerIntegration. Plus, when sampling profiler doesn't work,
896                // there is little overhead for running this service.
897                Slog.i(TAG, "SamplingProfiler Service");
                   // 创建 并注册 耗时统计服务SamplingProfilerService
898                ServiceManager.addService("samplingprofiler",
899                            new SamplingProfilerService(context));
900            } catch (Throwable e) {
901                reportWtf("starting SamplingProfiler Service", e);
902            }
904            if (!disableNetwork && !disableNetworkTime) {
905                try {
906                    Slog.i(TAG, "NetworkTimeUpdateService");
                       // 创建NetworkTimeUpdateService,用于件事网络时间,当网络时间变化时更新本地时间。
907                    networkTimeUpdater = new NetworkTimeUpdateService(context);
908                } catch (Throwable e) {
909                    reportWtf("starting NetworkTimeUpdate service", e);
910                }
911            }
913            try {
914                Slog.i(TAG, "CommonTimeManagementService");
                   // 创建 并注册commonTimeMgmtService,用于管理本地常见的时间服务的配置,在网络配置变化时重新配置本地服务
915                commonTimeMgmtService = new CommonTimeManagementService(context);
916                ServiceManager.addService("commontime_management", commonTimeMgmtService);
917            } catch (Throwable e) {
918                reportWtf("starting CommonTimeManagementService service", e);
919            }
921            if (!disableNetwork) {
922                try {
923                    Slog.i(TAG, "CertBlacklister");
                      // 创建 CertBlacklister,CertBlacklister提供了一个简单的机制来更新SSL证书公钥和序列号的平台黑名单
924                    CertBlacklister blacklister = new CertBlacklister(context);
925                } catch (Throwable e) {
926                    reportWtf("starting CertBlacklister", e);
927                }
928            }
930            if (!disableNonCoreServices) {
931                // Dreams (interactive idle-time views, a/k/a screen savers, and doze mode)
                   // 创建 DreamManagerService,用于屏幕保护
932                mSystemServiceManager.startService(DreamManagerService.class);
933            }
935            if (!disableNonCoreServices) {
936                try {
937                    Slog.i(TAG, "Assets Atlas Service");
                       // 创建 并注册 AssetAtlasService,用于将预加载bitmap组装成纹理贴图可以用来被跨进程使用,以减少内存。     
938                    atlas = new AssetAtlasService(context);
939                    ServiceManager.addService(AssetAtlasService.ASSET_ATLAS_SERVICE, atlas);
940                } catch (Throwable e) {
941                    reportWtf("starting AssetAtlasService", e);
942                }
943            }
945            if (!disableNonCoreServices) {
                   // 创建 并注册 GraphicsStatsService,负责收集汇总Android系统的渲染剖面数据(profile data)
                   // 主要途径是通过允许渲染线程请求匿名共享存储缓冲(ashmem buffer)来存放它们统计信息来实现的。
946                ServiceManager.addService(GraphicsStatsService.GRAPHICS_STATS_SERVICE,
947                        new GraphicsStatsService(context));
948            }
950            if (mPackageManager.hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_PRINTING)) {
                   // 开启打印服务
951                mSystemServiceManager.startService(PRINT_MANAGER_SERVICE_CLASS);
952            }
               // 开启RestrictionsManagerService,负责查询管理用户限制的机制。因为APP可以向远程设备管理员发送权限请求。
954            mSystemServiceManager.startService(RestrictionsManagerService.class);
               // 开启MediaSessionService,是MediaSession框架的管理服务
956            mSystemServiceManager.startService(MediaSessionService.class);
958            if (mPackageManager.hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_HDMI_CEC)) {
                   // 开启HdmiControlService,负责HDMI
959                mSystemServiceManager.startService(HdmiControlService.class);
960            }
962            if (mPackageManager.hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_LIVE_TV)) {
                   // 开启TvInputManagerService,负责android TV
963                mSystemServiceManager.startService(TvInputManagerService.class);
964            }
966            if (!disableNonCoreServices) {
967                try {
968                    Slog.i(TAG, "Media Router Service");
                       // 开启 并注册MediaRouterService,负责多媒体路由(因为多媒体可能既有有限,也有无线等)
969                    mediaRouter = new MediaRouterService(context);
970                    ServiceManager.addService(Context.MEDIA_ROUTER_SERVICE, mediaRouter);
971                } catch (Throwable e) {
972                    reportWtf("starting MediaRouterService", e);
973                }
                   // 开启TrustManagerService,负责管理信任证书
975                mSystemServiceManager.startService(TrustManagerService.class);
                   // 开启FingerprintService,负责指纹识别
977                mSystemServiceManager.startService(FingerprintService.class);
979                try {
980                    Slog.i(TAG, "BackgroundDexOptService");
                       // 启动JobSchedule 后台延Dex优化
981                    BackgroundDexOptService.schedule(context, 0);
982                } catch (Throwable e) {
983                    reportWtf("starting BackgroundDexOptService", e);
984                }
986            }
               // 启动LauncherAppsService,负责管理Launcher的请求和回调
988            mSystemServiceManager.startService(LauncherAppsService.class);
989        }
991        if (!disableNonCoreServices) {
992            mSystemServiceManager.startService(MediaProjectionManagerService.class);
993        }
995        // Before things start rolling, be sure we have decided whether
996        // we are in safe mode.
           // 安全模式
997        final boolean safeMode = wm.detectSafeMode();
998        if (safeMode) {
999            mActivityManagerService.enterSafeMode();
1000            // Disable the JIT for the system_server process
1001            VMRuntime.getRuntime().disableJitCompilation();
1002        } else {
1003            // Enable the JIT for the system_server process
1004            VMRuntime.getRuntime().startJitCompilation();
1005        }
1007        // MMS service broker
            // MmsService 的代理,因为MmsService运行在电话进程中,可能随时crash,它会通过一个connection与MmsService 建立一个桥梁,MmsService实现了公开的 SMS/MMS 的API。
1008        mmsService = mSystemServiceManager.startService(MmsServiceBroker.class);
1010        // It is now time to start up the app processes...
1012        try {
                // 震动 已经准备完毕 
1013            vibrator.systemReady();
1014        } catch (Throwable e) {
1015            reportWtf("making Vibrator Service ready", e);
1016        }
1018        if (lockSettings != null) {
1019            try {
1020                lockSettings.systemReady();
1021            } catch (Throwable e) {
1022                reportWtf("making Lock Settings Service ready", e);
1023            }
1024        }
1026        // Needed by DevicePolicyManager for initialization
1027        mSystemServiceManager.startBootPhase(SystemService.PHASE_LOCK_SETTINGS_READY);
1029        mSystemServiceManager.startBootPhase(SystemService.PHASE_SYSTEM_SERVICES_READY);
1031        try {
1032            wm.systemReady();
1033        } catch (Throwable e) {
1034            reportWtf("making Window Manager Service ready", e);
1035        }
1037        if (safeMode) {
1038            mActivityManagerService.showSafeModeOverlay();
1039        }
1041        // Update the configuration for this context by hand, because we're going
1042        // to start using it before the config change done in wm.systemReady() will
1043        // propagate to it.
1044        Configuration config = wm.computeNewConfiguration();
1045        DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics();
1046        WindowManager w = (WindowManager)context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE);
1047        w.getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics(metrics);
1048        context.getResources().updateConfiguration(config, metrics);
1050        try {
1051            // TODO: use boot phase
1052            mPowerManagerService.systemReady(mActivityManagerService.getAppOpsService());
1053        } catch (Throwable e) {
