生信入门 第一天

2024-06-07 13:35:36 浏览数 (2)

This is my 1st day homework of Bioinformatics Introductory Course by 生信星球.

一、How to kick off Bioinformatics study?

Problem solving/trouble shooting

  1. by search Google Bing 虫部落快搜 https://search.chongbuluo.com/
  2. by tutorials 搜狗微信 搜狗知乎 Github
  3. by discussion with study group
  4. by Q&A

二、Build up an efficient computer environment

ps: download them from their official websites


  1. IE: Chrome and Edge, Plug-in App: Scholarscope (already got it)
  2. Search local documents Windows by "Everything" Mac by its own search function
  3. Screen capture "snipaste", tutorial by Huahua: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/YAGc-lfd5zNqChCYwz5gWA

Taking notes:

  1. online notes, friendly to coding or command lines
  2. mind map, recommend "markdown" task for today is taking a note using markdown grammar: 1) title and subtiles: using "# ", "## ", "### ", ... 2) code block: using "enter code enter"

3) citation: >

Fangyuan Jiang, et al. Impact of ambient air pollution on colorectal cancer risk and survival: insights from a prospective cohort and epigenetic Mendelian randomization study. EBioMedicine, 2024 May:103:105126. doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2024.105126. Epub 2024 Apr 16.

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