VIIRS/NOAA20 Deep Blue Level 3 monthly aerosol data, 1x1 degree grid
联合极地卫星系统(JPSS)系列 NOAA-20 仪器中的可见红外成像辐射计套件(VIIRS)NASA 标准三级(L3)每月深蓝气溶胶产品提供了全球陆地和海洋上空气溶胶光学厚度(AOT)的卫星衍生测量值及其网格集合特性。深蓝算法借鉴了以前从陆地和海洋上的海洋观测宽视场传感器(SeaWiFS)和陆地上的中分辨率成像分光仪(MODIS)测量中检索气溶胶光学厚度的应用。
该月度汇总产品(简称:AERDB_M3_VIIRS_NOAA20)来自于版本 2.0(V2.0)的每日 L3 网格产品(AERDB_D3_VIIRS_NOAA20),以 1 x 1 度的水平分辨率网格提供。每日 L3 网格产品的算术平均值也为每月汇总产品的统计补充提供了依据。为了排除采样不佳的网格要素,该算法要求至少有 3 天的有效数据才能使给定的月度网格要素有效。该月度产品记录始于 2018 年 3 月 1 日。
该 L3 月度产品采用 netCDF 格式,包含 45 个科学数据集(SDS)图层,其名称与 L3 日度产品中的 SDS 相同,包括以下内容:
- Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Land_Count
- Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Land_Maximum
- Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Land_Mean
- Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Land_Minimum
- Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Land_Ocean_Count
- Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Land_Ocean_Maximum
- Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Land_Ocean_Mean
- Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Land_Ocean_Minimum
- Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Land_Ocean_Standard_Deviation
- Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Land_Standard_Deviation
- Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Ocean_Count
- Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Ocean_Maximum
- Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Ocean_Mean
- Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Ocean_Minimum
- Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Ocean_Standard_Deviation
- Aerosol_Type_Land_Ocean_Histogram
- Aerosol_Type_Land_Ocean_Mode
- Aerosol_Types
- Angstrom_Exponent_Land_Maximum
- Angstrom_Exponent_Land_Mean
- Angstrom_Exponent_Land_Minimum
- Angstrom_Exponent_Land_Ocean_Maximum
- Angstrom_Exponent_Land_Ocean_Mean
- Angstrom_Exponent_Land_Ocean_Minimum
- Angstrom_Exponent_Land_Ocean_Standard_Deviation
- Angstrom_Exponent_Land_Standard_Deviation
- Angstrom_Exponent_Ocean_Maximum
- Angstrom_Exponent_Ocean_Mean
- Angstrom_Exponent_Ocean_Minimum
- Angstrom_Exponent_Ocean_Standard_Deviation
- Fine_Mode_Fraction_550_Ocean_Mean
- Fine_Mode_Fraction_550_Ocean_Standard_Deviation
- Land_Bands
- Latitude
- Latitude_1D
- Longitude
- Longitude_1D
- Ocean_Bands
- Spectral_Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_Land_Count
- Spectral_Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_Land_Mean
- Spectral_Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_Land_Standard_Deviation
- Spectral_Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_Ocean_Count
- Spectral_Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_Ocean_Mean
- Spectral_Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_Ocean_Standard_Deviation
- Unsuitable_Pixel_Fraction_Land_Ocean
有关全局属性、数据字段属性、SDS 名称和说明、质量标志、处理和使用这些数据产品的软件等更多信息,请查阅 VIIRS 深蓝气溶胶产品用户指南。
Shortname: | AERDB_M3_VIIRS_NOAA20 |
Platform: | NOAA-20 |
Instrument: | VIIRS |
Processing Level: | Level-3 |
Data Format: | netCDF4 |
Spatial Resolution: | 1 degree |
Temporal Resolution: | monthly |
ArchiveSets: | 5200 |
Collection: | NPP and JPSS1 VIIRS data 2.0 (ArchiveSet 5200) |
PGE Number: | NONE |
File Naming Convention: | Syntax: ESDT.AYYYYDDD.CCC.YYYYDDDHHMMSS.Format Example: ESDT Earth Science Data Type or ShortnameA Stands for AcquisitionYYYYDDD Data acquisition year and Day-of-year per the Julian CalendarCCC Version ID of the data collectionYYYYDDDHHMMSS Processing year, Day-of-year, UTC time (hour, minutes, seconds)Format File format suffix, which in the above case represents netCDF4 |
Keywords: | NOAA20 VIIRS, L3, Monthly Aggregated, Deep Blue Aerosol Optical Thickness |
- ESDT Earth Science Data Type or Shortname
- A Stands for Acquisition
- YYYYDDD Data acquisition year and Day-of-year per the Julian Calendar
- CCC Version ID of the data collection
- YYYYDDDHHMMSS Processing year, Day-of-year, UTC time (hour, minutes, seconds)
- Format File format suffix, which in the above case represents netCDF4
Keywords:NOAA20 VIIRS, L3, Monthly Aggregated, Deep Blue Aerosol Optical Thickness
代码语言:javascript复制!pip install leafmap
!pip install pandas
!pip install folium
!pip install matplotlib
!pip install mapclassify
import pandas as pd
import leafmap
url = ""
df = pd.read_csv(url, sep="t")
results, gdf = leafmap.nasa_data_search(
bounding_box=(-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0),
temporal=("2000-07-20", "2024-08-08"),
count=-1, # use -1 to return all datasets
#leafmap.nasa_data_download(results[:5], out_dir="data")
VIIRS/NOAA20 Deep Blue Level 3 monthly aerosol data, 1x1 degree grid - LAADS DAAC