1054            reportWtf("making Power Manager Service ready", e);
1055        }
1057        try {
1058            mPackageManagerService.systemReady();
1059        } catch (Throwable e) {
1060            reportWtf("making Package Manager Service ready", e);
1061        }
1063        try {
1064            // TODO: use boot phase and communicate these flags some other way
1065            mDisplayManagerService.systemReady(safeMode, mOnlyCore);
1066        } catch (Throwable e) {
1067            reportWtf("making Display Manager Service ready", e);
1068        }
1070        // These are needed to propagate to the runnable below.
1071        final NetworkManagementService networkManagementF = networkManagement;
1072        final NetworkStatsService networkStatsF = networkStats;
1073        final NetworkPolicyManagerService networkPolicyF = networkPolicy;
1074        final ConnectivityService connectivityF = connectivity;
1075        final NetworkScoreService networkScoreF = networkScore;
1076        final WallpaperManagerService wallpaperF = wallpaper;
1077        final InputMethodManagerService immF = imm;
1078        final LocationManagerService locationF = location;
1079        final CountryDetectorService countryDetectorF = countryDetector;
1080        final NetworkTimeUpdateService networkTimeUpdaterF = networkTimeUpdater;
1081        final CommonTimeManagementService commonTimeMgmtServiceF = commonTimeMgmtService;
1082        final TextServicesManagerService textServiceManagerServiceF = tsms;
1083        final StatusBarManagerService statusBarF = statusBar;
1084        final AssetAtlasService atlasF = atlas;
1085        final InputManagerService inputManagerF = inputManager;
1086        final TelephonyRegistry telephonyRegistryF = telephonyRegistry;
1087        final MediaRouterService mediaRouterF = mediaRouter;
1088        final AudioService audioServiceF = audioService;
1089        final MmsServiceBroker mmsServiceF = mmsService;
1091        // We now tell the activity manager it is okay to run third party
1092        // code.  It will call back into us once it has gotten to the state
1093        // where third party code can really run (but before it has actually
1094        // started launching the initial applications), for us to complete our
1095        // initialization.
1096        mActivityManagerService.systemReady(new Runnable() {
1097            @Override
1098            public void run() {
1099                Slog.i(TAG, "Making services ready");
1100                mSystemServiceManager.startBootPhase(
1101                        SystemService.PHASE_ACTIVITY_MANAGER_READY);
1103                try {
1104                    mActivityManagerService.startObservingNativeCrashes();
1105                } catch (Throwable e) {
1106                    reportWtf("observing native crashes", e);
1107                }
1109                Slog.i(TAG, "WebViewFactory preparation");
1110                WebViewFactory.prepareWebViewInSystemServer();
1112                try {
1113                    startSystemUi(context);
1114                } catch (Throwable e) {
1115                    reportWtf("starting System UI", e);
1116                }
1117                try {
1118                    if (networkScoreF != null) networkScoreF.systemReady();
1119                } catch (Throwable e) {
1120                    reportWtf("making Network Score Service ready", e);
1121                }
1122                try {
1123                    if (networkManagementF != null) networkManagementF.systemReady();
1124                } catch (Throwable e) {
1125                    reportWtf("making Network Managment Service ready", e);
1126                }
1127                try {
1128                    if (networkStatsF != null) networkStatsF.systemReady();
1129                } catch (Throwable e) {
1130                    reportWtf("making Network Stats Service ready", e);
1131                }
1132                try {
1133                    if (networkPolicyF != null) networkPolicyF.systemReady();
1134                } catch (Throwable e) {
1135                    reportWtf("making Network Policy Service ready", e);
1136                }
1137                try {
1138                    if (connectivityF != null) connectivityF.systemReady();
1139                } catch (Throwable e) {
1140                    reportWtf("making Connectivity Service ready", e);
1141                }
1142                try {
1143                    if (audioServiceF != null) audioServiceF.systemReady();
1144                } catch (Throwable e) {
1145                    reportWtf("Notifying AudioService running", e);
1146                }
1147                Watchdog.getInstance().start();
1149                // It is now okay to let the various system services start their
1150                // third party code...
1151                mSystemServiceManager.startBootPhase(
1152                        SystemService.PHASE_THIRD_PARTY_APPS_CAN_START);
1154                try {
1155                    if (wallpaperF != null) wallpaperF.systemRunning();
1156                } catch (Throwable e) {
1157                    reportWtf("Notifying WallpaperService running", e);
1158                }
1159                try {
1160                    if (immF != null) immF.systemRunning(statusBarF);
1161                } catch (Throwable e) {
1162                    reportWtf("Notifying InputMethodService running", e);
1163                }
1164                try {
1165                    if (locationF != null) locationF.systemRunning();
1166                } catch (Throwable e) {
1167                    reportWtf("Notifying Location Service running", e);
1168                }
1169                try {
1170                    if (countryDetectorF != null) countryDetectorF.systemRunning();
1171                } catch (Throwable e) {
1172                    reportWtf("Notifying CountryDetectorService running", e);
1173                }
1174                try {
1175                    if (networkTimeUpdaterF != null) networkTimeUpdaterF.systemRunning();
1176                } catch (Throwable e) {
1177                    reportWtf("Notifying NetworkTimeService running", e);
1178                }
1179                try {
1180                    if (commonTimeMgmtServiceF != null) {
1181                        commonTimeMgmtServiceF.systemRunning();
1182                    }
1183                } catch (Throwable e) {
1184                    reportWtf("Notifying CommonTimeManagementService running", e);
1185                }
1186                try {
1187                    if (textServiceManagerServiceF != null)
1188                        textServiceManagerServiceF.systemRunning();
1189                } catch (Throwable e) {
1190                    reportWtf("Notifying TextServicesManagerService running", e);
1191                }
1192                try {
1193                    if (atlasF != null) atlasF.systemRunning();
1194                } catch (Throwable e) {
1195                    reportWtf("Notifying AssetAtlasService running", e);
1196                }
1197                try {
1198                    // TODO(BT) Pass parameter to input manager
1199                    if (inputManagerF != null) inputManagerF.systemRunning();
1200                } catch (Throwable e) {
1201                    reportWtf("Notifying InputManagerService running", e);
1202                }
1203                try {
1204                    if (telephonyRegistryF != null) telephonyRegistryF.systemRunning();
1205                } catch (Throwable e) {
1206                    reportWtf("Notifying TelephonyRegistry running", e);
1207                }
1208                try {
1209                    if (mediaRouterF != null) mediaRouterF.systemRunning();
1210                } catch (Throwable e) {
1211                    reportWtf("Notifying MediaRouterService running", e);
1212                }
1214                try {
1215                    if (mmsServiceF != null) mmsServiceF.systemRunning();
1216                } catch (Throwable e) {
1217                    reportWtf("Notifying MmsService running", e);
1218                }
1219            }
1220        });
1221    }


