【Rust日报】2024-05-05 用于验证Rust代码正确性的工具

2024-05-10 16:49:20 浏览数 (2)

[new lib] verus

Verus 是一种用于验证用 Rust 编写的代码正确性的工具。开发人员编写代码应该做什么的规范,Verus 静态检查可执行的 Rust 代码是否始终满足所有可能执行代码的规范。

Verus 没有添加运行时检查,而是依靠强大的求解器来证明代码是正确的。Verus 目前支持 Rust 的一个子集(正在努力扩展),在某些情况下,它允许开发人员超越标准的 Rust 类型系统,静态检查代码的正确性,例如,操作原始指针。

GitHub: https://github.com/verus-lang/verus

[new lib] cvtek

使用 TOML 文件制作简历。示例如下:

full_name = "John Doe"
email_addr = "john@doe.com"
github_username = "github"
linkedin_username = "linkedin"
location = "Some Place, Earth"
phone_number = "1234567890"

course_name = "Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science"
timeline = "August 2003 - July 2007"
university_name = "University at My Place"
university_link = "https://myopenuniversity.university"
location = "Another Place, Earth"
course_grade = "A"
points = ["Did some useful work Y", "Did some useful work Z"]

comp_name = "Company ABC"
comp_link = "https://mygoodcompany.company"
exp_name = "Engineer"
timeline = "August 2008 - Present"
location = "Another place, Earth"
points = ["I joined this when i had mood to join", "I joined this to prove myself", "I achieved ABC here"]

title = "My good project XYZ"
timeline = "January 2006 - Present"
project_link = "https://github.com/github"
description = "Some incredible project that I created"
points = ["I created this when i had mood to create", "I created this to prove myself"]

Technologies = "A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, whatever"
Frameworks = "ABC, DEF, GHI, JKL, whatever"



GitHub: https://github.com/varbhat/cvtek

[new lib] buttplug

Buttplug 是一个开源标准和软件项目,用于控制私密硬件。

主页: https://buttplug.io/

GitHub: https://github.com/buttplugio/buttplug

From 日报小组 长琴

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