原始数据需要上传到SRA, 有processed data的可以上传到GEO。否则就需要上传到SRA dataset。
Mac OS terminal:(There is standard introduction in the SRA submission page to guide users how to upload the fastq files through FTP)
代码语言:txt复制New Remote Connection--Secure file transfer--输入User--点击connect---弹出的对话框输入password
cd uploads/...../new_folder
mput *.fq (upload multiple files)
# 由于数据存放在server上,Mac OS terminal上总是无法定位到fastq存放的文件夹,导致始终没法mput所有的文件。
#于是我将fq的文件夹copy至home-user下,然后 mput ./fq/*.fq*
Windows system: 考虑用git bash 的curl command:
代码语言:bash复制# all commands were ran in git bash terminal under Windows system
username = wangxiaoer
password = 1234567
ftpAdress = ftp-private.xiaoerwang.com
directory = wangxiaoer/new_Folder
cd wangxiaoer/fastq/ #go to the directory where fastq files locate
for file in *; do curl -u $username:$password-T $file ftp://$ftpAdress/$directory/; done
#transfer all files into the wangxiaoer/new_Folder.
#Attention: 我在用这个方法传fq文件的时候遇到了timeout的问题,fq文件夹里面有80个文件,
#但是传了8个就开始出现timeout的问题,后续的文件我只能通过上述Mac OS terminal的方式解决。
#BTW, git bash的方式传输文件的速度(1min40s/file)比Mac OS terminal方式 (4min40s/file)更快。