(四) 服务启动


  • 一种是通过SystemServiceManager的startService(),该方法用于启动继承于SystemService的服务。主要功能:创建serviceClass的对象,将刚创建的对象添加到SystemServiceManager的成员变量mServices,再调用刚创建对象的onStart()方法。对于服务启动到一定阶段,进入相应的Phase时,会调用SystemServiceManager的startBootPhase()回调方法,该方法会循环遍历所有向SystemServiceManager注册过的onBootPhase()方法。
  • 另一种是通过ServiceManager的addService(String name,IBinder service),该方法用于初始化继承于IBinder的服务。主要功能将服务向Native层的ServiceManager注册服务。

关于第二种,即通过ServiceManager的addService(String name,IBinder service),我们在讲解Binder机制的时候,就已经讲解了,我们就不说了,下面我们来重点说下上面第一种,说到第一种,就不能不提一个类即SystemService 为了让大家对这个类有一个清晰的认识,我还是把其比较重要的代码粘贴上来

24 * The base class for services running in the system process. Override and implement
25 * the lifecycle event callback methods as needed.
26 * <p>
27 * The lifecycle of a SystemService:
28 * </p><ul>
29 * <li>The constructor is called and provided with the system {@link Context}
30 * to initialize the system service.
31 * <li>{@link #onStart()} is called to get the service running.  The service should
32 * publish its binder interface at this point using
33 * {@link #publishBinderService(String, IBinder)}.  It may also publish additional
34 * local interfaces that other services within the system server may use to access
35 * privileged internal functions.
36 * <li>Then {@link #onBootPhase(int)} is called as many times as there are boot phases
37 * until {@link #PHASE_BOOT_COMPLETED} is sent, which is the last boot phase. Each phase
38 * is an opportunity to do special work, like acquiring optional service dependencies,
39 * waiting to see if SafeMode is enabled, or registering with a service that gets
40 * started after this one.
41 * </ul><p>
42 * NOTE: All lifecycle methods are called from the system server's main looper thread.
43 * </p>
44 *
45 * {@hide}
46 */
47public abstract class SystemService {
48    /*
49     * Boot Phases
50     */
51    public static final int PHASE_WAIT_FOR_DEFAULT_DISPLAY = 100; // maybe should be a dependency?
53    /**
54     * After receiving this boot phase, services can obtain lock settings data.
55     */
56    public static final int PHASE_LOCK_SETTINGS_READY = 480;
58    /**
59     * After receiving this boot phase, services can safely call into core system services
60     * such as the PowerManager or PackageManager.
61     */
62    public static final int PHASE_SYSTEM_SERVICES_READY = 500;
64    /**
65     * After receiving this boot phase, services can broadcast Intents.
66     */
67    public static final int PHASE_ACTIVITY_MANAGER_READY = 550;
69    /**
70     * After receiving this boot phase, services can start/bind to third party apps.
71     * Apps will be able to make Binder calls into services at this point.
72     */
73    public static final int PHASE_THIRD_PARTY_APPS_CAN_START = 600;
75    /**
76     * After receiving this boot phase, services can allow user interaction with the device.
77     * This phase occurs when boot has completed and the home application has started.
78     * System services may prefer to listen to this phase rather than registering a
79     * broadcast receiver for ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED to reduce overall latency.
80     */
81    public static final int PHASE_BOOT_COMPLETED = 1000;
120    /**
121     * Called on each phase of the boot process. Phases before the service's start phase
122     * (as defined in the @Service annotation) are never received.
123     *
124     * @param phase The current boot phase.
125     */
126    public void onBootPhase(int phase) {}



系统进程中运行的服务的基类。可以根据需要覆盖其生命周期事件的回调方法。 SystemService的生命周期的流程

  • 1、先调用带有context的构造函数,用于初始化系统的服务。
  • 2、调用onStart()方法,来启动服务运行,该服务应该在此处调用publishBinderService(String,IBinder)方法来发布其绑定的接口。当然它也可能发布额外的本地接口,系统服务器内的其他服务可以调用这些本地服务来访问其内部。
  • 3、调用onBootPhase(int)的次数很多,直到PHASE_BOOT_COMPLETED被发送,这是最后一次启动阶段的标志。每个阶段都要进行特定的工作。例如获取可选的服务依赖关系、查看是否启动了SafeMode、或者注册一个依赖该服务启动后的服务。
  • 注意:所有生命周期的方法都是从系统服务的主循环线程调用的。


  • PHASE_LOCK_SETTINGS_READY:锁定阶段: 即在启动阶段后,service就可以获得锁定的设置数据。
  • PHASE_SYSTEM_SERVICES_READY:系统服务准备就绪阶段: 在启动阶段后,就可以安心的调用核心系统服务,比如PowerManager或者PackageManager
  • PHASE_ACTIVITY_MANAGER_READY:AMS准备就绪阶段: 在启动阶段后,service就可以发送广播了。
  • PHASE_THIRD_PARTY_APPS_CAN_START:启动第三方应用阶段: 在启动阶段后,服务就可以启动/绑定第三方应用程序App就可以。并在此时调用Binder服务。
  • PHASE_BOOT_COMPLETED:启动结束阶段 在启动阶段后,此时服务可以运行用户与设备进行交互。当启动完成后Home应用程序会在此阶段启动。系统服务可能会监听这个阶段,而不是注册ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED的广播接收器来减少整体延迟。






118     * Starts the specified boot phase for all system services that have been started up to
119     * this point.
120     *
121     * @param phase The boot phase to start.
122     */
123    public void startBootPhase(final int phase) {
124        if (phase <= mCurrentPhase) {
125            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Next phase must be larger than previous");
126        }
127        mCurrentPhase = phase;
129        Slog.i(TAG, "Starting phase "   mCurrentPhase);
131        final int serviceLen = mServices.size();
132        for (int i = 0; i < serviceLen; i  ) {
133            final SystemService service = mServices.get(i);
134            try {
135                service.onBootPhase(mCurrentPhase);
136            } catch (Exception ex) {
137                throw new RuntimeException("Failed to boot service "
138                          service.getClass().getName()
139                          ": onBootPhase threw an exception during phase "
140                          mCurrentPhase, ex);
141            }
142        }
143    }








  • 最开始的时候:创建四大引导服务:
    • AMS(ActivityManagerService)
    • PowerManagerService(这里通常不用PMS表示,通常的PMS表示;PackageManagerService)
    • LightsService
    • DMS(DisplayManagerService)
      • DisplayManagerService
    • 创建服务
      • PackageManagerService类
      • WindowManagerService类
      • InputManagerService类
      • NetworkManagerService类
      • FingerprintService类
      • LauncherAppsService类
      • .....
    • 进行回调进行回调onBootPhase(PHASE_LOCK_SETTINGS_READY)
      • DevicePolicyManagerService类
  • 3 PHASE_SYSTEM_SERVICES_READY(系统服务准备阶段):进入该阶段的服务能安全的调用核心系统服务。此时就不创建服务
      • AlarmManagerService类
      • JobSchedulerService类
      • NotificationManagerService类
      • BackupManagerService类
      • UsageStatsService类
      • DeviceIdleController类
      • TrustManagerService类
      • UiModeManagerService类
      • BluetoothService类
      • BluetoothManagerService类
      • EthernetService类
      • WifiP2pService类
      • WifiScanningService类
      • WifiService类
      • RttService类
    • 各大服务执行systemReady()
      • WindowManagerService.systemReady():
      • PowerManagerService.systemReady():
      • PackageManagerService.systemReady():
      • DisplayManagerService.systemReady():
  • 4 PHASE_ACTIVITY_MANAGER_READY(AMS准备就绪阶段):AMS准备就绪了,(其中AMS中的mSystemReady变量为true)。但是此时system_server主线程并没有准备就绪。
      • MountService类
      • TelecomLoaderService类
      • UsbService类
      • WebViewUpdateService类
      • DockObserver类
      • BatteryService类
    • ActivityManagerService启动native crash监控,加载WebView,启动SystemUI等,顺序如下:
      • mActivityManagerService.startObservingNativeCrashes();
      • WebViewFactory.prepareWebViewInSystemServer();
      • startSystemUi(context);
      • networkScoreF.systemReady();
      • networkManagementF.systemReady();
      • networkStatsF.systemReady();
      • networkPolicyF.systemReady();
      • connectivityF.systemReady();
      • audioServiceF.systemReady();
      • Watchdog.getInstance().start();
      • JobSchedulerService类
      • NotificationManagerService类
      • BackupManagerService类
      • AppWidgetService类
      • GestureLauncherService类
      • DreamManagerService类
      • TrustManagerService类
      • VoiceInteractionManagerService类
    • 接下来,各种服务的systemRunning的流程:
      • WallpaperManagerService.systemRunning()
      • InputMethodManagerService.systemRunning()
      • LocationManagerService.systemRunning()
      • CountryDetectorService.systemRunning()
      • NetworkTimeUpdateService.systemRunning()
      • CommonTimeManagementService.systemRunning()
      • TextServicesManagerService.systemRunning()
      • AssetAtlasService.systemRunning()
      • InputManagerService.systemRunning()
      • TelephonyRegistry.systemRunning()
      • MediaRouterService.systemRunning()
      • MmsServiceBroker .systemRunning()
  • 6 PHASE_BOOT_COMPLETED(启动结束阶段):最后调用ActivityManagerService.finishBooting()时,则进入该阶段。至此,系统服务启动阶段完成就绪,system_server进程启动完成则进入Looper.loop()状态,随时待命,等待消息队列MessageQueue中的消息到来,则马上进入执行状态。


  • 引导服务(7个): ActivityManagerService PowerManagerService LightsService DisplayManagerService PackageManagerService UserManagerService SensorService
  • 核心服务(3个): BatteryService UsageStatsService WebViewUpdateService
  • 其他服务(76个): AlarmManagerService VibratorService ....


AccesssibilityManagerService:截取用户输入,并根据输入给用户一些额外的反馈,起到辅助效果的服务。 AccountManagerService:管理设备中所有账号的服务,有账号、密码、授权管理功能 ActivityManagerService:Android的核心服务,管理所有组件 AlarmManagerService:Android系统的闹钟服务 AppWidgetService:管理Laucher的用户Widget的服务 AsserAtlasService:把预加载的图片资源都打包成一张单一的图片,并跨进程共享由此产生的纹理,以降低总的内存使用情况的服务。 AudioService:提供应用设置音量、音效、铃声等接口的服务 BackupManagerService:备份和恢复应用数据的服务 BatteryService:监控电池状态的服务,当电池状态改变时会广播Intent。 BluetoothManagerService:管理系统蓝牙设备的服务 CertBlacklister:提供了一种简单的机制来更新系统SSL证书的公共密钥和序列号黑名单服务 ClipboardService:提供系统级别的剪贴板功能的服务 CommonTimeManagermentService:管理本地公共时间配置的服务 ConnectivityService:Android系统提供网络连接的服务 ContentService:管理Android中数据更新通知的服务,当ContentProvider中的内容发生变化时,它将发出广播通知这种变化 CountryDetectorService:检测当前用户所属国家的服务 DevicePolicyManagerService:提供系统配置管理的服务 DeviceStorageMonitorService:监控存储空间的服务,当存储空间低于10%的时候会广播警告 DiskStatsService:提供存储空间的统计服务 DisplayManagerService:管理心事设备的服务 DreamManagerService:管理屏幕保护的应用 DropBoxManagerService:产生和管理系统运行时的日志文件的服务。 EntroypyMixer:熵服务周期性地加载和保存随机信息,防止/dev/random 的状态编程可预知的,否则,这样一些需要随机数的应用程序得到将是重新的值。这个服务没有为应用程序提供接口 IdleMaintenanaceService:监视系统济宁idle服务。通过它可以获得系统计入idle通知 InputManagerService:管理键盘和触屏输入的服务 InputMethodManagerService:提供输入法管理功能的服务,包括disable/enable输入法,切换输入法等 LightsService:管理和控制光线传感器的服务 LocationManagerService:提供位置管理的服务 LockSettingService:管理锁屏服务 MountService:管理Android系统存储设备的服务 NetworkManagermentService:提供网络物理接口管理服务 NetworkPolicyManagerService:提供网络管理策略服务 NetworkStateService:管理网络连接状态的服务,当网络状态变化时,将发出广播 NetworkTimeUpdateService:提供根据网络时间更新本地时间的服务 NotificationManagerService:管理系统的Notifaction的服务 NsdService:基于苹果的Bonjour服务发现协议,提供远程的发现和零配置功能的服务 PackageManagerService:Android的包管理服务 PrintManagerService:提供打印管理的服务 RecognitionManagerService:身份识别服务 SamplingProfilerService:记录和分析系统启动性能的服务 SchedulingPolicyService:设置线程调度策略的服务 SearchManagerService:提供搜索功能的服务 SerialService:提供打开接串口设备的服务 StatusBarManagerService:提供更新stateBar上图标、动画接口的服务 TelephonyRegistry:监听和管理通话事件和状态的服务 TextServicesManagerService:提供拼写检查等文本功能的服务 TwilightService:根据用户的地理位置判断目前是否是黄昏时分的服务 UIModeManagerService:管理和设备系统的UI模式的服务 UsbService:管理USB设备和连接的服务 UserManagerService:管理Android用户的身份和信息的服务 VibratorService:管理和控制振动设备的服务 WallpaperManagerService:管理桌面背景的服务 WifiP2pService:管理WiFi点对点连接的服务 WifiService:管理和控制Wifi设备的服务 WindowManagerService:Android的核心服务,提供窗口管理功能。




在上面讲解启动各种服务时候,讲解到在SystemServer.javastartOtherServices()方法里面的1096行调用 mActivityManagerService.systemReady()方法如下: 代码在 1096行

1091        // We now tell the activity manager it is okay to run third party
1092        // code.  It will call back into us once it has gotten to the state
1093        // where third party code can really run (but before it has actually
1094        // started launching the initial applications), for us to complete our
1095        // initialization.
1096        mActivityManagerService.systemReady(new Runnable() {
1097            @Override
1098            public void run() {
1099                Slog.i(TAG, "Making services ready");
1100                mSystemServiceManager.startBootPhase(
1101                        SystemService.PHASE_ACTIVITY_MANAGER_READY);
1103                try {
1104                    mActivityManagerService.startObservingNativeCrashes();
1105                } catch (Throwable e) {
1106                    reportWtf("observing native crashes", e);
1107                }
1109                Slog.i(TAG, "WebViewFactory preparation");
1110                WebViewFactory.prepareWebViewInSystemServer();
1112                try {
1113                    startSystemUi(context);
1114                } catch (Throwable e) {
1115                    reportWtf("starting System UI", e);
1116                }
1117                try {
1118                    if (networkScoreF != null) networkScoreF.systemReady();
1119                } catch (Throwable e) {
1120                    reportWtf("making Network Score Service ready", e);
1121                }
1122                try {
1123                    if (networkManagementF != null) networkManagementF.systemReady();
1124                } catch (Throwable e) {
1125                    reportWtf("making Network Managment Service ready", e);
1126                }
1127                try {
1128                    if (networkStatsF != null) networkStatsF.systemReady();
1129                } catch (Throwable e) {
1130                    reportWtf("making Network Stats Service ready", e);
1131                }
1132                try {
1133                    if (networkPolicyF != null) networkPolicyF.systemReady();
1134                } catch (Throwable e) {
1135                    reportWtf("making Network Policy Service ready", e);
1136                }
1137                try {
1138                    if (connectivityF != null) connectivityF.systemReady();
1139                } catch (Throwable e) {
1140                    reportWtf("making Connectivity Service ready", e);
1141                }
1142                try {
1143                    if (audioServiceF != null) audioServiceF.systemReady();
1144                } catch (Throwable e) {
1145                    reportWtf("Notifying AudioService running", e);
1146                }
1147                Watchdog.getInstance().start();
1149                // It is now okay to let the various system services start their
1150                // third party code...
1151                mSystemServiceManager.startBootPhase(
1152                        SystemService.PHASE_THIRD_PARTY_APPS_CAN_START);
1154                try {
1155                    if (wallpaperF != null) wallpaperF.systemRunning();
1156                } catch (Throwable e) {
1157                    reportWtf("Notifying WallpaperService running", e);
1158                }
1159                try {
1160                    if (immF != null) immF.systemRunning(statusBarF);
1161                } catch (Throwable e) {
1162                    reportWtf("Notifying InputMethodService running", e);
1163                }
1164                try {
1165                    if (locationF != null) locationF.systemRunning();
1166                } catch (Throwable e) {
1167                    reportWtf("Notifying Location Service running", e);
1168                }
1169                try {
1170                    if (countryDetectorF != null) countryDetectorF.systemRunning();
1171                } catch (Throwable e) {
1172                    reportWtf("Notifying CountryDetectorService running", e);
1173                }
1174                try {
1175                    if (networkTimeUpdaterF != null) networkTimeUpdaterF.systemRunning();
1176                } catch (Throwable e) {
1177                    reportWtf("Notifying NetworkTimeService running", e);
1178                }
1179                try {
1180                    if (commonTimeMgmtServiceF != null) {
1181                        commonTimeMgmtServiceF.systemRunning();
1182                    }
1183                } catch (Throwable e) {
1184                    reportWtf("Notifying CommonTimeManagementService running", e);
1185                }
1186                try {
1187                    if (textServiceManagerServiceF != null)
1188                        textServiceManagerServiceF.systemRunning();
1189                } catch (Throwable e) {
1190                    reportWtf("Notifying TextServicesManagerService running", e);
1191                }
1192                try {
1193                    if (atlasF != null) atlasF.systemRunning();
1194                } catch (Throwable e) {
1195                    reportWtf("Notifying AssetAtlasService running", e);
1196                }
1197                try {
1198                    // TODO(BT) Pass parameter to input manager
1199                    if (inputManagerF != null) inputManagerF.systemRunning();
1200                } catch (Throwable e) {
1201                    reportWtf("Notifying InputManagerService running", e);
1202                }
1203                try {
1204                    if (telephonyRegistryF != null) telephonyRegistryF.systemRunning();
1205                } catch (Throwable e) {
1206                    reportWtf("Notifying TelephonyRegistry running", e);
1207                }
1208                try {
1209                    if (mediaRouterF != null) mediaRouterF.systemRunning();
1210                } catch (Throwable e) {
1211                    reportWtf("Notifying MediaRouterService running", e);
1212                }
1214                try {
1215                    if (mmsServiceF != null) mmsServiceF.systemRunning();
1216                } catch (Throwable e) {
1217                    reportWtf("Notifying MmsService running", e);
1218                }
1219            }
1220        });


(二)、ActivityManagerService. systemReady(Runnable)方法解析
11719    public void systemReady(final Runnable goingCallback) {
11720        synchronized(this) {
11721            if (mSystemReady) {
11722                // If we're done calling all the receivers, run the next "boot phase" passed in
11723                // by the SystemServer
11724                if (goingCallback != null) {
11725          ;
11726                }
11727                return;
11728            }
11730            mLocalDeviceIdleController
11731                    = LocalServices.getService(DeviceIdleController.LocalService.class);
11733            // Make sure we have the current profile info, since it is needed for
11734            // security checks.
11735            updateCurrentProfileIdsLocked();
11737            mRecentTasks.clear();
11738            mRecentTasks.addAll(mTaskPersister.restoreTasksLocked());
11739            mRecentTasks.cleanupLocked(UserHandle.USER_ALL);
11740            mTaskPersister.startPersisting();
11742            // Check to see if there are any update receivers to run.
11743            if (!mDidUpdate) {
11744                if (mWaitingUpdate) {
11745                    return;
11746                }
11747                final ArrayList<ComponentName> doneReceivers = new ArrayList<ComponentName>();
11748                mWaitingUpdate = deliverPreBootCompleted(new Runnable() {
11749                    public void run() {
11750                        synchronized (ActivityManagerService.this) {
11751                            mDidUpdate = true;
11752                        }
11753                        showBootMessage(mContext.getText(
11754                                R.string.android_upgrading_complete),
11755                                false);
11756                        writeLastDonePreBootReceivers(doneReceivers);
11757                        systemReady(goingCallback);
11758                    }
11759                }, doneReceivers, UserHandle.USER_OWNER);
11761                if (mWaitingUpdate) {
11762                    return;
11763                }
11764                mDidUpdate = true;
11765            }
11767            mAppOpsService.systemReady();
11768            mSystemReady = true;
11769        }
11771        ArrayList<ProcessRecord> procsToKill = null;
11772        synchronized(mPidsSelfLocked) {
11773            for (int i=mPidsSelfLocked.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
11774                ProcessRecord proc = mPidsSelfLocked.valueAt(i);
11775                if (!isAllowedWhileBooting({
11776                    if (procsToKill == null) {
11777                        procsToKill = new ArrayList<ProcessRecord>();
11778                    }
11779                    procsToKill.add(proc);
11780                }
11781            }
11782        }
11784        synchronized(this) {
11785            if (procsToKill != null) {
11786                for (int i=procsToKill.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
11787                    ProcessRecord proc = procsToKill.get(i);
11788                    Slog.i(TAG, "Removing system update proc: "   proc);
11789                    removeProcessLocked(proc, true, false, "system update done");
11790                }
11791            }
11793            // Now that we have cleaned up any update processes, we
11794            // are ready to start launching real processes and know that
11795            // we won't trample on them any more.
11796            mProcessesReady = true;
11797        }
11799        Slog.i(TAG, "System now ready");
11800        EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.BOOT_PROGRESS_AMS_READY,
11801            SystemClock.uptimeMillis());
11803        synchronized(this) {
11804            // Make sure we have no pre-ready processes sitting around.
11806            if (mFactoryTest == FactoryTest.FACTORY_TEST_LOW_LEVEL) {
11807                ResolveInfo ri = mContext.getPackageManager()
11808                        .resolveActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_FACTORY_TEST),
11809                                STOCK_PM_FLAGS);
11810                CharSequence errorMsg = null;
11811                if (ri != null) {
11812                    ActivityInfo ai = ri.activityInfo;
11813                    ApplicationInfo app = ai.applicationInfo;
11814                    if ((app.flags&ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM) != 0) {
11815                        mTopAction = Intent.ACTION_FACTORY_TEST;
11816                        mTopData = null;
11817                        mTopComponent = new ComponentName(app.packageName,
11818                      ;
11819                    } else {
11820                        errorMsg = mContext.getResources().getText(
11821                      ;
11822                    }
11823                } else {
11824                    errorMsg = mContext.getResources().getText(
11825                  ;
11826                }
11827                if (errorMsg != null) {
11828                    mTopAction = null;
11829                    mTopData = null;
11830                    mTopComponent = null;
11831                    Message msg = Message.obtain();
11832                    msg.what = SHOW_FACTORY_ERROR_MSG;
11833                    msg.getData().putCharSequence("msg", errorMsg);
11834                    mUiHandler.sendMessage(msg);
11835                }
11836            }
11837        }
11839        retrieveSettings();
11840        loadResourcesOnSystemReady();
11842        synchronized (this) {
11843            readGrantedUriPermissionsLocked();
11844        }
11846        if (goingCallback != null);
11848        mBatteryStatsService.noteEvent(BatteryStats.HistoryItem.EVENT_USER_RUNNING_START,
11849                Integer.toString(mCurrentUserId), mCurrentUserId);
11850        mBatteryStatsService.noteEvent(BatteryStats.HistoryItem.EVENT_USER_FOREGROUND_START,
11851                Integer.toString(mCurrentUserId), mCurrentUserId);
11852        mSystemServiceManager.startUser(mCurrentUserId);
11854        synchronized (this) {
11855            if (mFactoryTest != FactoryTest.FACTORY_TEST_LOW_LEVEL) {
11856                try {
11857                    List apps = AppGlobals.getPackageManager().
11858                        getPersistentApplications(STOCK_PM_FLAGS);
11859                    if (apps != null) {
11860                        int N = apps.size();
11861                        int i;
11862                        for (i=0; i<N; i  ) {
11863                            ApplicationInfo info
11864                                = (ApplicationInfo)apps.get(i);
11865                            if (info != null &&
11866                                    !info.packageName.equals("android")) {
11867                                addAppLocked(info, false, null /* ABI override */);
11868                            }
11869                        }
11870                    }
11871                } catch (RemoteException ex) {
11872                    // pm is in same process, this will never happen.
11873                }
11874            }
11876            // Start up initial activity.
11877            mBooting = true;
11878            startHomeActivityLocked(mCurrentUserId, "systemReady");
11880            try {
11881                if (AppGlobals.getPackageManager().hasSystemUidErrors()) {
11882                    Slog.e(TAG, "UIDs on the system are inconsistent, you need to wipe your"
11883                              " data partition or your device will be unstable.");
11884                    mUiHandler.obtainMessage(SHOW_UID_ERROR_MSG).sendToTarget();
11885                }
11886            } catch (RemoteException e) {
11887            }
11889            if (!Build.isBuildConsistent()) {
11890                Slog.e(TAG, "Build fingerprint is not consistent, warning user");
11891                mUiHandler.obtainMessage(SHOW_FINGERPRINT_ERROR_MSG).sendToTarget();
11892            }
11894            long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
11895            try {
11896                Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_USER_STARTED);
11897                intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY
11898                        | Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_FOREGROUND);
11899                intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_USER_HANDLE, mCurrentUserId);
11900                broadcastIntentLocked(null, null, intent,
11901                        null, null, 0, null, null, null, AppOpsManager.OP_NONE,
11902                        null, false, false, MY_PID, Process.SYSTEM_UID, mCurrentUserId);
11903                intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_USER_STARTING);
11904                intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY);
11905                intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_USER_HANDLE, mCurrentUserId);
11906                broadcastIntentLocked(null, null, intent,
11907                        null, new IIntentReceiver.Stub() {
11908                            @Override
11909                            public void performReceive(Intent intent, int resultCode, String data,
11910                                    Bundle extras, boolean ordered, boolean sticky, int sendingUser)
11911                                    throws RemoteException {
11912                            }
11913                        }, 0, null, null,
11914                        new String[] {INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS}, AppOpsManager.OP_NONE,
11915                        null, true, false, MY_PID, Process.SYSTEM_UID, UserHandle.USER_ALL);
11916            } catch (Throwable t) {
11917      , "Failed sending first user broadcasts", t);
11918            } finally {
11919                Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(ident);
11920            }
11921            mStackSupervisor.resumeTopActivitiesLocked();
11922            sendUserSwitchBroadcastsLocked(-1, mCurrentUserId);
11923        }
11924    }


请看11878行startHomeActivityLocked(mCurrentUserId, "systemReady");

(三)、 startHomeActivityLocked(int,String)方法解析

代码在 3479行

3479    boolean startHomeActivityLocked(int userId, String reason) {
3480        if (mFactoryTest == FactoryTest.FACTORY_TEST_LOW_LEVEL
3481                && mTopAction == null) {
3482            // We are running in factory test mode, but unable to find
3483            // the factory test app, so just sit around displaying the
3484            // error message and don't try to start anything.
3485            return false;
3486        }
3487        Intent intent = getHomeIntent();
3488        ActivityInfo aInfo =
3489            resolveActivityInfo(intent, STOCK_PM_FLAGS, userId);
3490        if (aInfo != null) {
3491            intent.setComponent(new ComponentName(
3492                    aInfo.applicationInfo.packageName,;
3493            // Don't do this if the home app is currently being
3494            // instrumented.
3495            aInfo = new ActivityInfo(aInfo);
3496            aInfo.applicationInfo = getAppInfoForUser(aInfo.applicationInfo, userId);
3497            ProcessRecord app = getProcessRecordLocked(aInfo.processName,
3498                    aInfo.applicationInfo.uid, true);
3499            if (app == null || app.instrumentationClass == null) {
3500                intent.setFlags(intent.getFlags() | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
3501                mStackSupervisor.startHomeActivity(intent, aInfo, reason);
3502            }
3503        }
3505        return true;
3506    }


(四)、 getHomeIntent()方法解析

代码在 3470行

3470    Intent getHomeIntent() {
3471        Intent intent = new Intent(mTopAction, mTopData != null ? Uri.parse(mTopData) : null);
3472        intent.setComponent(mTopComponent);
3473        if (mFactoryTest != FactoryTest.FACTORY_TEST_LOW_LEVEL) {
3474            intent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_HOME);
3475        }
3476        return intent;


(四)、 startHomeActivity(Intent,ActivityInfo,String)方法解析
908    void startHomeActivity(Intent intent, ActivityInfo aInfo, String reason) {
909        moveHomeStackTaskToTop(HOME_ACTIVITY_TYPE, reason);
910        startActivityLocked(null /* caller */, intent, null /* resolvedType */, aInfo,
911                null /* voiceSession */, null /* voiceInteractor */, null /* resultTo */,
912                null /* resultWho */, 0 /* requestCode */, 0 /* callingPid */, 0 /* callingUid */,
913                null /* callingPackage */, 0 /* realCallingPid */, 0 /* realCallingUid */,
914                0 /* startFlags */, null /* options */, false /* ignoreTargetSecurity */,
915                false /* componentSpecified */,
916                null /* outActivity */, null /* container */,  null /* inTask */);
917        if (inResumeTopActivity) {
918            // If we are in resume section already, home activity will be initialized, but not
919            // resumed (to avoid recursive resume) and will stay that way until something pokes it
920            // again. We need to schedule another resume.
921            scheduleResumeTopActivities();
922        }
923    }




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